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Annoying trends.


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I made a Facebook account years upon years ago when it was still unknown. I've never made any good use of it (can anyone make good use of it??)

Well I actively searched for friends from the old school I haven't seen in awhile. And looking at photos is fun. Since you used the amazing sleeping smiley, I trust we will never see you posting, or even looking in the image gallery.

and don't think I've every actively searched for and friended someone.

... That's probably why.

Recently I managed to get my Twitter set up to update my Facebook (status or whatever) which is mighty cool, giving my Facebook account the illusion of being alive.

Why, if you don't really care?

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Bu-but I like mine! :sad:


Big baggy kneckercheifs are cool as fuck. One step closer to raggedy-man, Mad Max fashion is always good, but the fact that it's a Palestinian sybol makes it a modern day Che Guevarra T Shirt (not dwelling on specific politics, just the fact that it's a symbol not many people know the meaning of).

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I personally think that Mobile Phone Contracts for young people should be banished.

I can see the business sense of it but in a world where a lot of young people get EMA just for being in education (which I firmly believe is wrong) we are seeing a nation where the age of being in debt is crippling our youth.

Speaking of EMA, it was created as a means to create equality yet it has done the complete opposite and wrecked what education should be about. Learning and growing as a person - not claiming a wage as a motivation to keep you there/make you go. You've got the rest of your life for that...


Perhaps you should have to be 18 (I may argue that 21 is a better age as you are more likely to be financially stable) before you can enter into any Direct Debit contract with a business of certain kinds. It's just shocking how many people I see (and know) who have 'teh latest gadgetronics' in their pockets and in their houses yet they can barely afford it. Kinda sets the tone for the rest of their lives.


No wonder the UK is in millions of pounds worth of debt. I guess it's ok though if you've a huge TV, new car and your kids all have the latest tech. At least you can then 'screw' the government over (as well as the millions who contribute to the UK's economy by working a 40+hr week).


Grumble...Just seems that it's a somewhat 'trend' for young people to enter into contracts to gain something which maybe they should actually have to, y'know, earn?


Maybe if this model exists for everything there will be little appreciation of anything later in life.

Edited by tapedeck
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I hope so. :p But its all for food and clothing, I'm sure they've got the latest gadgets.


30k to raise 15 children... it isn't a great deal really. I mean being on benefits I don't really think they should be getting anymore than that, but it's not like their living the high life. Unless you meant it's sickening that it can be so difficult for some people to find well paid work. I think I saw the story you mean actually, on the Daily Mail's website - naturally there were a lot of hate filled comments on there.


One thing I do want to go away is autobiographies being written by crappy celebrities or people under 30. What is the point?

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30k to raise 15 children... it isn't a great deal really. I mean being on benefits I don't really think they should be getting anymore than that, but it's not like their living the high life. Unless you meant it's sickening that it can be so difficult for some people to find well paid work. I think I saw the story you mean actually, on the Daily Mail's website - naturally there were a lot of hate filled comments on there.


One thing I do want to go away is autobiographies being written by crappy celebrities or people under 30. What is the point?


Its not alot for 15 children no, but its not particularly fair she gets 30k a year just because she couldn't be bothered to put a limit on these things. Fair enough if she had 8 kids like the octomom in america, but she just repeatedly kept reproducing. So tax payers have to fork out money for them to live.


Anyway this should be for another thread or pm! ^_^

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People should really only get money for their first 2 kids, and have to fund any others themselves. Benefit scroungers are only reproducing at such a rate because the system can be easily abused...if such a limit were put in place, they sure as hell wouldn't do it. People are greedy as fuck.

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Douche Glasses.




I almost got a pair of these 3 years ago because I thought they'd be an amusing kind of different. Then everyone started wearing them.


Twitter is an annoying trend, I did sign up for it a while ago, but I just can't get my head round how its cool, its fucking boring! Its not even addictive like facebook..


I think Twitter for normal people to post "Mmm! Coffee on a winter morning! :p " is completely rubbish. If you want to do that, you can do so on Facebook already anyway, and Facebook is just far more efficient in what it does in every possible way.




Twitter is interesting in the way it's connected "celebrities" or famous people with their fans. Very unheard of...answering questions and stuff, getting really intimate with these people who were previously untouchable. That's an interesting turn of events.


