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Hours in a Day


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What does your day usually consist of in a day, in hours? I also want to see how many hours are then spent on gaming... And then maybe we can ask where our lives are going. ;)


I spend:

7-8 hours sleeping

8 hours at work

2 hours traveling to and from work.

2 hours taekwondo/gym training

2-3 hours foraging on the Internet(...)


the rest must go to my Command & Conquer 3 addiction.



:/ that's my life down the pan in a nutshell.

Edited by King_V
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Hmm, this is difficult to work out.


Let's say I get up at half 5 for work. Half 6 - I leave the house for work.


So, about an hour and a half travelling to work, and maybe more coming back.



3 hours travelling to work.

8 hours of work (so, 11 hours)

About 2 hours gymming it up and then showering afterwards. I take my time, I love showering to recover after working out.

(so, 13 hours)

Then, I spend quite a few hours talking to the Ine/Eenuh/Eenooo.

Eating. I probably spend a fair bit of my life making cups of tea for me and the family too, haha.

Oh yeah, about 8 hours of sleep, I try to aim for now. So...around 21 hours there.

Then a couple of hours spent between browsing the internets and gaming. If there's any football on, I tend to watch that. Because I don't have much spare time, I usually try and do various things at once. My Mum came into the front room the one time and saw me with the laptop and N-E open, MSN open, TV on with me playing a game and drinking cups of tea at one time. That's time management.

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Well at the moment:


1. 4 hours Sleeping.

2. 8 hours doing work + lectures.

3. 6 hours with my friend

4. 4 hours watching anime

5. The rest eating/internet/music/videogames.








I played a game on my Wii while watching a movie/listening to music/playing a game on my DS/talking on msn before. :grin: Challenging and in the end didn't work out but fun! :)

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10 hours sleep

2 hours lectures

0.5 hours getting to and from everywhere

1.5 hours dining / eating

3 hours doing work (Averaged across the week (I normally wait till Sunday and do 10 hours of work - includes tutorials)

2.5 hours on the internet / listening to music / fannying around my room

2 hours doing stuff with friends / generally being out and about

2.5 hours going to the pub / out at night

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Crying at maths, but I'll estimate. I'll just do a timetable thing for my own ease of working out.


Mon - Thurs

7.45 - I get up. I hate having less than an hour to get ready. I need time to regain my faculties, and I generally hate stress. I need to sit and mull my wine.

9.00 - Leave house.

9.20 (roughly) arrive at college. I usually walk, as it's so close. I just stroll and iPod. Or if I'm lazy, there's a bus stop quite literally outside my front door there. :) I'm lucky.

11.00 Break

11.30 Back to work

13.00 Lunch

14.00 Back to work

16.30 College ends (usually)

Back home before 17.00 (usually)

Fuck about for the rest of the day, go to bed when I'm tired/usually obscenely late.


I know the above isn't what was asked, but why would I do maths?

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6-12 hours sleeping.

5 hours variating between internet/podcasts/videogames (often simultaneously)

45 minutes fucking

2 hours reading

4 hours idling and staring into space contemplating the worthlessness of my life/playing guitar/any other activity I might be forced into.

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4 hours idling and staring into space contemplating the worthlessness of my life/playing guitar/any other activity I might be forced into.


Wow... why not spend some of this time on getting over yourself? You might find that not only is life worth living, but that in the grand scheme of things the worthlessness of your life means nothing to the world at large. :)


My day:


7 hours sleep

8-10 hours work

2 hours traveling

1 hour at the gym

1-2 hours playing Wii

1 hour messing about on the internet

.39 minutes masturbating

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0.39 minutes?!


Well, when you get to my age...


It occurred to me I might have a problem the other day... I was talking with the sax player from the band about Deep Heat muscle rub... he said "It's real bad when you accidentally masturbate with that..."


...I don't accidentally masturbate with anything... it's all... preplanned...

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I played a game on my Wii while watching a movie/listening to music/playing a game on my DS/talking on msn before. :grin: Challenging and in the end didn't work out but fun! :)

Depends on the game. I've been playing Prime 3 Corruption with movies in the background [last instance: Die Hard] and as always MSN going. Works out fine.

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I love this thread. Some of you are crazy.



8 Hours Sleeping (typically 11:30pm to 7:30am)

45 Minutes Morning Interwhebz/Video Gamez (typically 7:30am - 8:15am)

30 Minutes Travelling to Work (15 minutes there, 15 back)

8 Hours at Work fail.

1 Hour on Internet (5:15pm-6:15pm)

1.5 Hours on Video Games (6:15-7:45pm)

2.5 Hours on TV win (7:45pm-10:15pm) ish.


Or variation of Cinema replacing TV/Video Games slots. Weekend update when I'm less busy./

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Some of you have crazy timetables! Lawl at Iun, that made my day reading that.


