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Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance


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New trailer!



Raiden is a psychopath now who "gets off" on CUTTING GUYS TO SHREDS and being a "2 Percenter?"


This is all kinds of dumb and stupid. LOVE IT! :laughing:


Also he now has a devil trigger style mode where normal attacks take off body parts!?


Is it February yet?



Seems to be going off in its own universe. Maybe they want a sequel. Looks great.

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So the demo is out on the XBL Marketplace, anyone else played it yet? Just finished it myself, and it seems pretty good. Bloody BRUTAL on Normal mode though, I had to turn it down to Easy just to finish the last section. Mind you, I do suck at these kind of games normally. :heh: I really like the controls, they're nice and easy to pick up, and the combat is nice and fluid. Even though I think it can be a bit fast at times.


However, I have to say, I do prefer Devil May Cry from an aesthetic point of view at the moment. Mind you, I've played 7/8 missions of it, so I have a much broader perspective on it. I'm sure MGS:RR will still be awesome! It just the demo felt like it was missing something...

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@canand - have any of these petitions ever worked out for you? Port costs vs projected sales are all they care about, a few thousand signatures is not going to change their mind.


It'not mine and it be good to get it on Wii U I cancelled my Pre-order to see if it would come out on Wii U

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So... is anyone buying this on release?


I've had my pre-order down for a while, I want to get it on day 1 as it looks pretty awesome and of course I want to support Platinum Games as they very rarely ever make a bad game.


But then I think, I could wait and save a bit of money, but the release date timing is actually pretty good - same day as Crisis 3 I know but I'm waiting on that - I'm sure I'll end up keeping my pre-order but I was just curious as to who else will be buying it?

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Wasn't on my radar but the reviews seem to be good. Think I'll hold off it for now, I still have a shit load of Ni No Kuni to get through...stupidly ordered Persona 4 Golden, too.


...Then I've got Sleeping Dogs on Plus along with that other Platinum Games game...can't remember what it's called now. Hmmmm, not sure really. I do want to pick it up at some point.


Edit: Vanquish, that was it.

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Oh yeah, I actually have Vanquish still to play as well, I think I'll play that and Anarchy Reigns in the run-up to release if I get time, still very much into Ni No Kuni atm which I will at least finish the main story on before this is out I expect.


*sigh* too many games, not enough time... I shudder to think what March is going to be like.

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Had this pre-ordered since early June, havn't really saw many previews or trailers for it. All i've really played is the demo and the controls for the free cutting mechanic seems kinda awkward for me. Maybe its because i'm left handed and using the right stick just feels wierd for me.

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The demo was too much fun. I sort of wish Raiden's movement's had a little bit more of a Ninja Gaiden vibe going on to be honest though. For example, his jump just looks jarringly rigid, as do some of his fight animations. I sort of think the way a character moves in a game like this contributes a whole lot to the feel of the combat, but I was still incredibly impressed with the way the demo played, so it's all fair game.

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This game was pretty darn crazy. O_O Platinum Games sure know how to make gamers go "Holy Shit! HAHAA!" and just let you laugh at the madness on display.


I was lucky enough to finish it last week. Great time, can't really say much else till Tuesday, but people who like these style of games should enjoy it, along with the ability to stealth your way through some sections makes it a nice change of pace if you fancy playing that way.

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The reviews are starting to come in now.


If Revengeance didn't have camera issues this would be the easiest 10 I've ever given. As things stand it's still brilliant, staking out new territory in the genre and adapting certain Metal Gear characteristics so well that it makes the competition look outrageously bad. This is simply the ultimate one-man show, worth its ticket price many times over, an experience that improves exponentially as it gets faster and as you get better. Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance is a thrilling and almost flawless fighting game - come get some.



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