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Your Year


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2008 : Year of depressing realisations.


2009 : I want to write at least one comic. My main project I'm considering putting on the back burner for a later date due it being an ongoing, I might want to do a mini series or two first.


* Met a loved one and done busted ma cherries :p


Which was very well documented. :) Ledge.

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My year was quite good....but at the same time....bad >_>



Got license

Got a car

Have a job which is doing me good.

Lose some weight while been packing some more muscle ^_^

Have finally got some start on a life carrier.



Still have yet to set any goals for next year....AT ALL

Socializing has plummeted dramatically since 2007 which sucks (Hope to change that next year)

Wish I could have completed more of the story I am currently making at the moment.

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Which was very well documented. :) Ledge.


Indeed, it was arguably the most documented version of such an event ever...


My year:



  • Passed A-levels with considerable merit
  • Started Uni on a course I both love and am good at.
  • Cut down significantly on how much time I spend playing video games (still a lot, mind you...)
  • Managed to finally motivate myself to work properly
  • Discovered I'm actually really good with money
  • Started going to the gym (stopped in the last few weeks due to illness and exams)
  • Mastered my badminton skills - I have an unbeaten record in my flat's mini-championship
  • Discovered that I'm actually a pretty awesome chef. :awesome:



  • I still spend too much time on the internet/video games
  • Been forced to quit my stupidly well paid job at home as I've gone to Uni
  • Realised my chance at pimp-smacking many of the utter morons at my Secondary School has now gone for ever
  • Failed driving test on a technicality, and haven't gotten round to taking the test again.

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I've had a weird year.


I was in my last year of uni doing Graphic Design and Illustration, living with my GF (who goes to a different uni) with some of her student friends. It was all very normal, then my university didn't go to plan and I messed it all up so that wasn't wonderful, but then I figured I still have the experience and I got so much from it that a grade really didn't matter and won't affect my future.


I got my self a full time job, it wasn't anything spectacular, but it allowed for my GF and I to rent our own amazing wonderful flat which we love.


I started writing and drawing my comic Red Cadet and continued to do my web comic and random drawings and everything was going well.


It's only recently things have gone a bit downhill, at work I'm now on a commission only role because of the market, I'm having to really work hard and I'm getting nothing out of it so I'm going to be struggling to pay off rent and things. Because of this I haven't had time time to do my comics and I'm really trying to push myself to feel inspired.


Hopefully Christmas will be a nice break where I can recharge, clear my head and get back to what I enjoy doing.


In 2009 I am determined to finish book one of Red Cadet at least, keep at my web comic updating once a week and try to sort out my finances and work situation as my student loans and overdrafts will need to be repaid eventually and I really need a set amount to be coming in every month.


So fingers crossed!

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Also have you heard of a guy called Talleyrand? I heard there was a statue of him in Brussles and I'd like to see it if I could as he is a hero of mine.


He seems pretty cool and similar to his (first)name sake.


"Talleyrand had a reputation as a voluptuary and a womaniser."

"Talleyrand's venality was celebrated"

"Talleyrand was a great conversationalist, gourmet, and wine connoisseur."


What a legend.

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Come again?


I complain about everything.


When it comes down to it if it wasn't for Square I wouldn't have any money. I wouldn't have been able to pay my fees for university this year. I wouldn't have a decent job to my name. I wouldn't have made some great connections (networking ftw) and some beyond awesome friends who I will stay in touch with for a long time.


In short, I wouldn't be who I am today.


I've changed a frightening amount in the past year. I wonder what I'm going to be like at the end of next year.


More of the same would be great.

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My year hasn't been the greatest but then it wasn't exactly a tragedy either!


I said at the start of '08 that I was gonna get a decent job, save up some money and then rent a place of my own, I figured at 21 it was about time I left the nest. Well the year is now nearly over and I never got that job, even worse is that the job I was at didn't have any work for me over autumn/winter so I'm gonna end the year a worthless 22 year old bum claiming benefits!


I did manage to snag myself a girlfriend which was great... while it lasted, which was only six weeks, but they were a brilliant six weeks and I wouldn't trade them for anything. We're still friends (sorta) and I'm over the hurt of being dumped by someone I thought the world of. Of course it didn't help that I was laid off only 4 days after I was dumped, October was not a good month!


