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Unemployment, travelling and smoking thread. Apparently.


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@ Dan Dare - wow, that sounds horrible. Would've hated to be that guy.


Anyway, yes employment. Or lack of. Been looking for work since end of March/start of April. Have applied for many a job and got narray a reply. Sucks. Desperately looking for something. I'm evening falling back on my architectural tech. degree in the hopes of finding something but there's just nothing, at least anything that is applicable for me. The things I've applied for have all been sort of 16-20 hours a week. Sort of part time which is really the only way I could do a job with Uni starting again in a few weeks. I just find it really nasty that these places don't take the time to reply even if your application is unsuccessful. In all the jobs I've applied for over the last few weeks/months, not one has gotten back to me. I can understand that there are loads of applicants or whatever but even the generic print off letter would have been nice.


But yeh, very few part time jobs around at the moment. The only jobs I'm actually finding are for games design at either Ruffian or RealWorld games in Dundee. I have no experience with design or coding but if these are the only jobs that are cropping up, perhaps I should think about learning some of it in the off chance I could get something. There was a writing job that came up through my Uni email but it's to do with writing about the happenings on campus and what with me not living near the Uni, it'd be hard to do a decent job of it which kinda sucks as I have ample experience in writing to get it.

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I was going to apply for the Disney Store! (just catching up in the thread)


I'm in love with Disney though. But I think I might prefer working in Disney (a theme park somewhere), rather than just the shop.


Kinda fun...kinda forced happiness and we all know how cantankerous I can be :p


Ages ago I signed up to some talent site thingy just to see what it was about and must have put myself down as interested in photography and writing. Lately they've been emailing me "opportunities" which often feature "real life" stories you can sell...its getting tempting;


Trapped by your past? - wanted - paid case studies for magazine features

Something from your past affects every waking moment of your life and you're unable to move on

Sibling drama.


Have you become celibate?

Have you pledged celibacy like Peter Andre?

I've become bored of sex, does that count?


Online sex addicts, stalker victims and serial cheats wanted!

National paper seeks the following..

We've all been stalked by ReZ


Triangular relationships/Polyfidelity - your stories wanted

If you are in a polygamist relationship (happily or otherwise) we want to hear from you

I wouldn't mind being in one


Are you addicted an Internet website? Facebook? Gambling? Ebay? Porn?

Tumblr at present.


Were you blackmailed or exposed with intimate photographs?

Did someone you trusted betray you by blackmailing you with intimate photos of yourself?

I can steal the storyline from a Veronica Mars episode or two...


etc etc etc.


Tempting :p

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I feel a bit lucky. Last year I was unemployed for 6/7 months but thankfully my student loans kept me going. Finally, in Dec, I got a job at a call centre! 7 months in, with 3 pay rises I'm sitting at £8.50ph


Its going to be even harder now but just keep in there I suppose.

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So I was in Tescos earlier and I got a call from a private number who I think said found me on monster.com and asked if I'm still looking for employment then asked if I would be interested in a career in finance. I pretty much said "ummm s'pose" and we set up a meeting/chat/interview thing tomorrow and she said she's email me the details...five hours ago.


If I'm honest I presume its a weird/dodgy company because at no point in my CV do I mention finance, and numbers ain't really my thing. But still, I'd like some freakin' details you know? So I can know what I'm doing tomorrow. Presume at this point she won't email until tomorrow morning now.


But more importantly, I need to decide between my average looking but comfy formal trousers or my slightly uncomfy but make-my-ass-look-awesome trousers...

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So I was in Tescos earlier and I got a call from a private number who I think said found me on monster.com and asked if I'm still looking for employment then asked if I would be interested in a career in finance. I pretty much said "ummm s'pose" and we set up a meeting/chat/interview thing tomorrow and she said she's email me the details...five hours ago.


If I'm honest I presume its a weird/dodgy company because at no point in my CV do I mention finance, and numbers ain't really my thing. But still, I'd like some freakin' details you know? So I can know what I'm doing tomorrow. Presume at this point she won't email until tomorrow morning now.


But more importantly, I need to decide between my average looking but comfy formal trousers or my slightly uncomfy but make-my-ass-look-awesome trousers...


It could just be another agency. I was bugged by a job agency that specialised in Accountancy and they wouldn't leave me alone, despite me asking them to and not actually having any Accounting qualifications above AS level. A lot of them try to sign you up to expensive courses.


Oh well, I will probably be out of a job in a month or two. My team leader tried to get me fired for being a minute late yesterday due to my shoe breaking on the way to work.. The whole thought of being unemployed is awful at this time, but it could also be a blessing. The difficulties the people in this thread are going through is really scaring me.

Edited by Pyxis
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I met a right dickpiece at the jobcentre today


asked me if I was looking for a job and then said 'oh were recruiting door to door people' - to which I said I wasn't interested. Then he goes 'oh, rather stay on the dole then?' like a right smarmy cunt.


fuck you! firstly, it's a fucking shite job. Secondly, you know nothing about me, you judgmental, self satisfied cockscab!

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I met a right dickpiece at the jobcentre today


asked me if I was looking for a job and then said 'oh were recruiting door to door people' - to which I said I wasn't interested. Then he goes 'oh, rather stay on the dole then?' like a right smarmy cunt.


fuck you! firstly, it's a fucking shite job. Secondly, you know nothing about me, you judgmental, self satisfied cockscab!

It sounds like you would rather be on the dole too, you cant pass up any oppertunities at this time.

The only jobs i wouldnt accept are ones based solely on comision.

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It sounds like you would rather be on the dole too, you cant pass up any oppertunities at this time.

