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Yeah watching that video I was like... "waaaaaaait a minute, isn't this... yep from NMH!"


They're real band.

Genki Rockets (元気ロケッツ) is a hybrid band made up of unnamed musical artists. The face of the group is 18-year old Lumi, a fictional girl who was born in space on September 11, 2037 and has never been to Earth.


Album - Genki Rockets I -Heavenly Star- (July 2, 2008)

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IGN have reviewed Madden 10 on the Wii, scoring it an 8.2/ 10.


EA needs to decide if this is going to be a sim game with a friendly look, or a more arcade-like offering all around. Right now it plays like old Madden under a new skin. If the game is going truly casual, it's time to open things up with a totally retooled game of football that relies on big plays and a full-on arcade-like feel.
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IGN have reviewed Madden 10 on the Wii, scoring it an 8.2/ 10.


A surprisingly decent score when you consider that half (the best part) of the game is completely unchanged which is absolutely unforgiveable, and most of the additions are a waste of disc space. I do of course, say this not having played it though.


I did almost stop reading when the reviewer wrote' Remember the gritty 09 visuals EA settled on?'.


WTF, granted the player models were (until now) pretty decent, but if you regard fluorescent green pitches, only changing to dark green or whitish to reflect weather conditions (which incidently, didn't and still don't affect gameplay), cupboard cut out crowds, soulless looking stadiums and hugh gold arcadish lettering displaying down and distance, as gritty visuals then he must be living on a different planet to me. I didn't mention the stupid player or ball trails as they were optional and I turned them off within a couple of games last year.


All EA had to do with the franchise, was to make small changes to the controls from the '07 version with minimal grahical updates and they would probably be in a better place than they are now.

Edited by ThePigMarcher
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Rather than bump the much dead Okami thread here's a quick question;


Anyway of making the text speed up because its so fucking slow. Particularly when you fail to do something and have to repeat it and you keep reading the same SLOW ASS text over and over.

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Cutscenes can be skipped if you don't want to have to read text. Has been awhile since playing but I think it's the + button you press to skip. Other than that, can you not speed up the text by holding either the A or B button, like in Zelda? Can't remember. Sorry if that isn't fully helpful. I'll try and stick the game on later and get something more concrete for you Ash.

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EA Sports Staff Walks Off Thanks to Wii?


According to Develop Online, EA Sports' Peter Moore spoke during a keynote address at the Edinburgh Interactive conference held earlier today, blaming the casual gamer for the loss of many EA Sports staff members. More specifically, he pointed the finger at Nintendo's Wii console and the huge load of casual gamers tagging along.


For a company that has spent decades creating super-realistic gamers for core players, many of the in-house developers were left bewildered, he indicated. Before the Wii, sports games were used to show how realistic games had become over the previous year


"But then this thing [the Wii] came along and presented us with some challenges," he explained. "The dynamics changed with the launch of the Wii--play and fun was coming back in, the demographic was changing enormously, and the amount of time to play was being compressed."


Apparently EA Sports developers viewed Wii Sports as a huge competition, an interactive sports title that came free with the console. Because they were too accustomed in developing detailed games for core gamers, they were unwilling to tackle titles for a general audience, the casual gamer.


"[They] couldn't take the change of pace," he added. "It was hard. A lot of people at that time thought they would move on from our studios--they wanted to chase the core consumer."


Moore said that EA Sports learned from the change and has established itself a "position with social and family entertainment."

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EA Sports Staff Walks Off Thanks to Wii?


According to Develop Online, EA Sports' Peter Moore spoke during a keynote address at the Edinburgh Interactive conference held earlier today, blaming the casual gamer for the loss of many EA Sports staff members. More specifically, he pointed the finger at Nintendo's Wii console and the huge load of casual gamers tagging along.


For a company that has spent decades creating super-realistic gamers for core players, many of the in-house developers were left bewildered, he indicated. Before the Wii, sports games were used to show how realistic games had become over the previous year


"But then this thing [the Wii] came along and presented us with some challenges," he explained. "The dynamics changed with the launch of the Wii--play and fun was coming back in, the demographic was changing enormously, and the amount of time to play was being compressed."


