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Creepy Stories that happened to you

Guest Maase

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Guest Maase

The reason why I created this was because something creepy happened yesterday and today, and I seriously need to share this shit.


So, yesterday I was having a normal life in my computer at 3 AM, both my parents, brother and sister were sleeping, as usual, I stayed up because i'm in my School Holidays.

Suddenly, the damn lights go off, everything goes off.

I get kinda scared of falling so I am careful in walking, being careful specially when going downstairs.


I then get to the closest window and I see something absolutely beautiful: The Entire View from my house is affected by the circuit fall.

So I decide to go to my "varanda" (Don't know the name in English) and watch the beauty that is the stars and the buildings illuminated only by the moon.


So, anyways, something catches my attention, close to my building (I live in Porto), there's another building (by close, I mean very close, you could jump and fall in the window below the one next to you).


In the window right next to mine, there seems to be a face stamped in the window, I can't explain, but its like if gravity is pushing the window in a face form, almost as if you were seeing a bubble face in that window.

I keep looking, trying to see if there's someone watching.


Suddenly, the lights turn on, a lot of windows turn on. And one of the windows was the one in which I was looking at.

In that window there was an expressless face, a face that was just... seeing... looking at the infinite, with the eyes wide open and the mouse without any expression, the man looked like an bald hobo because of the bruises and the scars.


So, I keep looking at the face, because it looks like it... doesn't move... like if its paralyzed or dead.



I paralyze myself, those eyes scared the shit out of me, so I, in an instinct, run away from the window.

It was 3 AM, yet I called my parents and my brother (My sister is younger, so I didn't want to scare her).


Both my parents ask me what's happening and say I was just dreaming, but I wasn't dreaming, I was sure.


My brother says I'm being insane and need to take some pills, I say for him to follow me.


He follows me in the "varanda" and looks at that window, the lights were still on and the window was now open, but the face wasn't there anymore.

I kinda creep myself and start imagining that either the man or the face (if it was decapitated) fell off the window when the window opened, so I look (I have to be careful not to fall, obviously) below (I live in the 8th floor), I look and see nothing, just the streets, as usual.


But then (and this part creeped me out even more), I hear the window closing... I was looking below, but I decided to look up quickly, in the 7 nanoseconds it took me to look at the house, I was imagining stuff like the head being there smiling at my evily or someone with picking the head that was decapitated, I finally get there after 7 LOOOOOOONG nano-seconds and look at THAT DAMN FACE AGAIN, this time the face is looking at my brother, who gets surprised, he then shouts something like: "Hey buddy, stop scaring kids, you look like an idiot".


So, the face has a curious look now, instead of an expressless one, the guy has now a curious look and looks at my brother with interrogation in the face.


So, my brother says that the lights won't probably go on again, so he says for us to go to sleep, and says that it was probably just a high autist looking curious at the window, and I kinda feel a little easier, but say that it might be a pshyco.


So, today at morning, my brother, before going to his work, he wakes me up (Incredibly, I didn't have nightmares about this situation, or at least I don't remember having them) and says that he's going to ring the floor that had the face, and wanted to talk personally with the guy to ease my scare.


So, he goes there, I wait about 40 minutes, not sure what to do (Couldn't sleep and I couldn't have fun looking at anything), and finally my brother comes back, and here comes the worse part of the story:


-The guys that belong to that floor ARE IN VACATION IN ALGARVE!!!


Fuck, my brother says that it was a thief that entered there yesterday and had the bad luck of being faced with a short circuit, and it makes sense, because the only window that was open without those things that close the window from outside is the one in which the face was looking, but that face was way too creepy, so I'm thinking in something paranormal.


The guys that live in that apartment come the next Monday, so my brother wants to see if something was stolen, to ease mine (and probably his, now) scare


Do you guys have any other creepy stories to tell?

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That story creeped me out a bit, actually. You painted the picture quite well...


I don't really have any creepy things that happened to me. Except when I was near my grandma's house one time and there were young boys (10 or so years old) carrying around real axes in order to 'cut wood' (yet were the biggest chavs you could ever imagine).

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Guest Maase

Don't mock me, I swear its true.

Fuck, I'm not exactly terrified by now, watching Naruto, One Piece and seeing some comedy movies and shows made me feel better, but sometimes I still see that damn face, THAT DAMN FAAAAAAAAACEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE


To describe it well, it looks like a mannequim with bruises and his eyes moving.


Fuck, I swear I'm not lying ;_;

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No one thinks you're lying!


Seriously, go write a movie or I will!...


Replace you and your brother with young adults, set it on a stormy night, with ligthning causing the power outage, the lead women wakes up and rushes on to the balcony in t-shirt and brief (she loves being out in rainstorms... and wet t-shirt ftw)... them suddenly a flash of lightning eluminates THE window!!

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Guest Maase
You described that terrifyingly.


Great, now your fucking evil red eye hobo bitch is gonna haunt me. :(


red eye?


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I remember when I was younger, me and the family were on holiday. My parents were in one room, my grandparents were in another. I was slept on the floor on my side, with my head rested on my arm, which was stretched out above me (relative to my position, not straight up in the air). I remember being woken up by something stroking my finger in a figure 8 pattern. I remember looking up a bit sleepily. I don't remember if I saw anything, but I do remember being scared shitless for the rest of the night.


I had to sleep with my arms under a cover for ages after that. I still do it now, but now it's out of habit.

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This was sort of creepy when it happened, but for reasons that will be obvious at the end, It isn't anymore.


