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Unemployment, travelling and smoking thread. Apparently.


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Two jobs applied for today; Waterstones bookseller and working holiday DJing in Greece (no experience needed). Two months of sun, sea and music. Why not eh?


Because in about two weeks the temperature noticeably drops off and everyone leaves?


Actually, everyone leaving is not the problem.

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Because in about two weeks the temperature noticeably drops off and everyone leaves?


Actually, everyone leaving is not the problem.


Still, I'd imagine it would still be nicer than Cradley :heh:


Although chances of getting it are one in a million (well, one in however many reply...) but its nice to daydream eh?

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Hmm well it doesn't even say where it is, just "a small Greek island". We shall see, we shall see.


In other non-news, no news from Uni. And that's it for the weekend obviously so now I need to figure out what I'm doing about that retail job.

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Hmm got a second interview (well, an interview with the shop manager rather than the company owner as it was before) on Wednesday. Trying to decide what to do. Everyone is saying "just go for it, if you don't like it quit" seemingly forgetting that I'd then be in London and jobless :heh:


Urgh, if another job were to get back to me it'd be a bit reassuring, but as Monday is a bank holiday not expecting to hear anything til Tuesday.

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Well my job situation is all of a sudden a bit, well, strange!


I've been working for a company for about 17 months, I enjoyed working there as my colleagues were amongst some of the best I've ever worked with! I've made some very good friends there.


A couple weeks ago the company owner asks if he can chat with me outside of the sales floor. Of course I go to chat.

When I get outside the room the owner turns around and suddenly grabs me by the throat and starts strangling me, completely making it impossible for me to breathe. He then slams me up against the wall and hits my head off it a couple times.

He then pulls me toward him and throws me against the opposite wall, then punches me in the side of the head twice. He goes for a third but I duck it.

of course I ask what the fuck is going on to which he just starts shouting "get out of my fucking building" and repeatedly telling me to get out.


So I start to make my way out with him pushing me, as I get to the stairs he kicks me down them, luckily I keep my balance and don't tumble down them.

I then leave the building thinking; what the hell just happened... why the hell did that just happen?!


So I call the police and he books a flight out of the country and is yet to return.

The company tell me I'm still employed by them and they don't expect me in until they've spoken to the owner to try and find out why it happened.


Now this weekend I get a letter from the company's solicitor with a "contract" they'd like for me to sign which will mean I leave my job and drop all charges and claims against the owner and company. They will pay me £5000 as a payout for the termination of employment.



So now I need to get a solicitor and a new job I guess! I can't believe I've been forced out of a job by violence!


The police have witness statements, photos of the injuries he caused and they'll soon have a copy of the solicitor's letter.

I'm taking this guy to the cleaners!

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Well my job situation is all of a sudden a bit, well, strange!


I've been working for a company for about 17 months, I enjoyed working there as my colleagues were amongst some of the best I've ever worked with! I've made some very good friends there.


A couple weeks ago the company owner asks if he can chat with me outside of the sales floor. Of course I go to chat.

When I get outside the room the owner turns around and suddenly grabs me by the throat and starts strangling me, completely making it impossible for me to breathe. He then slams me up against the wall and hits my head off it a couple times.

He then pulls me toward him and throws me against the opposite wall, then punches me in the side of the head twice. He goes for a third but I duck it.

of course I ask what the fuck is going on to which he just starts shouting "get out of my fucking building" and repeatedly telling me to get out.


So I start to make my way out with him pushing me, as I get to the stairs he kicks me down them, luckily I keep my balance and don't tumble down them.

I then leave the building thinking; what the hell just happened... why the hell did that just happen?!


So I call the police and he books a flight out of the country and is yet to return.

The company tell me I'm still employed by them and they don't expect me in until they've spoken to the owner to try and find out why it happened.


Now this weekend I get a letter from the company's solicitor with a "contract" they'd like for me to sign which will mean I leave my job and drop all charges and claims against the owner and company. They will pay me £5000 as a payout for the termination of employment.



So now I need to get a solicitor and a new job I guess! I can't believe I've been forced out of a job by violence!


The police have witness statements, photos of the injuries he caused and they'll soon have a copy of the solicitor's letter.

I'm taking this guy to the cleaners!


That's cool, but I would try get more from him. You could probably earn that 5k from the job in a reasonably amount of time, whereas now you've got no way of earning any money.

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Hmm yeah don't settle because the company owe you a lot more than that. Think of the shitstorm you can create from this (I know that sounds kinda underhanded/whatever but the company will be flexible becasue nobody wants this associated with their company, particularly a retail company). Plus that must have been quite traumatic and as Sheikah says depending on what you get paid £5,000 is only about 5-8 months pay.


If the company owner left, would you want to go back?

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So now I need to get a solicitor and a new job I guess! I can't believe I've been forced out of a job by violence!

Why a new job? Like you said you liked the people there and as Ashley asked with the owner out of the picture would you go back? The company may be a little bitter, but I daresay your coworkers would understand that you're going for the throat and it's highly unlikely you'll get fired as a result of this. Then you could have an unlawful dismissal ammo to use.

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Yeah, that's what I'm going to do. I'm definitely going through court and there's no way I'm signing the form. £5k is nothing compared to what I could get.


The funny thing is that is was totally unprovoked, nobody has any idea why it happened, none whatsoever!

He was drunk and had been sniffing cocaine from what I hear, the guy is simply a tool! Haha

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I have an 2nd interview for the video game store in London thing tomorrow (as mentioned above) and an interview for deputy manager at the nearby (I think, she was vague on the phone and the interview is in Brum) Disney Store on Thursday ^_^


Was awkward on the phone as she tried me but I was hoovering and didn't notice and went to pick up just as she hung up so I rang back and got voicemail and couldn't hear what the message said but left a message. Then googled the phone number (which was in some city I'd not heard of) and nothing (I need that website Veronica Mars uses :p), then tried the area code and the first three digits and one result was the Disney Store so I thought it could be that so waited ten minutes and tried again. She said "what position are you applying for?" and I asked "what company am I speaking to?" ^_^

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Awesome work Ashley, so the Disc Jockey position is available?



Called the National Minimum Wage helpline today, I'm starting to get serious on my bosses being complete pricks. I really don't understand why they're taking the piss like this. They claim to have been in the business for nigh on 20 years and yet I know more about workers' rights than they do.

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