The only jobs i wouldnt accept are ones based solely on comision.


Isn't that what a huge portion of door-to-door sales are based on? If so, that's probably why he turned it down.


I remember I had an old Summer job in a call-centre in Brighton, and a friend of mine announced proudly that he was leaving to work for another company. When we asked what he would be doing, he said that he would be going from door to door selling frames. Frames for glasses. He would be going to opticians and places like Specsavers, that sorta thing, but also to regular households.


I don't think he was earning a wage from that, because from what I remember this was solely based on commission. I remember a few of us looked at each other and got back to work. He would have been earning good money eventually...maybe...but my word, it ain't easy!

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I met a right dickpiece at the jobcentre today


asked me if I was looking for a job and then said 'oh were recruiting door to door people' - to which I said I wasn't interested. Then he goes 'oh, rather stay on the dole then?' like a right smarmy cunt.


fuck you! firstly, it's a fucking shite job. Secondly, you know nothing about me, you judgmental, self satisfied cockscab!


Well said. I fucking hate going to the JobCentre, they're really patronising and it gets on my tit-end! :mad:

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Erm I know the way he said it was being a complete dickhead probably. But isn't what he said true? You would rather stay on the dole. I would to. I


It sounds like you would rather be on the dole too, you cant pass up any oppertunities at this time.

The only jobs i wouldnt accept are ones based solely on comision.


It's totally unsuitable work for me, for several reasons. None of which this guy knew of, so his tone was unbelievably insulting.

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Yeah I'd loathe doing door to door. I'm glad I have some savings and can live frugally. I'd rather not sign on for the pure fact they make you feel like dirt.


Went and handed in my CV to Disney Store today. Also noticed Lush are looking for trainee managers but was in an epic rush. I'm sure it said you had to make a poster but looking on their site it says CV. Will take a CV next time I go to the shopping centre anywho.

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It's totally unsuitable work for me, for several reasons. None of which this guy knew of, so his tone was unbelievably insulting.


I don't think anybody really needs an excuse to turn down door to door work, I did, my dad point blank said he'd hate me doing it, didn't want me facing abuse from people. Its that simple.


You know your a decent hardworking person, so do we, screw him.

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It sounds like you would rather be on the dole too, you cant pass up any oppertunities at this time.

The only jobs i wouldnt accept are ones based solely on comision.


most door to door are souly commision based. employees are badly screwed over


the coulson corp are a major offender, the guy has been hounded out of outher cities, and is currently located in newcastle. i emplore every one here to avoid them at all costs.

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I've managed to get an interview today, it's working in a bar.


Well I had the interview for said bar job.


The way the interviewer explained the job to me, sounds like it's a piece of piss.


If it is harder than I expected, I don't mind working harder, in fact I prefer to work hard, as it means there's always something to do and the day goes faster or the evening in my case.


I think the interview went quite well, I think I gave good enough answers to the questions he asked me, in fact for one question he asked me I pretty much answered it spot on.


I think the question he asked me was 'what is more important to us 'Good service or sales' and I replied with 'Obviously if you provide a good service you should get good sales'.


- Yeah pretty easy interview.


How is bar work by the way, as i've never done that kind of work before?


Oh yeah just thought i'd all tell you, i've applied for a job at Blockbuster Video, so hopefully I get an interview for that.


Wish me luck.

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How is bar work by the way, as i've never done that kind of work before?



its not bad, if your in a proeper bar your busy but rarly pull pints, if its a pub its quieter but pulling pints is some what of an art. its embarasing if you make a frothy one.


you'l sink in quickly though, so dont worry.

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Door to Door damn theres no way in hell Id ever do that.


My mum wanted me to go on the dole before I got my school job but I refused as I knew Id get treated like crap. I went to my local one a few months back because I lost my NI card. Full of chavs acting like idiots and bitter staff. It worked out for me but I would have had to sign up eventually so glad I escaped!

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its not bad, if your in a proeper bar your busy but rarly pull pints, if its a pub its quieter but pulling pints is some what of an art. its embarasing if you make a frothy one.


you'l sink in quickly though, so dont worry.


Well i've got 4 hours of training (if I get the job) to get the pint pouring technique right.


It's a pub i'll be working for by the way.

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Just looked at my university's website (because I saw this for another, now closer, uni but as I didn't do any social activities things at uni it may be a hinderence, but will still apply) and saw they're looking for a support working for disabled and dyslexic students. My friend was supported by one of these people (that sounds odd...) and it seems like something I can do. All she did was go to weekly meetings and email her work in advance, this woman would check over for spelling and grammar issues and help her out. Seems to be some lecture-going-to-ness as well but seems doable. In fact it basically seems like doing another year of uni, just without me being marked. Anywho, requested an application form.


If I get an interview I may jokingly say "well, I helped my friend with her stuff" because we used to bounce ideas off each other and read through each others work and stuff.


Plus, term time.

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How is bar work by the way, as i've never done that kind of work before?

Lagers are fairly simple to pour, cask beers, it depends how lively the barrel is. Sometimes you can pour it right first time, others you may need to top it up two, maybe three times until it settles decently.


Same with lagers really, Becks is a semi pain in the arse, but that's because the glass is designed to send the head into overdrive and piss you off. Some drinks may "pop" or froth if not poured in awhile, meaning top up is required, main offenders where I work is Strongbow, Stella and Staropramen.


One thing which I was going to mention anyway, but fits here quite well, is that proximity to the bar does not equal longer waiting time, some people think that because they're closer to the bar they've been waiting longer. We technically have two halves to our bar, namely because a pillar is smack bang in front of it.

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