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Unemployment, travelling and smoking thread. Apparently.


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I'm this close to telling them at work to blow me and walking out. What little social life I had is being raped out of me due to them making me work Friday and Saturdays. Regardless of the fact that I was at the meet this Saturday, if I didn't go I would've been working, and would've missed out [which I did anyway] a sexy gathering thusly:


I can't take it anymore.

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job get! start tommorow, im advising people on swine flu. im not sure how im going to get home from late finnishes, but i'll ask about a car pool tommorow.


How does that work do you have a medical background or ar eyou just someone in a call center with a flow chart?

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I has interview! Weeoo!






Today was pretty decent on the job front...front. I went to an agency on Monday, and today I popped into Hays Education in Cardiff, after arranging an appointment there about a week ago. I got there, and didn't realise that the place had a lift, so walked up five flights of stairs, and realised that I need new trousers...as I have outgrown them, despite only buying them a few months ago. Damn the gym!


So, I got to the reception with the trousers hugging my arse, and met up with the agent person. As much as I am a committed man to my female, she was a phwoarer. Definitely one of those "hello and welcome to my erection!" moments. Damn these tight trousers.


The meeting itself was good. Although, there were problems with my stupidly long name. I ran out of space on the CRB disclosure, and because I only go by the last three names, I have no official documents that are mailed to my address with that name. Gah. But, the woman said she'd look at ways to sort that out.


She was very helpful, and she said that she can definitely get me some supply teaching work when school starts in September, and that hopefully one of the schools will like me and take me on permanently as a full-time teacher. She also said that due to my experience of working with kids with English as an Additional Language that I could work with one particular scheme, which means that I work in 2 or 3 schools, but that it could work towards my NQT status, which is what is concerning me at the moment.


So, I'm a bit relieved that at least I "should" have some work in September. Although, I'm still disappointed that I can't find a proper teaching job. There's just no jobs in Wales. :(

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Glad to hear things are picking up a bit Flink :) I'm sure you shall charm you way into a job if you start as a supply teacher.


I'm still spinning around with "ARGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO BE/DO". It sucks. I feel unqualified for anything other than retail. The thought of retail makes me want to stick a rusty fork into my eye. I feel I should start training toward something, but don't know what. Considering learning to drive as much as I have no enthusiasm toward it. Looking at Nintendo's site and they do internships (although guessing the listings are a bit out of date) but I don't know if I want to live in Germany really...plus obviously need to find some way of doing a 6 month (presumably unpaid) internship there.


I keep thinking I could get a TEFL qualification and bugger off but I should probably visit the country (thinking Italy) before I commit myself to a year there. And then come back and teach (although was thinking college but can't find any info about that, just primary and secondary) but I don't know still...I thought by this age we were supposed to know what we wanted to be :p

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I keep thinking I could get a TEFL qualification and bugger off but I should probably visit the country (thinking Italy) before I commit myself to a year there. And then come back and teach (although was thinking college but can't find any info about that,


but I don't know still...I thought by this age we were supposed to know what we wanted to be :p

You're considering being a college teacher/lecturer?... that to me sounds shit scary at our kind of age!


Personally think TEFL sounds like a good idea.


But yeah I'm pretty much in the same boat...

Edited by Retro_Link
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That's the thing. I feel like I should be looking for a 'proper' job, but don't feel old enough.


Just fired off an enquiry regarding teaching in Italy. Come what may.


(and completely unrelated but do keep pestering me about those photos as I keep forgetting)

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thanks for all the well wishes, though it seems they are premature. basicly, i sat through training, we were set to go once we got our shifts, then we were sent home and told we would be phoned tonight with our shifts. its about a quater to ten and no one has phoned me. do i even have a job? i don't know. im really rather pissed off though, first thing tommorow morning i'm getting on the case.

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Tomorrow I start having to sign on every Friday for the next six weeks, because I am now three months into being on the dole. I don't know if I can put up with such patronisation in such a short space of time.


Apparently, though, I should be more concerned about getting to the six month mark. That's supposed to be much [scots accent]worse[/scots accent]. So much [scots accent]worse[/scots accent], in fact, I could end up in jail for [scots accent]murder[/scots accent]!

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I noticed two posters up in town last night so i quickly stole them, i folded one up nicely to take home and gave the other to a friend.

This morning i left a message on his phone asking him to contact me when he could.

He rang back and asked if i had any previous sales/computer experience.

We have arranged an interview date, and this is because of my qualifications.

This is the first time they have helped me so far.

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I'm still spinning around with "ARGH I DON'T KNOW WHAT I WANT TO BE/DO". It sucks. I feel unqualified for anything other than retail. The thought of retail makes me want to stick a rusty fork into my eye. I feel I should start training toward something, but don't know what.


I feel the same way at the moment, except I'm working in the hospitality industry and need to get the hell out of it for the sake of my mental health, but I just don't have any aspirations nor am I aware of any skills I have that extend beyond manual labour.

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Mhm I did enjoy Game (overall) and at least its a step up (semantically anyway, myself and the manager did the same amount of work at Game) but its retail :p Still, I feel I am a good candidate for the position (and promoted the hell out of myself on the covering letter) so at least I should get an interview and go from there.


(This post is practically all parenthetical).


Oh and yeah. Game used to be fine when we could have our own music (I rocked some good tunes :p plus it was always fun covering up swearing with coughing) but "GAME Live Radio...live radio at GAME!" (they did used to say that) was fucking annoying. Plus I rang them and requested Daddy Cool for my friend in another branch who had just had his second child and they didn't play it. Heartless bastards!

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