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Here's my ingredients for tonight's nosh (if I can be arsed to cook...)


600g chicken

150g chorizo

one MASSIVE onion

2 bullhorn peppers

350g mushrooms



.. not sure what else to throw into the mix. I'll either be making a (stodgy) wrap-filla, or force it to meld with some linguine. Anyone got any suggestions?


I also have kidney beans, lentils, balsamic vinegar, cyder vinegar, cayenne, cumin, garam masala, bay leaves, oregano, basil, marjoram, parsley, coriander, pasatta, worcester sauce, veg-, beef-, chicken-stock... and vodka and ouzo. Anyone with suggestions before I enter the kitchen in 40 mins-ish?


Well screw all of your suggestions :P


Cooked up a CHICKEN SURPRISE and I have no idea how it tastes. I should've forsaken the boursin I think, and instead just stirred it in when it was all cold. Perhaps refocus and do a salad-based dish next time... I think I used too much cyder vinegar too, and in fact should've used balsamic vinegar instead (I opted to add the pasatta instead of any stock) BUT I fucking love bay leaves and that worked well. Fried chorizo is sooooo goooooood. I was full up after cooking just by the amount of buts I 'tasted' during cooking, but yeah will see how it tastes tomorrow.


I'll chalk it up as another failure, but eat it for lunch all week anyway :P

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I am bad at suggestions. But I agree on Chorizo. Absolutely stunning.


I did a week of cooking "new" things (or simple things I've not done before). So I did Goulash, and really liked that. Beef with garlic potatoes which was okay but a bit boring,....then...I can't remember, and finally Mexican Beef Stew yesterday which I really liked too. (I don't always cook beef..lolz..)



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Jamie Oliver seems a bit hit and miss eh?


I saw that Emma and Dan had a delicious looking meal of his recently.


Conversely, I cooked his vegetable Korma yesterday and it was absolutely average as hell. Followed the recipe to the letter and yeah...garbage. I don't really like that his shows need a gimmick. Well 15 and 30 minute meals are a good idea (although, there is no way you can do them in that time), but this new save money one is very unrealistic - he claims that his versions of take aways are better etc, but this Korma was no way near take away level.


I did however have some success with making Macarons for the first time. I've always wanted to do this. I will focus on the negative though;

- I used regular Lurpak, not unsalted for the filling. Lurpak isn't that salty anyway, but the first bite is 5% curious, (however, the following bites seem fine/amazing, don't know if its something your mouth gets used to).

- The custardy type filling is a bit lumpy.


They are bloody fantastic though. Cannot wait to do them again now I have had a run through. Going to do Blood Orange and Salted Caramel flavours next time.


These are vanilla and custard tart flavour.





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Gluten free cheesy loaf




Recipe: 500g wheat/gluten free flour (I used Doves white flour blend) / 2 teaspoon yeast / 1 teaspoon salt / 2 tablespoon sugar / 2 eggs / 6 tablespoon oil (I used chilli olive oil) / 1 teaspoon vinegar / 100g cottage cheese (mashed up) / approx 210ml milk / half a white onion / teaspoon Bovril


Throw the cottage cheese into a measuring jug and mash it up, then fill the measuring tub up to 310ml with milk. (The recipe I used called for just 310ml milk, I put the cottage cheese in the measuring jug so i've got the same quantity of liquid and it doesn't mess up the consistency)


Crack the eggs into this mix and give em all a good stir. Pop that liquid into the breadmaker, then add the oil in.


Add in yeast, salt, sugar, vinegar.


Chop up onion finely, or grate. Add this and the Bovril.


Add the flour gradually and mix as you go. Even with a breadmaker its a good idea to nearly completely mix this. I find that my breadmaker doesn't cope that well with the density of GF dough, it just ends up spinning on the mixing paddle lol. I think I'd nearly be tempted to just mix it completely and set it on a cook only cycle... but I've yet to work out how to do that on my breadmaker I used a chopstick to mix as it gets into the corners and lets you mix it thoroughly. Liquid goes in first to ensure there are no pockets of flour at the bottom of the pan.




Gluten free pizza-muffins




wheat/gluten free flour (I used Doves white flour blend) / 2 teaspoon yeast / 1 teaspoon salt / 1 tablespoon sugar / 1 egg / 3 tablespoon oil (I used chilli olive oil) / 1/2 teaspoon vinegar / 310ml milk


Add all wet ingredients to a bowl, add all dry ingredients except flour. Mix well.


Gradually add flour (i did tablespoon at a time) until the dough is in one lump and no longer sticking to sides of the bowl. You can leave it to prove but gluten free dough really does nothing to be honest.


Roll out and cut circles (this takes a bit of playing with to get the right size) I use lots of flour and roll it out as finely as possible. My first batch were way too thick and there wasn't enough room for cheese etc.


put pizza cases into a muffin tray (no filling yet) in oven at 100 degrees until the dough is slightly cooked, should no longer be sticky to touch. Mine took about 15 minutes from cold, if that.


throw on tom puree, and cheese, and any other filling, stick oven up to 200 and cook until browned.


(Gluten dough version - normal flour, water, yeast, salt.)



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Raining that food looks heavenly, can I comes live with you please? :3


I seriously need to get into cooking more, will make an effort to post more here, I really should seeing as I created this thread :p going to cook 'something' and post back here within the week, I don't know what yet though. :hmm:

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I've been wanting to make pesto for a few years. Will have to put a pestle and mortar on my Christmas list.


So my friend is moving to Dublin next week and as a secret surprise leaving present his girlfriend has asked all his friends to write up one of their favourite recipes. Thought I'd share what I made at the weekend for him. :)










The recipe was taken from one by Jamie Oliver.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Couldn't see Post Your Cooking thread on first two pages.




Not a great photos, but a whole roast pheasant, roast parsnip, broccoli, carrots and potatoes. With a bottle of Chardonnay.


The pheasant was less than £3. That's less than any decent meat from the supermarket. Organic and all that shit from the butchers.


Also I've drank the whole bottle of chardonnay, so apologies if this thread is less than coherent.

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It looks good, it really does.


Did you cook the vegatables or did they come with the package?



Usually, with chicken, I buy chicken wings and put them with french fries for half an hour amd that's dinner done :p


I cooked everything from scratch.


Unfortunately I forgot to season the vegetables, so took them back out after they were half roasted to season them.

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