As for the future... well I'm off to Austria for a few days with the family over Christmas (gonna have a white Christmas!) to see my brother so that should be great. In the new year I'm really gonna knuckle down on the job front, gonna extend my search into Bristol so should hopefully be able to find something there. Once I do get a job I'll save a bit of money and definitely move out, If I'm still here at the end of '09 then I may actually kill myself! I'm gonna try and hang out with my mates more and who knows, maybe actually manage to find myself another girlfriend (although it took me 22 years to find the first so I'm not getting my hopes up)!

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He seems pretty cool and similar to his (first)name sake.


"Talleyrand had a reputation as a voluptuary and a womaniser."

"Talleyrand's venality was celebrated"

"Talleyrand was a great conversationalist, gourmet, and wine connoisseur."


What a legend.


Hes literally a godam classic. He was the kingmaker of Napoleaon and told him to stop overeaching himself when it all went wrong. He served under multiple monarchs and of course Napoleaon. The king visited him on his death bed when Talleyrand was making negotiations with God to get into heaven like the diplomat he was! He also basically created Belgium something that really didn't look like it was going to happen without him. He also pressed for an Anglo French alliance to make the world more stable.


Sorry I literlaly adore this guy I wrote my BA dissertation on him and his role in the Belgium negotations and I swear I read during that there was a statue of him in Brussles.


He also had affairs with princesses I think.

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The first half of the year was utterly shit in every respect. From the summer hols onwards though, it's actually been rather good. Been doing well at college, very happy with the friends I have and have managed to get into the Uni I wanted too.


Next year, aims are to get all my A2's done, get driving and pass my test and settle into the Uni I go too and hopefully be having a good time whilst I'm at it.

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My year has been all over the place. I didn't really set any goals for myself and I didn't really achieve anything, but it has been a pretty good year overall. Went to Germany, Czech Republic and Holland, saw plenty of great bands, plenty of great films, met some decent people and got into some very engrossing fights.


This last month has probably been the most active though, i've got up to all sorts and seen people I haven't seen for nearly 4 years, thrown a very successful house party and suffered my jeans falling down on stage with Mika Miko. And I'm going to top off the year by playing a gig on New Years Eve.


Goals for 2009: Make friends with PENS; Play at an Upset The Rhythm gig; Make "Radio.MOE"; Get a beautiful and talented girlfriend who likes The Toxic Avenger Part II more than The Toxic Avenger Part I.

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That's easy! Daft-er. :heh: : peace:


Or...Twice as Daft?


Not sure if I want to be any dafter. Might have to change my name... :heh:


I think I'm going to try and not be indifferent to basically everyone and everything. That's going to be pretty hard...

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Pros of 2008


- Finally saw Bon Jovi live, after years of missing out. One of the best experiences i've felt in a long time, money well spent as well.


- Got myself not one, but 2 girlfriends in the same year. Came after a 5 year wait, paid off well.


- Passed the one year milestone in my job, and got a nice payrise for it as well.


Cons of 2008


- Both girlfriends were not for me. One just wanted sex and money, the other made up excuses not to visit and excuses for preventing me visiting her.


- Missed out on the N.E meet up again, and probably will be missing the one on the 22nd as well.


Goals of 2009


- Actually attend a meet-up of which i have been wanting to do for a long time.


- Find myself a female who likes me for me and wants me to spend time with her with no complications (hard one, but i reckon i can find someone special)

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2008 will be remembered by me as the year I pissed away, and will no doubt be a firm foundation on which all the inevitable failures of 2009 will be made. I predict isolation, depression, anxiety and fear.


I haven't really done anything this year :| Watched a lot of TV, drank a lot of alcohol and smoked a lot of cigarettes. Made a few friends and a few mistakes. I think I've grown taller this year, probably due to all the time I spend in bed.


Perhaps my mistake was in not making any new year's resolutions. Well I made one last year, and that was to get a girlfriend. Be careful what you wish for! The timing was all wrong. Corsets and cooking cloths. Stacked pajamas and peanut butter. *wanders off muttering to himself*

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