My family was camping with another family we know well. We went on this late night guided nature hike thing along one of the trails. There were about 20 people besides us on it as well. Everything went normal, until we were just about back at the start of the trail. The guide (who had just started working at the park) suddenly stopped and quietly said "there's a bear on the trail". He radioed the other guide who was at the back to come and help, but she didn't. Its worth noting that the bear was rather small for a bear, it was obviously a cub, for those who don't know, a mother bear is never too far from her cubs and if you go anywhere near them, they will attack you. The guide tried to scare it off, but it stayed put. Eventually a truck pulled up at the entrance to the trail, and some other park staff came out laughing. Apparently, the bear was a shot and stuffed one from the interpretive center that had been put there to prank the newer guide.

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Totally not that creepy, but it scared the shit out of me at the time.


I was about 13, and on a week long "activity" trip with my school in some activity centre in south yorkshire. We were going caving in this place called "The Manchester Caves", and I was already utterly freaked out because I'm petrified of the pitch black, and we'd been told that at numerous times we would have to crawl through long tunnels on our own with only our head light to lead us. Anyway, we were about 100 metres into the cave, and I was standing at the front of the tunnel leading deeper into the caves waiting for the girl infront of me to finish going through. I was on my own, because the girl ahead of me had refused to be the final person through for fear "of getting lost". Bitch. I stood there, and peered around, and my eyes caught sight of what at first looked eerily like the body of a child lying about 30 metres away, lifeless. A rush of fear came over me, and I began to get horribly freaked out with my mind coming to all these horrific conclusions about the body looking as though it was staring at me. But then, I realised it actually was. I was petrified, and kept trying to look everywhere but at it. I needed to do my shoelace, but didn't want to bend down for fear of getting back up and it not being there anymore.


The more I looked at it, the more I tried to rationalise. I figured "Things get washed down here all the time considering how much it rains in the Dales, it's obviously just one of those lifelike dolls that freak people out". It seemed like hours waiting for the instructer to shout that I could start going through the mini-tunnel. I've never crawled that fast in my entire life. Anyway, it was obviously (I'm hoping! :p) a doll of some sort, but damn, I get utterly freaked out just thinking about how it looked as though it was glaring at me with it's dead eyes.



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Which forumer was it here that was afraid to open a door in the corner of their house because they thought there might be something behind it, just enough space for a body? They said they never opened it.

I remember their story being creepy.

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Which forumer was it here that was afraid to open a door in the corner of their house because they thought there might be something behind it, just enough space for a body? They said they never opened it.

I remember their story being creepy.




I also remember a thread really long time ago about someone who had just seen a ghost in a fedora looking at him in the bathroom.



Maase, if you are in Porto, why is your location Lisboa.


And to clarify, what ever this people are doing, they're doing it on a varanda (I believe its veranda in English).



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Guest Maase

I think it was Jayseven, not sure though


Edit: Shino, probably because I was scared of pedophiles or something like that, remember that I registered on Oct 2007.


Also, its as you say, but I and my brother were the on in the veranda, the creepy face was on a window without veranda.

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Does sound pretty scary Maase. Sorry to hear.


3am wake up by our drunken neighbour trying to break his way in. Happened a few times. The first two times I wasn't there but the third I was and as my bedroom was on the ground floor at the front he was banging on my window. He alternated between that and the front door, which was adjacent to my bedroom door. I was also frozen in fear for the 20 or 30 minutes he was doing it. Didn't sleep that night and moved out in the afternoon.


Its a strange thing to not feel safe in your own bedroom. Add that with the creepy feeling I get from my old bedroom knowing the police where there its no wonder I frequently move :p

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This isn't creepy as such, but I figure I could post it here.


My Dad has been trying to sell his old Toyota MR2 for a few weeks not but has had no luck. He was gonna put it in the new scrappage scheme for a new car until this morning.


He drove to Morrisons to get some stuff in and he pulled up next to this man with a new BMW. As my Dad got out the car the man said, nice car is it for sale haha? (joking) and my Dad said, it is actually. It turns out the man had just been to the cashpoint to draw some money out as he was going to buy another MR2 straight from there via another guy. So the man had a luck, explained it was the exact colour he was looking for. My Dad took him for a test drive then they shook hands and now it's sold.


Just thought that was pretty damn coincidental, freaky almost.

Edited by Caris
Automerged Doublepost
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Then, we live in the same city, Maase :)


I don't have any creepy, supernatural stories, I'm afraid. Certain things in reality scare me enough as it is.


I mean, I hear disturbing noises in my house at night, when it's darkest, and I'm certain that unexplainable events have happened to me, but I forget about them so easily...


There was that one time I tried to shoot my cousin with a real rifle, thinking it was a toy gun. It was an old gun (without any bullets or gunpowder), so there was no danger, but considering I was playing with it beforehand, and without him knowing (I just took it from his room), the whole event scared me for a while.

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that is kinda creepy, but theres probebly a reasonable explanation. its human nature to pick out faces, even when they dont exist. the face of mars being a prie example.


obviosuly im not calling you a liar, years ago i had a ghostly expereince i was so sure was real, but over the years ive managed to explain it.


is there much scarier then hearing a bump in the night, especialy when alone? i have a lot of swords in my room, and if im in the house alone, i sleep with my katana in grabbing distance, despite never having had a single problem at my house in like, 15 years.



edit. a story this reminded me of. years ago id just got home fromt he cinema seeing signs, which for reasons i can't fathom, terrified the living piss out of me. i went tot he kitchen, and was all tense, so stood in the door way, flipped the light on while checking no one was stood outside. light comes on, see a human figure int he window, staring at me wild eyed. it took me a second to realise it was, in fact my own reflection.

Edited by Chris the great
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Guest Maase

Christ The Great, unfortunately, I'm sure that the face is true and not an illusion because as I said, my brother also saw the face.

And even if he didn't, it would be impossible for me to be with an illusion for so much time, and with one illusion that feels so real.

Its not my reflex, it was a real human face that had a life of its own, and a face that creeped the fuck out of me.

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