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Wow...that was embarrasing...


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OK, N-E, what is your most embarrassing or awkward moment EVER? Any funny stories that happened to you?


Basically what brought me on to ask this question to you is an incident that happened earlier on today. I went to my friend's house and him and his family were mucking about and having a laugh. So I joined in and then RIIIP!


...my trousers ripped. I still don't know how it happened but it happened. I weren't embarrassed but I did find it funny...OK, I was a little embarrassed :grin:


So, what's yours?

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The first time I went to a friend's house I did a poop in his loo, but it was too big and wouldn't flush. I was scared and confused, and 12 years old. I told my friend, he told his dad, and his dad got the toilet brush to snap the beast. Muchos embarassment.


The first time I french kissed a girl she recoiled in pain because I accidentally bit her tongue. I wanted to die.

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Gutted Mr Odwin.


I can remember way back when i was just a weee little 'en, i came out of school at the end of the day, saw my parents outside the gate waiting to pick me up, then started running towards them. Then somewhere along the way to them i shut my eyes and ended up hugging some complete stranger :red:

My parents were just stood laughing at me :(


This one wasn't so embarrasing for me, moreso for a mates girlfriend.

I had a vertical poo (it just sat in the pan vertically, unassisted :o) at my house in Manchester and i was amazed, so i called my mate Diamond to come and see it but hadn't realised him and his mrs were having the sexy-time. He came rushing (thats pretty much the only word to describe it) out of his room, leaving her half way through to come and look at my poo :laughing:

In fairness to him, it was an awesome poo :D

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This one wasn't so embarrasing for me, moreso for a mates girlfriend.

I had a vertical poo (it just sat in the pan vertically, unassisted :o) at my house in Manchester and i was amazed, so i called my mate Diamond to come and see it but hadn't realised him and his mrs were having the sexy-time. He came rushing (thats pretty much the only word to describe it) out of his room, leaving her half way through to come and look at my poo :laughing:

In fairness to him, it was an awesome poo :D

... Oh my god! :laughing: I don't know whether to laugh or cry!

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The first time I french kissed a girl she recoiled in pain because I accidentally bit her tongue. I wanted to die.


This happened to me but the other way round. The girl bit MY tongue really hard. I almost screamed, lmao.


... Oh my god! :laughing: I don't know whether to laugh or cry!


This. That story was just funny. I can't believe your mate left his girlfriend to look at your dump! lmao.

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Biting? What way do you people kiss anyway?


I don't know! lmao. I'm apparently a good kisser but there were three girls who I've kissed who were doing it seriously weird. One bit my tongue (as I mentioned), one stuck their tongue down my throat and another...I could have sworn she was trying to eat my face...

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This one wasn't so embarrasing for me, moreso for a mates girlfriend.

I had a vertical poo (it just sat in the pan vertically, unassisted :o) at my house in Manchester and i was amazed, so i called my mate Diamond to come and see it but hadn't realised him and his mrs were having the sexy-time. He came rushing (thats pretty much the only word to describe it) out of his room, leaving her half way through to come and look at my poo :laughing:

In fairness to him, it was an awesome poo :D


Haha, that's priceless. I demand transcription of that moment.


"Dude, what do you mean by 'my dump is standing up like a homo

sapiens' ?! I gotta see that shit!"

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I don't know! lmao. I'm apparently a good kisser but there were three girls who I've kissed who were doing it seriously weird. One bit my tongue (as I mentioned), one stuck their tongue down my throat and another...I could have sworn she was trying to eat my face...


Haha, there's nothing worse than a bad kisser.


Has anyone experienced the 'whirltongue'? Basically, the other person puts their tongue in your mouth and whirls it round and around. Never stopping. It's horrible. Another awful one is kissing a smoker! Eww.

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This isn't about me, but a friend told me this Golden story a few years back.


He's an old school friend, and he was getting jiggy with a female. To his delight, she asked him if he fancied a blow job (I hate that term, but there's no nice way of saying it.)


Him being him, he was delighted. So, stripped off to his boxers, layed down on the bed and began to think of beautiful things.


The next thing he knows, she's physically blowing onto his penis...Having air blown onto such a sensitive thing, he jumped up and just put his clothes back on. I think it gave him one hell of a shock. Don't think he saw her again after that.


I was in stitches when he told me this. :laughing:

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On a school art trip to Barcelona, I was in the WORST room inthe hostel ever, with lots of people I find hilarious, but am only semi-friends with (i.e we get on, but they get fucking annoying after a while), and for some reason their chat kept me up all night. As though my tiredness was too weak to overcome their voices. I tried to overdose on Calpol (only thing I could find that I knew made you slightly sleepy), but yeah. At like 1am there was knock on the door, and everyone was of course suddenly silent, as they knew it was one of our teachers telling us to be quiet. Eventually, no one got it, so being a fucking goody two-shoes, I had to get up and answer it.

I answered it in my t-shirt and boxers (what I was wearing in bed), and it was one of the art teachers, and he made some general comment about being quiet which I was about to agree with, until one of the guys in my room pulled down my boxers in front of the teacher. I remember being so bleary-eyed than I sort of dove behind the half-open door and lay there, hoping my dignity escaped too.

I had that teacher the year after, our relationship never really blossomed.

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blow job (I hate that term, but there's no nice way of saying it.)


Fellatio? Oral sex?


Not particularly embarrassing, but I used to ride my horse out onto the football field for highschool home games. At the last home game of the season I was running down the field and turned....my saddle started to slide sideways and off I went. In front of 2 football teams the marching bands and an entire stand full of on lookers.


I only had one teacher mess with me about it.


Inspired by Flink's story, I'll tell a short one I had nothing to do with. My friend was chatting up some girl before a test started, later on he's talking to his friend and the girl comes up and asks what they're talking about, the second guy immediately says Gay Sex....She didn't talk to either of them again.

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I used to have a picture of the amazing turd on my phone, but sadly i have lost / broke at least three phones since then.


That brings another slightly embarrasing story: I was at a club last christmas eve, getting on overly well with my mates older sister, when Vanilla Ice got played. Cue some over the top comedy dancing... Cue me falling flat on my ass (breaking the screen on my phone :sad:). All my mates enjoyed it, so........icon14.gif eyyyyyyy icon14.gif.

The only thing (apart from the alcohol) that stopped that moment being mortifying was Beth had gone to the bar at the start of the song and missed my heroic tumble :grin:

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i once walked home from school desperate for a piss and considering its a 45 minute walk i held on for a long time but eventually i had to go so i went to a nearby bush and as i started a girl came round the corner so i quickly covered myself and pretended i was getting some paper out of my pocket.

I hope to god i never meet that girl again

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I asked dynastygal to come on N-Europe.


You win. Competition over. World ends. Big sign where Earth used to be. Says "Sheikah Is Teh Winnar".


Seriously though, that did make me crack my cheeks.



Classic one... called my French teacher "Dad".


I was 22.

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