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I'm still not convinced. Surely it's all some massive late April Fools?


Still, sounds like the 360 may be around for a while.


natal looks nuts :o


as shorty said i love how it signs you in automatically


also loved on the clip where it showed a girl playing a racing game that she changed a gear like on a normal car


loved the lionhead studio thing about "meeting milo"


looking at that its one of those "too good to be true" things defo. just hope its as good as what was shown then


I think it looked completely ridiculous. I mean pretending you have a skateboard and having to jump around like that? Are they having a laugh? Technology wise it's amazing, but I couldn't be arsed with all that crap.


This looked insane. Dunno if any of you above saw the conference but it looked like it actually worked as opposed to the Eyetoy and indeed the Wiimote sans Wii Motion Plus.


The real test will be when the press get their hands on it, though. I'm sure we'll see how this measures up in a few days. For now, consider my mind blown.


Better than Wii Music though :p


I was in complete shock and awe when she gave Milo the piece of paper.


I missed all that cos my feed decided to freeze...


Personally think its great at the end of the day its something extra that the 360 is going to offer its not going to replace the controller but offer an alternative to accessing parts of the xbox experience.

This just in, according to fanboys, motion sensing suddenly turned hardcore.

To me, motion sensing was never non-hardcore, it was the way most Wii games under-utilised it, cashing in on an overused system creating streams of average games instead of coming up with great games first, and the controls after.


Not to say that this won't become a novelty the same way, if the 360 starts producing masses of WiiFit, Wii Sports, Wii Music and party style games, I won't be interested at all, I'll sit down, turn on my pad and play some Left4Dead 2.

It's not hard to imagine all sorts of problems with the voice recognition.


Like people walking in and shouting pause when you're watching something or even worse telling it to shut down?

To me, motion sensing was never non-hardcore, it was the way most Wii games under-utilised it, cashing in on an overused system creating streams of average games instead of coming up with great games first, and the controls after.


Not to say that this won't become a novelty the same way, if the 360 starts producing masses of WiiFit, Wii Sports, Wii Music and party style games, I won't be interested at all, I'll sit down, turn on my pad and play some Left4Dead 2.


Which you should be doing on a PC.


The technology is very impressive, although to say I'm sceptical of the viability of Lionhead's game would be a massive understatement. Let's face it, there is no way Milo is going to respond as well as presented over any length of time.


For simple Arcade titles and peripheral applications it looks like Natal will be excellent, but it's not something you could use to play more complicated titles like Conviction or ODST. As a piece of companion technology it looks very cool, though.


Peripheral companies will have a field day with this I think. They want to get rid of the controller but playing a driving game with nothing in your hands, or a Red Steel sword type game with nothing in your hands won't be as immersive as I think they make it out to be.

Bring on Madcatz and a truckload of gun, sword, wheel, etc, peripherals.

Sony and Nintendo just got their arses torn to shreads...


Sony might surprise you..it's my beloved Nintendo i'm worried about...jeeeeez they have to pull out quite a show to top that.

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