Weekdays (its varies but for the most part..)


7-9hours sleep

1-3hours class (weds I don't have class)

4-10hours work/computer


My days are pretty quiet really, I eat, sleep, go to uni and then work on my computer. Day in day out.


Weekends are pretty much the same, except I usually swap class for a meal out or something.

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This is a typical day lay-out of hours.


6-8 hours - Sleeping

1 hour - Job searching

8+ hours - Entertainment Corner (consists of TV, PC, 360, Wii, Sky, Blu-ray and DAB Radio)

2 hours tops - Consuming food/drinks

5 hours - Other


The 8 hours entertainment is my fulfilment of the working hours i would be doing if i had a job.


This plan minus the Job searching goes for the weekend, just with the now 6 hours of other goes into pubbing. Friday and Monday's, the 5 hours of other is pubbing

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Standard Weekday:


12:00 to 7:00 - Sleeping

7:00 to 7:45 - Breakfast, Shower, Dressed & Cup of Tea

7:45 to 8:00 - Walking to Station/Waiting for Train

8:00 to 8:15 - Sitting on Train

8:15 to 8:35 - Walking to Work

8:35 to 8:50 - Talking/Turning on Computer

8:50 to 12:00 - Work

12:00 to 12:30 - Lunch

12:30 to 4:50 - Work

4:50 to 5:15 - Walking to Station/Waiting for Train

5:15 to 5:30* - Train Journey

5:30 - 5:40 - Walking home

5:40 - 6:00 - Usually internet

6:00 - 6:15 - Tea

6:15 - 12:00 - Internet/Games/TV (no particular routine).

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Guest Stefkov

My current situation.

6-12 hours sleeping.

12-24 hours on the computer/playing games/walking to Sainsburys and buying food.

40 minutes eating food.

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Hmmm my timetable is really irregular, but if I have a full day at school it'll be something like this:


5-7 hours of sleep

1-1.5 hours to get ready for school

30 minutes to get to school

4 hours of class

1 hour lunch in school

3-4 hours of class

30 minutes to get home


Rest of the day is spent working for school/working on a project/thinking about working for school. Occasionally watch some tv or play a game(about an hour per day maybe). And of course I pretty much always have my laptop with me for internet haha.

So nothing interesting. =P

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Man, I'm jealous of a lot of your days! I know I don't get enough sleep, and spend too long working. Here's my typical week day:


5.45 - Get up, have breakfast, surf the Net.

6.30 - Have a shower, shave and get dressed.

7.00 - Leave for work.

7.15 - Arrive at work and make a start.

12.00 to 1.00 - Lunch break, of which I usually spend at least 3/4 of the time working.

6.00 - Leave work.

6.30 - Get home. Usually 1 to 3 more hours of work before bed. Rest of the time spent having dinner, washing up, watching TV and if I'm lucky, gaming.

11.30 to 12.30 - Get to sleep at some point between these hours, ready for another 5.45 wake up!


And then at the weekend there can be anywhere between 1 and maybe 8 hours more work, depending on the week.


Who says teachers have it easy?

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Man, I'm jealous of a lot of your days! I know I don't get enough sleep, and spend too long working. Here's my typical week day:


5.45 - Get up, have breakfast, surf the Net.

6.30 - Have a shower, shave and get dressed.

7.00 - Leave for work.

7.15 - Arrive at work and make a start.

12.00 to 1.00 - Lunch break, of which I usually spend at least 3/4 of the time working.

6.00 - Leave work.

6.30 - Get home. Usually 1 to 3 more hours of work before bed. Rest of the time spent having dinner, washing up, watching TV and if I'm lucky, gaming.

11.30 to 12.30 - Get to sleep at some point between these hours, ready for another 5.45 wake up!


And then at the weekend there can be anywhere between 1 and maybe 8 hours more work, depending on the week.


Who says teachers have it easy?


I'm so glad I don't have any of the marking stuff to do. Get yourself working in a special needs school its so much easier!

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I'm so glad I don't have any of the marking stuff to do. Get yourself working in a special needs school its so much easier!


Usually the evening work is more planning, than marking, for me. Although I suppose if I worked in a school where there was less to mark (having fewer than 35 children in my class would be a start!) I suppose I'd get the planning done at school..

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