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Sonic the Hedgehog 4 (XBLA, PSN, WiiWare)


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I suppose they expect you to LOCK ON and hit it... which slows down the pace of the game... ugh


I hate to be so negative about this, But I like to think I know the classic sonic games very well and VERY little was wrong with the gameplay in those days. They were simpler to play than even super mario bros only requiring 1 button!.. I'm not saying it was picture perfect but the actual handing was fine!


If I had to pick things to improve about the originals games it would be the boss battles.

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ugh i know.......well look if sega can put all their inevitable fail ideas into one level then I can deal with that :)


I'd still prefer it if they scrapped that stage and made something more like the DKC mine level or even the mine cart stage from Sonic 2 (Master System version).

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I'd still prefer it if they scrapped that stage and made something more like the DKC mine level or even the mine cart stage from Sonic 2 (Master System version).


yes now THAT would be a great idea. It Would change the pace of the gameplay, it would stick with the theme of speed and wouln't look horribly out of place..It's tried and true gameplay and sega have done it before..


but sonic team isn't that smart or dimps or whoever the hell makes sonic these days :)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Oh dear. I've just seen the minecart thing..

I generally dislike most forms of tilt controls, especially in 2D sidescrolling context. I don't like it in Wario Land, don't like it in NSMB, hate it in Mario Kart, but I'll make an exception for Kororinpa, and weirdly enough I do like it in Days of Disaster. But in NSMB you never had to navigate an entire level using tilt controls (and if you did have to, I obviously purged it from my mind). I love Mario, and I like Sonic, but not enough to endure a whole level of tilt controlling.

Not sure if I'll get it now.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I saw a link to it earlier but thought it was fake. Looks OK.


I don't think they have actually made what they intended to make. They've tried to change Sonic all this time and failed, and yet when they try to go back to grass roots it still looks like they've failed. It could be a good Sonic game, but when I think back to the Megadrive games the design in this seems disappointing. By design I mean the actual levels and components within ithem, I'm not as bothered about the cosmetics.

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Long and final rant about this game because i've made up my mind about this now:


well ok. My main problem is the homing attack.

It's like they won't admit everything they've added since sonic and knuckles has made the game shit so they say to themselves.

"HEY. We'll keep it like the old games BUT put in those "improved" elements we've created since"


The homing attack needlessly complicates the gameplay. Its like if Nintendo put a double jump into new super mario bros.. . It's needless and just overcomplicates things and seems to create these very awkward moments where sonic hits a wall and waits for the camera to catch up..


To make matters worse it seems they kept that stupid.... oh I don't know what its called but lets call it a "tilt or sway" move... in the sonic rush games it required an extra button so It does here too. WHY is it needed?


If they wanted to spice up the gameplay then do what mario games do. Add powerups! Every notice how sonic games seem to only lack these beyond the shield, speed up and invincibility. Why not bring back or invent new elements like the lightning, fire and bubble from sonic 3? They worked well I thought but it seems sega got it into themselves that that was a mistake. Sega doesn't make a sonic game and add powerups,sonic games seem to BE the fucking powerups! See sonic and that stupid sword and sonic and that stupid werewolf


Level design is cack here too. Seems the cogs move too slowly for one. The whole thing just looks VERY awkward. Ever get that feeling where you are watching something but wanting it to be good, but cringe everytime? Ya that's what I'm getting here.


I don't really like bashing sega because it seems like the popular thing to bash them in the last few years. But this just looks poor. I suppose I should be easier on it because it is a download title but fuck that,they made a balls of that too. Episodic? I suppose the bright side is one can try it out and decided whether it is good before buying more... so far that doesn't look good for sega.

I was a massive sonic fan, I played and continue to play those megadrive games to DEATH. This constant failing really saddens me.


but were those megadrive days perfect? Of course they weren't. improvements can still can be made to this day.

1: Boss battles could be improved and have been in games such as sonic rush, although I would prefer if they kept them at the end of act 2, instead of making them a new act, but I don't mind.

2: More powerups. If mario can turn into a cloud or whatever the hell he wants. Why can't sonic? They HAD the core gameplay perfect as did mario, but mario wisely didn't change anything in 20 years.

3: this is a pety one but it still hasn't changed.... Why is the sonic invisibility and super sonic music always like a 15 second loop.. It was ok in sonic 1 and 2 but 3 and onwards its god awful.. Especially if you are super sonic.

4: improve tails or leave him out altogether. Least the originals gave you the option.

5: multiplayer!!!? where art thou? you were in sonic 2, you failed in sonic 3 and were boring every since! And i'm just talking about the 2d sonic games now.


thats about it.

Edited by mcj metroid
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Great post mcj. Watching that clip was cringeworthy indeed, and I just can't stand the homing attack. It's so pointless and un-megadrive Sonicy. It's disappointing.


