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Zavvi = No More.


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They used to have better singles to browse around than HMV (on Princes St, they were literally a stone's throw from one another), and more interesting vinyls and stuff.


That said, even when they turned it into Zavvi fro mVirgin, they mysteriously never allowed anyone onto the top floor. I assumed they were remodelling it, not just not using it to save money.


It closed months ago.

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Zavvi are going out too? Bugger. At this rate, there'll be nothing left but Tescos and Asdas accross the country. ¬¬


They aren't in the shit yet. Their profits are dropping rapidly though but they were making a ton prior to that.


I worked for them for 2 years, they have some crackpot plan that HMV stores will become more than just a shop a place where people will come and socialise about music, dvds and games. Quite how they will make money if people are just milling around is another thing all together.


It is interesting to notice most of their xmas adverts are for hmv.com and they have put a lot of emphasis on that side of things.


That certainly sounds like a good marekting strategy, I sure hope it works! HMV better not bloody go though, it's the best store for music imo.

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its quite worrying that suddenly some big names shops are going down :(

I guess there isnt room for them all with the interent to compete with too.

I feel sorry for the workers who suddenly find themselves out of work :(

It makes me grateful i work within the public sector where its not based on business sales to survive on !.


Meh, never used them.

Will stick with my free lovefilm rentals rather than spending money.


likewise ;)

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all 'real life' stores are a total ripoff compared to online alternatives anyway :/


I believe 'brick and mortar' is the correct term :p


Still. Nothing beats assignment procrastination than popping to town!


Plus of course snacks. Online shops suck at instant snacking.

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The day you can get instant snacks from the Internets will be a very happy day indeed.


When I was younger, well, 15, I thought it would be awesome if you had some sort of Food Drive. Like a DVD Drive and a Hard Drive. And, this drive could give you snacks.


I also thought that it would be sweet if you could design your snacks in MS Paint, and then print them off, but in edible form.

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When I was younger, well, 15, I thought it would be awesome if you had some sort of Food Drive. Like a DVD Drive and a Hard Drive. And, this drive could give you snacks.


I also thought that it would be sweet if you could design your snacks in MS Paint, and then print them off, but in edible form.


food dye in your printer, edible paper, and away you go :heh:


That actually could be a ruddy awesome invention

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I believe 'brick and mortar' is the correct term :p


Still. Nothing beats assignment procrastination than popping to town!


Plus of course snacks. Online shops suck at instant snacking.

So not only are they overpriced, they make you fail assignments and put on weight. I think my point wins.
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all 'real life' stores are a total ripoff compared to online alternatives anyway :/



Which worries me. If the stores disappear then whats to stop the pricing being transferred to the internet? Then we cannot go ''oh I'll go into town it's cheaper'' Because there will be no shop to go too!


I always preferred music zone for most things, since they disppeared I've been going to hmv. Shame really zavvi were brilliant for awesome posters.

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Which worries me. If the stores disappear then whats to stop the pricing being transferred to the internet? Then we cannot go ''oh I'll go into town it's cheaper'' Because there will be no shop to go too!


I always preferred music zone for most things, since they disppeared I've been going to hmv. Shame really zavvi were brilliant for awesome posters.


I'm a romantic or whatever, and the fact that everything is becoming digitised depresses me slightly.


Less fun overall.

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I have to agree, I like the internet don't get me wrong, but it's a pain in the arse buying clothes online!


So much yes! Going shopping for clothes is so much easier than buying them online. Half the time online, I'll order the wrong size or it looks different to the picture.


Plus the social aspect of shopping compared to sitting at home doing online means I prefer going into town.

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Clothes are one of the few things that still are best to buy in shops since you really do want to try them on first. But for everything else really online is king as it's just so much cheaper, you often get stuff before release date (if games) and you don't have to put in any effort.

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Clothes I rarely buy online, but I what I said about online being better I mostly meant for things like DVDs and Games, which you can get more of a feeling for on your computer (demos, trailers, feedback/reviews) than you can browsing through the aises.


Don't get me wrong, there are advantages to shopping in store as well, but I don't think they apply to places like Zavvi or HMV. Like browsing a huge collection of super cheap DVDs looking for some bargain you've never heard of, and buying it solely because of its cheesy kung-fu title or awesome cover. That's the kind of thing you get in somewhere like CEX.


As for music, the music disappeared as soon as music was available to download at all, for free, illegally, dial up... anything. Even CD ripping contributed to it before that. Because the record stores died a long time ago, a long time before most of us were into music. Back when the only way to hear a classic or a brand new release or some underground music was to go into a dedicated music store, pick that elusive LP up and ask the people at the desk to put it on. Independent music stores. But even when we were on vinyl, people taped it and shared it with their friends to save money and time.


It's sad but... nobody will ever experience one the same way ever again, and the same is coming for DVDs and games. We will always trade convenience for comfort, style, nostalgia and socialising... same reason there's so many more kids playing online video games now than there used to be, and so fewer riding bikes down their street and playing football.


Edit: Wow I went on a rant, not sure why, tl;dr summary: digital has arrived, it's a sad and true fact and it could well be the end of us.

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