I enjoy Twitter. Yes its "an aspect of facebook writ large" but so are photo sites, flash game sites etc. Plus Twitter, to me, is more about the spontaneous updates. If someone updates their status a few times a day it seems annoying, to me, but on Twitter its fine. Weird, but whatever.


Plus as Paj alludes to it is helpful for celebs. Some actually post useful stuff (although I don't follow Fry personally so not sure what he posts). But like The Boy Least Likely are really good for replying. I once tweeted "My journey to work was much more bearable thanks to @theboyhimself" and he (they?) replied with "it was great going to work with you x" And other times (he asked about the bookshop in Highgate which I'd been to and other similar stuff). Nice...connection.


Plus I found this amazing image thanks to Kristen Bell's twitter:



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People should really only get money for their first 2 kids, and have to fund any others themselves. Benefit scroungers are only reproducing at such a rate because the system can be easily abused...if such a limit were put in place, they sure as hell wouldn't do it. People are greedy as fuck.


You'd effectively stop a lot of people having kids, plus, I'm a triplet and the last born so FUCK YOU :santa:


Besides, the kids will have to work, those benefits will stop when they reach around 16 I think.


Also @the scarf...I got a similar from my girlfriend for christmas. I love it. And I look damn sexy in it to. It stays.

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Next someone will be saying Superdry.


Just because its finally grown up big enough to be recognised and put in more stores for general public to buy. OH NOES. Lots of people will buy it!


I have a nice Henley top and hoody as well. I feel like such a fashion sell out, luckily I don't give a shit?

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Oh don't get me wrong, the majority of it is trash but thats what the chavs buy.

But the whole of it can't be summed up in one subjectively disapproving view.


Hopefully Superdry keeps it satisfctory and doesn't start churning out rubbish just for a bit of revenue.

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I'm talking about the people who want them simply because they're the "in" thing to have.


Case in point, I talked to someone who recently had his brother get out of prison after 10 years, he came out, and heard iPod was the in thing, so traded one for weed. (What a jewel!). Hasn't got a computer. Never used one.


Steve Jobs is so fucking cool he can sell a product to somebody who can't even use it

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Sorry but I have no qualms at all with supporting a mum of 15 kids. 30k really is nothing at all to help with the children - if anything I'd say she should have more.


The reason why this IS NOT a disgusting waste of tax payers' money is because she is giving the country 15 people who can each end up paying the government taxes that they can use to really waste their money (on EMAs and flowers) which is more than YOU'RE doing for the government.


PLUS (real argument) that's fifteen real people brought into the earth. Give her some slack.




I have no real problems with any current fashions/trends. I have already digivolved into an Old Geyser who has no idea what the Cool Thing is, anyway...


Am I now okay to go out in just a dressing gown?


My dreams of being Arthur Dent might one day become true...


I have an Arthur Dent dressing gown. Nothing official, it just looks The Deal.

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Am I the only person who's old iPod is still going strong? I've never had any problems with mine at all and it hasn't exactly had an easy night (plays all through the night, every night to help me sleep.)


My 5th Gen Classic is on its last legs, its done well over four years service now. Got some screen bleeding and it has a few hard drive problems which usually either causes delays finding songs or during a song. But the walking wounded lives on!

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You'd effectively stop a lot of people having kids, plus, I'm a triplet and the last born so FUCK YOU :santa:


Besides, the kids will have to work, those benefits will stop when they reach around 16 I think.


Also @the scarf...I got a similar from my girlfriend for christmas. I love it. And I look damn sexy in it to. It stays.


Yeah...the kids will work! :p I'm sure many won't follow in their layabout parents' footsteps and seek unemployment benefit, or become tearaways. Not all, but many of such large families that crop up often seem to arise in deprived areas where the parents are often long-term unemployed, and there's a high incidence of crime and antioscial behaviour. Again, I say not all, before someone goes off on one.


It's nice to be an idealist and say that all 15 children will contribute to the tax pool...but we all know that won't happen. Claiming for 15 kids is ridiculous, no matter how you see it. What aren't you getting from having 4 kids that you are getting from 15? No one in their right mind could argue that it's a good thing, particularly given our projected population. And the funny thing is, parents of such children are capable of getting by on said benefits without the need for a job. That clearly demonstrates the flawed system; that this allows people to remain jobless.

Edited by Sheikah
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