Apparently EA Sports developers viewed Wii Sports as a huge competition, an interactive sports title that came free with the console. Because they were too accustomed in developing detailed games for core gamers, they were unwilling to tackle titles for a general audience, the casual gamer.


"[They] couldn't take the change of pace," he added. "It was hard. A lot of people at that time thought they would move on from our studios--they wanted to chase the core consumer."


Moore said that EA Sports learned from the change and has established itself a "position with social and family entertainment."


it;s not really that realistic style sports games are "out" it's just that the wii can't really handle them properly as well as the 360 and ps3 and its a case of if you can't beat them do it a different way and that's what the wii is doing.


wii sports is more like a party game than a sports game anyway... not sure what they're getting upset about tiger woods is realistic and doing extremely well on wii.

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EA Sports Staff Walks Off Thanks to Wii?



I'm not sure if arrogant is the right word, but the statement does reek of passing the buck and EA really need to take some responsibility for their actions.


See my earlier comments on Madden as an example.


The '07 version was pretty realistic when you consider it was a launch title (even if it was a PS2 port with added motion controls). If EA were capable of producing that as a launch title then I don't see why it wouldn't be possible to continue to just move the series in a similar direction with gradual improvements each year, they are usually pretty good at this after all ;).


Even '08 wasn't bad, it was a little buggy but it still maintained a level of realism, and I don't think many complained too much about the differences to the HD versions because we all knew that graphically at least there was never going to be a comparision.


Then came '09 which offered a clear indication that EA clearly no longer wanted the more serious NFL gamer. The game got dumbed down even further, loads of casual orientated crap was added instead of any attempt to provide an improvement to the gameplay and more features were ripped out to allow for this casual crap to be built in.


Looking at '10 (and it's woeful lack of features) it is further evidence that they WANT to embrace the casual gamer. So really whose to blame for their chosen direction.


Madden isn't the sort of game that would capture the casual market due to some of the complexities of the sport and the EA team gambled on trying to capture that market and it looks to have failed, at the very least, man up and admit that they screwed up rather than blame the consumer, and it sounds more like a case of some staff choosing to bail from a rapidly sinking ship.

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Some Trackmania Wii info and screenshots (off screen though). 'Tis in Spanish but basically comes to the following:


- developer is working hard with Nintendo to avoid use of friend codes

- may use SD card for storage

- aiming for 16 players online

- 200 tracks

- same control configurations as Mario Kart Wii

- due out Q1 2010

- 60 FPS

- snow, coast, rally, stadium, 'iron' and island environments

- Wii was chosen because of control methods for both driving and track creation

- Race, platform and puzzle return for single player


Screenshots can be seen at the link below. Not many but it looks pretty good.



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I'm hoping the online will extend to the sharing of your track creations. There's a bit in the article about Boom Blox Bash Party and I know about the online download service there so if they are going for something similar with this then great because the BBBP service is really good.

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- developer is working hard with Nintendo to avoid use of friend codes

- may use SD card for storage

- aiming for 16 players online

- 200 tracks

- same control configurations as Mario Kart Wii

- due out Q1 2010

- 60 FPS

- snow, coast, rally, stadium, 'iron' and island environments

- Wii was chosen because of control methods for both driving and track creation

- Race, platform and puzzle return for single player

This is excellent news! Got both my eyes on this one!


I look forward to seeing if they implement some kind of community with sharing maps.


In other news, Metroid Prime: Trilogy is sitting on a 92/100 on Metacritic.

Edited by LostOverThere
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Regarding Zelda: OoT:


The screen shots are semi-impressive, where as the video is very poor. For 5 years worth of work... er...


I'm not sure where to start. I mean... it's cool. But... pointless. Does the guy not realise that some games simply suit different visual styles? Also... some of the stuff looks absolutely awful, did he actually do any overall design boards for this or just play it by ear. It looks that way, grabbing Waker textures and poorly making his own.


Er... cool, but, ugly?


(By the way, Wind Waker is definitely one of my favourite games ever visually...)

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