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I have not been able to connect to the e-shop for over a week.

Anybody encountering similar issues or know of a fix?

I had the issue. Completely power off your Switch by holding the button down (not sleep mode) and it should work when you boot back up.

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Yep, this happened to every Switch console, me thinks. I lost the ability to get online as well, and they posted an article about it on Kotaku too. Just need to do a hard reset, and you should be back online again. I have no idea why this happened though, maybe they tried to send out an update that went wrong or something?

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Yep, this happened to every Switch console, me thinks. I lost the ability to get online as well, and they posted an article about it on Kotaku too. Just need to do a hard reset, and you should be back online again. I have no idea why this happened though, maybe they tried to send out an update that went wrong or something?


For those of you it's happened to once so far - has it happened again or does it at least seem to be a one off thing so far?

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Oh know long loading times still a thing:



Better than the Wii U version, but still unacceptably long. Looks like a poor port job really.


With the Switch having more than 3 times the amount of RAM to work with than the Wii U, I don't see why they don't just leave the open world in RAM at all times and just avoid having to reload it alltogether ::shrug:

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Better than the Wii U version, but still unacceptably long. Looks like a poor port job really.


With the Switch having more than 3 times the amount of RAM to work with than the Wii U, I don't see why they don't just leave the open world in RAM at all times and just avoid having to reload it alltogether ::shrug:


Avoided the wii u version and looks like will skip this. Can't handle long loading times.

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Oh know long loading times still a thing:



Well that had made the decision easy for me. Can't be dealing with them loading times.


Won't be buying on switch. Let's see how the PS4 version turns out.


Personally expect to see the switch version being a right mess full of bad coding. Fact it is still 720p docked is a bad sign.

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It will come as a massive surprise to absolutely no one that the monthly summary in the parental control app sucks balls.


One step forward, two steps back.


Give me a goddamn 3DS style activity log, is it REALLY that complicated?




Yup, hugely disappointed. What good is being able to see what games you've played if you can't see how long you've played them for!?


Hopefully they fix that in the future...

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Well that had made the decision easy for me. Can't be dealing with them loading times.


Won't be buying on switch. Let's see how the PS4 version turns out.


Personally expect to see the switch version being a right mess full of bad coding. Fact it is still 720p docked is a bad sign.


PS4 version isnt even running at a stable solid framerate. This sounds like one shitty port they are charging full price for.

Edited by liger05
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That's a real shame, I was hoping they'd have fixed the issues on the Wii U version. Does the PS4 version include the warp pipe and other Nintendo bits that were in lego city on the Wii U?? or are they substituted for other things?

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Lost count how many devs at EGX Rezzed added 'and just recently, Switch" when I asked where their game was releasing on.


But I want them nooooooooooow :heh: Good stuff though, obviously.


How was Rezzed? Would have loved to have gone but couldn't get out of work (as I'd already been off for two weeks) and couldn't get tickets for today.

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How was Rezzed? Would have loved to have gone but couldn't get out of work (as I'd already been off for two weeks) and couldn't get tickets for today.


Really great, I enjoyed it a lot more than the last EGX in September.


Rime looked absolutely beautiful but the controls were a little floaty, for lack of a better word.


Switch had a dedicated section. Steamworld Dig 2 looks even better than the first, only got to play the tutorial level though. The dev said it was an easy decision going back to another Dig game after Heist. Levels aren't procedurally generated since they hired a trio of designers. Gonner was ok, quite weird, the devs didn't seem too interested in talking to players and walking them through things. There was also Fast, Snipperclips, Flipping Death, Pocket Rumble (which looks great and plays brilliantly) and a couple of others.


Probably the two highlights for me though were Figment, gorgeous hand-drawn puzzle adventure game that I suspect you might like and Planet Alpha a 2D puzzle platformer/adventure similar (ish) in structure to Inside. Art direction was beautiful.


Edit: I've just google image'd Planet Alpha, there's a ton of new content that must have been just-revealed at Rezzed because the latest build looks far better.

Edited by Ronnie
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Well, I went and caved in and bought a Switch. All my good intentions of waiting after E3, thrown out of the window after seeing a purchable Switch in the wild... I must be weak.


Well, atleast the train to work has become a lot more interesting. ;) And to be fair, It was the first Nintendo-system since SNES I didn't get at launch. :) Some things are just meant to be, I guess.


I've sent a friends request to everyone on the list. If anyone is interested, my FC is 2343-1103-4059. Free to join the party! :D MK8 Deluxe, Bomberman and RMX ahoy!

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Really great, I enjoyed it a lot more than the last EGX in September.


Rime looked absolutely beautiful but the controls were a little floaty, for lack of a better word.


Switch had a dedicated section. Steamworld Dig 2 looks even better than the first, only got to play the tutorial level though. The dev said it was an easy decision going back to another Dig game after Heist. Levels aren't procedurally generated since they hired a trio of designers. Gonner was ok, quite weird, the devs didn't seem too interested in talking to players and walking them through things. There was also Fast, Snipperclips, Flipping Death, Pocket Rumble (which looks great and plays brilliantly) and a couple of others.


Probably the two highlights for me though were Figment, gorgeous hand-drawn puzzle adventure game that I suspect you might like and Planet Alpha a 2D puzzle platformer/adventure similar (ish) in structure to Inside. Art direction was beautiful.


Edit: I've just google image'd Planet Alpha, there's a ton of new content that must have been just-revealed at Rezzed because the latest build looks far better.


Sounds good!



With the 5.6 update, Unity now supports Nintendo Switch. Games have already been released that used it (Super Bomberman and Snipperclips), but I believe this means its now officially supported whereas I assume those titles were released using an early build and/or with support from Unity.


Should hopefully mean we'll see more games soon too :)

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Tried some of the Switch demos too but couldnt do much as was on stand for most of my day. Really surprised at how much I didnt like Gonner. Control scheme was horrendous and the game itself just feels really mediocre. Apart from the visuals it was just dull.


Pocket rumble was a lot of fun but im not sure how much legs its got as each character seemed to have about 7 moves which is much less than any fighter ive ever played.

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Better than the Wii U version, but still unacceptably long. Looks like a poor port job really.


With the Switch having more than 3 times the amount of RAM to work with than the Wii U, I don't see why they don't just leave the open world in RAM at all times and just avoid having to reload it alltogether ::shrug:


Do agree it's probably a poor/lazy port job - really expected them to fix it though. I imagine we won't be seeing it with the XBone/PS4 versions but it does make me feel a little happier knowing it's not completely kicking the shit out of my wii u version :p

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