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It's pretty sweet that you can control quite a few of those games without the nunchuk.


Other M uses Wiimote only and it uses it well. I didn't really bat an eyelid about the lack of Nunchuk when playing that game.


Forgot that Brawl had a Wiimote only option. