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Has 2008 been a disappointing year for gaming?

Guest Jordan

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Is it just me, or has this been one of the most boring and mundane years in gaming? There have been no 'stand out' games all year.


I'm not going to go off and examine every major game thats been out this year. But nothing has felt new or fresh, nothing has felt all that exciting and the only game i've actually seriously enjoyed playing has been Banjo Kazooie - Nuts & Bolts.


Am I the only person with this feeling?

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Not too disappointing IMO.


The main disappointment has been in the sudden realism that in this generation in particular it is pretty much impossible to fill your gaming needs with just one console. I hadn't really felt that need before.


So yes , the Wii has left me a little disappointed but it meant that I have now picked up a 360 so (for a while at least) I can explore the back catalogue which will keep me going for some time.


Whether some of those titles end up disappointing me , only time will tell.

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I think it's been pretty good!

Dead Space, Mirrors Edge, Braid, LostWinds, Wii Fit, Mario Kart, Pro Evo Wii, Rock band, De Blob, Wario Land, MGS 4, Portal all amazing games!! Didnt Zack and Wicki come out this year too?


It's been this Autumn that has been disappointing for me. I've really enjoyed the above 2 games, Wii Music and Animal Crossing (the latter don't quite hit the mark for various reasons) Next gen Fifa, WipeoutHD etc. But nothing spectacular! NExt year looks awesome though!


PS I'm getting LBP for xmas and think it looks to be stunning!

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Is it just me, or has this been one of the most boring and mundane years in gaming? There have been no 'stand out' games all year.


I'm not going to go off and examine every major game thats been out this year. But nothing has felt new or fresh, nothing has felt all that exciting and the only game i've actually seriously enjoyed playing has been Banjo Kazooie - Nuts & Bolts.


Am I the only person with this feeling?


Banjo? You should seriously get off the 360 more. I think if the JRPG were better quality it would have helped.


Fantastic year for PS3. PC was not good at all, 360 more of the same, Wii had a decent start but horrible end. PSP and DS good.


PC gaming took a serious nose dive this year. The best stuff is delayed and high end pc gaming was effectively killed of by Crysis. :(


One of my favourite years. Best games were MGS4 and LBP for me.

I think Little Big Planet and Killzone 2 beta were a perfect way to end the year! :smile:


But I still have tons to go through yet.

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I think this year has been pretty decent all round. We did get some good games on the Wii, most of which appeared in the first half of the year (Zack and Wiki, MOHH2, Okami, MK Wii, SSBB to name but a few) but it's mainly been about the 360 and, to a lesser extent, the PS3. We've had some great original games, Mirrors Edge and Lostwinds for example, but towards this end of the year it's been pretty bad. Bad in the sense that everything has just been too congested for people to get a decent run at all of the games. I'm definitely backloged on a lot of games which I'm having to wait for because of when they came out, with loads of other games.


I'm hoping next year will provide us with more original games and be less congested than this year because it has been ridiculous.

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I think the last phase of this year has been amazing, considering we have recently had a thread stating how many people are being overrun with games (Flameboy I think in particular :p) it can't have been that bad!


Exactly. I havent even played most of the big games yet. LBP is a life on its own.


PS2 has had some excellent games as well. Persona and Yakuza for example. Persona is able to beat the big next gen rpg quite handily.


Early next year is busy too.

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i thought it was a great year for gaming. wii had a few hits early on, then my ps3 got some real love, and the 360 did good as well, so i hear.


stand out games? mgs4 shows just what graphics can be done, but for me, fallout 3 is game of the year, topping most games of the past 3 years.


plus, lbp from santa will surly add anouther to my list.

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There have been many great games this year, you selfish, greedy bugger Jordan! It's just take, take, take isn't it!


Seriously though, gamers are so impatient and ungrateful. Something that takes years to make should never have a shelf life of a few weeks. But thats what we do to most games, and thats why you've forgotten them.


Wii is totally opposite. They have extended their shelf lifes too much and so bored us with lack of new good games.


But yeah, Wii sucked this year, PS3 and 360 were great.

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Overall I think this year has been fantastic. There's been so many games that I've enjoyed this year. I can't believe you've only enjoyed Banjo, urk that's a bad impression there mate :P


Even better is one of the best is saved to last. Persona 4 is so close to me. While I wait for that I am playing the excellent and very fresh Valkyria Chronicles, the best sega game since... well the Dreamcast from the looks of things Sega have done over the years, lol.


I could name other games that have been very enjoyable. Dead Space is one, MGS4 grabbed me and wouldn't let go of my penis until I finished it. Crysis Warhead was one of the best shooters I've played this year, more enjoyable than Halo 3 and CoD4. I could go on and bore you all, but instead I'll sit and wait for Persona 4 *fap*


Thing is Jordan is all in his house with his girlfriend. He's past games and gone onto the whole crappy time to make a family and get married attitude now :P Urk it's destroyed you.

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Banjo? You should seriously get off the 360 more. I think if the JRPG were better quality it would have helped.


Fantastic year for PS3. PC was not good at all, 360 more of the same, Wii had a decent start but horrible end. PSP and DS good.


One of my favourite years. Best games were MGS4 and LBP for me.

I think Little Big Planet and Killzone 2 beta were a perfect way to end the year! :smile:


But I still have tons to go through yet.


JRPG's? Mmm... Clichés, grind leveling and generic battle systems how can I lose?


MGS4 = Whilst fun is very much a one play thing. Without the huge amount of story (which is great) the over all game play is pretty shallow and restricting.


LBP = I don't have a internet connection at home at the moment, so I've been unable to play online. But the single player stuff is pretty... boring? I don't know, physics based platforming just doesn't work.


I've played ALOT of PSN stuff this year, so Mr. Choze and you're immense fanboy ways, cool it ;).

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I've just had a look at what games I've been able to play this year. I've played 15 games and I really enjoyed 11 of them. 2 were aright and I hated the remaining two (this includes XBLA games. I haven't touched a Wii or PS3 this year).


Games I've enjoyed:

- Banjo-Kazooie: Nuts & Bolts

- Banjo-Kazooie

- Burnout Paradise

- Dead Space

- Castle Crashers

- Ninja Gaiden 2

- Braid

- Sega Superstars Tennis

- N+

- Geometry Wars: Retro Evolved 2

- Star Wars: The Force Unleahsed


Games that were OK:

- Grand Theft Auto 4

- Devil May Cry 4


Games I hated:

- Far Cry 2

- Condemned 2: Bloodshot


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Releases I purchased this year include GTAIV, GRID, The World Ends With You, Castle Crashers, Mirror's Edge, Geometry Wars 2, Lost Winds Left 4 Dead, Penny Arcades 1&2, Super Smash Bros. Brawl and Far Cry 2 and I still intend to grab the likes of Advance Wars, Viva Pinata 2, Okami and Zach and Wiki. And possibly Boom Blox at some point.


It's been another vintage year if you ask me.

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There's been some very good new I.Ps, you are just missing them in the crowd of sequels and this is what harms them.


Actually E.A has been doing pretty well with getting new I.Ps

They got Army of Two, Mirror's Edge, Dead Space just for them. LittleBigPlanet is a amazing piece of gaming and Left 4 Dead? Do I really need to say how bloody god damn awesome that game is. Wake up and smell those new games under the sequels.


Then again some of the sequels have been awesome and you can't take that away from them. I could easily name 10 games that I think are easily worth playable that came out this year.


Well Jordan if you're gonna ignore JRPGs, then it's your own fault for been bored at games. Valkyria Chronicles is FUCKING BRILLIANT and if you did like Sega, then you'd buy their best game since the Dreamcast. And please Don't get me started on how awesome Persona 4 is going to be. It's been outclassing next gen games and the game got on a cover of a major US Magazine beating all the current rush of next gen games, including Gears of War 2. The PS2 is still a beast that can give these new consoles a kick in the teeth still and show how it is done.

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I did buy The World Ends With You... And I got bored of it really fast. I LOVED the style, it just looked amazing, the battle system was alot of fun. But something just lost me when I was playing it. Same with Phoenix Wright 3, Ninja Gaiden: Dragon Sword.


In contrast, I enjoyed Fable II. Played it non-stop for 5 days... But it felt so much like the first one.


Army of Two = Generic as HELL. Which is a shame, I mean... theres nothing "wrong" with it, but did it really do anything new? Anything great?


Mirror's Edge = Disappointing. Whilst fun when everything was "flowing" the sheer frustration, terrible collision detection and combat was god awful and so annoying!


I really want to play Dead Space (not bought it yet, but will) and without an internet connection i'm still yet to play L4D. Really want to though.

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The problem is partially Nintendo's fault


With the Wii, the casual market came into full bloom and now everyone is shifting focus to it somewhat with crap like Lips and You're In The Movies being "big" games


Other games including new IPs just seemed high on promise and low on delivery

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I think it's been a great year myself. My Christmas list for games has never been as big as it has been this year, and I've been left with some great experiences from Burnout Paradise, GTA4, FIFA 09 (Not at all original but my first footy game), Rock Band, Professor Layton, WEWY and loads more I simply cannot continue to list. :D

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