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Having just checked out videos of Kirby's Adventure Wii, and already owning the other announced games in some form, I don't think I'll be downloading any of them, despite originally being excited about the idea of Metroid Prime Trilogy!


In fact, I've always been reluctant to make use of the Wii U Virtual Console as I believe the download service of Nintendo's next hardware will be much better and, to be honest, the big allure of future VC games is likely to come from portable versions of SNES, N64 and GC classics :smile:


I don't feel the need to download things like Super Mario 64 or Super Metroid again unless I can take them wherever I go. I'm pinning big hopes on Nintendo's next handheld getting things right AND be linked seamlessly with the home console!


I was hoping that they were going to make vc console purchases available on the next portable... actually I was expecting it. Now your comment has made me realise I was being presumptuous and a bit silly. Oh well!

If they are just the Wii games and force you into Wii mode I'm not going to bother picking up the games where I have the discs of them but I'll be all over the ones I don't have. I'm hoping the using of the Wii U GamePad for games which support the Classic Controller work for any games in Wii Mode because that would be awesome.


If anybody doesn't have Super Mario Galaxy 2 they really have no excuse at it's current download price.


Agreed with all of this, but sadly the CC support for the Gamepad does not apply to disc games. These releases all use a specially modified version of Wii Mode that is not the same as the user accessible one (probably because it's likely to be a huge piracy protection security hole).

Agreed with all of this, but sadly the CC support for the Gamepad does not apply to disc games. These releases all use a specially modified version of Wii Mode that is not the same as the user accessible one (probably because it's likely to be a huge piracy protection security hole).

I guess that means I'll be buying any which have CC support then. Bit of a cheap move for them to do it though. But then this is the company who charges us to download VC games on every platform.


I do wonder if all this is leading to GameCube games though. We already know it's possible to emulate a GameCube controller over Bluetooth using the standard Wii Mode so I can only hope!

I guess that means I'll be buying any which have CC support then. Bit of a cheap move for them to do it though. But then this is the company who charges us to download VC games on every platform.


I do wonder if all this is leading to GameCube games though. We already know it's possible to emulate a GameCube controller over Bluetooth using the standard Wii Mode so I can only hope!


If they do release GCN games, they'll almost certainly require you to use the GCN controller adapter. I seriously doubt that they'll let you use any other controller considering that many games rely on those analog/digital click shoulder buttons to be played properly (except for maybe the original style Classic Controller, which also has those same analog/digital click shoulder buttons).

Shout out to @kav82 for buying this for me :D


There was simply no way I was having you not play one of the Mario Galaxy games. It wasn't a favour, it wasn't a gesture of goodwill by me. It was simply a demand that you have it as it would've been criminal for you to not! Haha


This is a good move for Nintendo, and for them prices i'd be very tempted to get the Metroid Trilogy (even at full price after the offer price). Already have Galaxy 2 and Kirby's Adventure on disc, so no need to rebuy. Least this gives the chance of many gamers who may have missed out on SMG2 the chance to play this brilliant game.

  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
After beating the Grand Master Galaxy yesterday, thought I had timed it to perfection in readiness for the Trilogy release today!


...wait, what? "The Perfect Run"?! Arrgghhhhhhh!


I replayed both Galaxy games last year, but once I hit the Perfect Run, I had to give up... This post inspired (or at least reminded) me to finally go back and try again, and this time... I actually did it! Took more tries than I'm willing to confess, but for the first time in my life I actually completed Super Mario Galaxy 2 and earned my rightful title of Master of Galaxies! So... thank you! :D


And I'll never do it again. Never ever ever ever again.

  • 4 weeks later...

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