The good news is that the episodic idea means they can improve on it for episode 2. Fingers crossed.

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That video has cemented my thoughts.


I am going to absolutely love this game.


Same... apart from the tilt mine-cart level if they keep it in, I mean no-one can love that surely?

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The level in that video draws heavily on a similar level in Sonic 2. I mean really heavily. Enemies, progression through the level, it's almost all ripped from a similar level in Sonic 2 before you get on the airship. The only difference I see is they've replaced the screw you'd use to travel up and down parts of the levels with a cog.


It's strange though because in Sonic 2, I love that level because it's pretty long for a Sonic game (was one of if not the only I can remember that was split over 3 acts in the Megadrive era) and has some nice ideas in there, but something doesn't quite feel right watching this one. It'll probably alright playing it but it just feels a little off. I'll be getting it anyway when it comes out so I'll reserve full judgment until then.

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The level in that video draws heavily on a similar level in Sonic 2. I mean really heavily. Enemies, progression through the level, it's almost all ripped from a similar level in Sonic 2 before you get on the airship. The only difference I see is they've replaced the screw you'd use to travel up and down parts of the levels with a cog.


It's strange though because in Sonic 2, I love that level because it's pretty long for a Sonic game (was one of if not the only I can remember that was split over 3 acts in the Megadrive era) and has some nice ideas in there, but something doesn't quite feel right watching this one. It'll probably alright playing it but it just feels a little off. I'll be getting it anyway when it comes out so I'll reserve full judgment until then.


I know this is speed run that uses all the levels glitches to his advantage but this is the only video I could find if this zone that didn't have some asshole talking about it or have a 30 second user intro.


This wasn't one of the favourite zones but ya this is defo the one you're talking about.

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^ That's the one I was talking about. It's very clear that most of the assets for the level in Sonic 4 came from that. Shame they couldn't rustle up a track that matches the awesomeness of the one in Sonic 2 though. Love that level anyway. Just had so many interesting ideas.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Mine cart level is gone from console versions:


No More Mine Cart, At Least for Consoles

Here’s a real Sonic 4 exclusive: We’ve confirmed some of the game’s most controversial material will be removed in the final console release, and exist only in its mobile edition.

According to an independent source speaking to TSSZ News on condition of anonymity, much of the so-called “gimmicks” placed in Act 2 levels, including the much maligned Mine Cart setup from Lost Labyrinth Act 2 and the Casino Street score attack, will shift to the release on the Apple iPhone and iPod Touch–the most significant result of both video leaks from the game and subsequent fan backlash. In all likelihood, those two specific acts will be the “exclusive” levels mentioned last week by Aaron Webber and Ken Balough in their GameSpot interview.

Our source tells TSSZ News that the gimmick acts were built mostly to show off the capabilities of motion control–something only Wii and PS3 players can take advantage of. After the XBOX360 edition of Sonic 4 leaked using a workaround to those controls and reaction turned sour, the internal decision to revise was made, according to our tipster. Even though two of three major consoles presently support motion control, our source very specifically stated the gimmicks are now only for the mobile edition, where Apple’s built-in accelerometer can be utilized.

Our source reaffirmed previous official commitments made to tweaking Sonic 4’s physics and refining level design. Those design changes should extend beyond the obvious open slots the gimmick acts have left behind, and we’ve been told some existing changes may be extended in size and scope. But our source is pessimistic that Sonic’s physics will be made just right, citing an internal lack of classic Sonic comprehension.

Uncertain for the moment is the fate of the Special Stage format. That too briefly leaked through video and showed off the XBOX360 workaround. A handful of official previews have also mentioned the Special Stage setup with the intent of motion control. We will bring you up to speed on that component when we learn new information.

For now, these are the new details we have learned. E3 is in a few weeks, and Sonic 4 will be playable, but whether these details are reflected on the show floor depends on what build Sega brings to the expo. As previously stated, those details are to be determined, and we will keep you informed every step of the way.




Pretty interesting to see SEGA listening to fan "feedback".

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  • 3 weeks later...


.... ugh It needs far more time in development. it's like they WANT to make sonic rush but know they have to make a classic sonic title. They've killed the sense of speed.


and by the way BULLSHIT at 0:39.. in the original games he would have stayed in that ball so you could attack aerial enemies, seems in this you are defence unless you use ( here we go) the homing attack :)


see: sense of speed around 25 seconds.


rant over :) this game will be a disappointment.

Edited by mcj metroid
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Agree with mcj, why on earth doesn't Sonic stay in a ball when in the air??

Looks slow, cumbersome and anti-grav.


SEGA are f****** stupid. They make their 3D games uber fast only to slow Sonic down with stupid gameplay mechanics and then they make the new 2D outing even slower than the 3D games.

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