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Red Dead Redemption

Guest Jordan

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Really pissed off - after downloading the Undead Nightmare DLC my game of Red Dead freezes up on the loading screen to either the dlc or the single player! Anybody else experiencing this?




Tweeted Rockstar and got this reply - try deleting the game options if available, not the game saves. Please make sure that it says options.


Did this and game now works fine - time to kill some undead!

Edited by Cookyman
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  • 2 weeks later...

Some of the achievements online are a pain in the back-side to get. There are still quite a number of people who play this online, but be weary of modders who are top level 50 and have "boosted" guns. I know R have said they are on the case, but it seems they miss a few peeps out, if not taking much action.


I recommend you DON'T use the Friendly mode, it's crap and you can't kill no players.

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Finished the game yesterday, 100%ed it. What a truly phenomenal game, this is one of the best games of this generation, no question. I absolutely loved everything it had to offer. It was beautiful to look at, great soundtrack and ambient sounds, great story and characters (hey, it's Rockstar afterall), a great gigantic world with a very varied landscape, all fucking awesome.


Stories of development hell before it came out (that can be read in this same thread in the first few pages) induced concerns that the game might actually come out rushed and flawed, but this did not happen. The game came out perfect. Like I said, I 100%ed it and only encountered like 3 or 4 bugs in all my 70 hours of play.


I already bought Undead Nightmare too.

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  • 1 month later...

I completed Undead Nightmare yesterday, thought it was pretty damn awesome. I did like the full game but the story and main character seemed a bit bland but that wasnt a problem at all in this DLC. The only complaint I would have is that the ending just kind of appeared out of nowhere but that didnt detract from an awesome game.

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I completed Undead Nightmare yesterday, thought it was pretty damn awesome. I did like the full game but the story and main character seemed a bit bland but that wasnt a problem at all in this DLC. The only complaint I would have is that the ending just kind of appeared out of nowhere but that didnt detract from an awesome game.


I thought all the characters were awesome! Absolutely loved this game, really regret selling it. :hmm:

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I started playing this a few days ago, had this, Arkham Asylum and Dead Space for Christmas. Anyway, I am really, really impressed, I'm loving every second of it so far.


One question regarding the PS3 version, anyone else get what looks like texture pop in with distant scenery? Is this 'feature' exclusive to the PS3?

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  • 1 year later...

Mega bump.


Just started getting into the multiplayer on 360. Anybody who still has it fancy doing some co-op missions? Most of the random people I play with are really stupid and just run in and get killed, then get bored and vote to kick me out while I'm busy not getting shot to shit and are trying to drag their worthless hides to the next checkpoint! :rolleyes:

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Mega bump.


Just started getting into the multiplayer on 360. Anybody who still has it fancy doing some co-op missions? Most of the random people I play with are really stupid and just run in and get killed, then get bored and vote to kick me out while I'm busy not getting shot to shit and are trying to drag their worthless hides to the next checkpoint! :rolleyes:


I can dig that, i stopped playing for the reason because of the morons who play. Drop us a message, i'm sure i can throw a good few matches in.

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  • 8 years later...


I've traded in the Yakuza-laden streets of Kamurocho for my first foray into Rockstar's take on the Wild West. I'm only a few hours in, and I think only a few missions away from returning to Fort Mercer. 

I'll say that it's been interesting so far. While I've played other Rockstar games before, and play GTA V on a weekly basis with friends, I haven't experienced their storytelling outside of a couple of hours put into GTA (which I bounced right off of). Going in, I'd heard about the PS3 version - which I'm playing - being the worst version to play, but in general it hasn't been any more rough in my experience than other big, ambitious, realistically art styled PS3 games I've played before this. Now I say this, in large part because when you're out in the areas between settlements, which is most of the time, the game runs and plays well...but that hasn't really been the case in settlements. At all. Having the first time you take control of John Marston in Armadillo be consumed by the frame rate tanking hard was extremely distracting, almost to nauseating if I'm being honest. 

So far, I'm enjoying the gunplay, because the auto-aim is something I'm used to now thanks to GTA, and though it lowers the difficulty of the game in terms of gameplay, I'm mainly here for the story and the setting. Plus, head-canon, John Marston is an experienced dude, I don't mind him being so skilled. Also, dead eye is awesome (even if very overpowered), I'm finally starting to adjust to the horses, and I'm quite happy at the moment picking away at the missions I can find. But the standout thing so far for me so far has to be the atmosphere: when the music kicks in and the sun is setting while you're chasing guys down on horseback, it's hard not to smile. I grew up watching a handful of Wild West films thanks to channel-hopping, and it just nails that vibe to its core. And I swear that the sky and lighting still adds more to the atmosphere of most games from the following generations, experienced my first thunderstorm in the game earlier and I was taken aback by how great it looked. 

Something that's been a little jarring is the dependence on the map built into the moment-to-moment gameplay loop so far, whether it be finding where to go next or setting a waypoint, it does feel a little archaic. To be fair, I feel the same way about GTA V too, so maybe it's just me ::shrug: I think I'll take on a few of the side quests as I go along, but I won't go out of my way for them, as I think they haven't been implemented too greatly from what I've experienced so far. The first side quest I think you get access to has you go to an area and press triangle to investigate, go back to speak to an NPC for the next part, go back to the same area as before and press triangle to investigate again, go back to speak to a different NPC for the next part...you can see why I'm bouncing off it a little so far. 

Anyways, I'm glad I'm getting around to this game now. I've been meaning to play it for a long time, so look forward to seeing where it goes from here. Very early days, but I feel positive on it so far. 

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Have you ever played the original game, @Julius? It's well worth playing and it's a much snappier and streamlined experience than the Redemption games. 

I was actually close to buying RDR2 the other week. I've yet to play it and was tempted to snap it up when I seen it for £20. I think most places now sell it for around that price.

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