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I'm unclear as to whether it has snowed or not!


I've looked outside my window but with the combination of the darkness and my poor eyesight, I'm unsure whether the snow is actually there or tis a mere illusion! :)

Coz I know's you are a bonafide lady killer...


Blood and all :o


So THATS why there arent many women on this forum...



oh...shit.. does that mean i'm next??



Its not snowing here :(


Ratted out already. I'll get you! I'll get all of you! And your little dogs too!


Its snowing where I am too. But its been warmer than it has been here for months. Today it was only -6, yesterday it was 3. Its a nice relief from the -40 temperatures we've been having.


Really heavy here in south east London. Probably the heaviest snow I've seen down here since I was a kid. Blizzard style and it's settling. :)


Argh, freaking crap timing. Any day for a snow day but tomorrow...


I had it all planned out, 2 of my teachers were taking tomorrow off so I just had one lesson, then home for pancakes and BSG, before going off to the cinema with someone to see Che after lunch.


Snow has scuppered those plans...


So i'm snowed in :)


TFL has cancelled all buses and my trains are suspended and most of the tube is not having it. DLR is soldiering on but I cant get to a station without a bus!


Snow day today :)


Not a drop of snow or rain to speak of. No wind either. Its actually quite warm today in Shetland... Has hell frozen over?


Amazing snow scenes here, will try and put some pics up later.


I was the first to drive out of my flats this morning through nice 5 inch thick very crunchy snow. Best fun drive ever - I felt like a true ice road trucker!

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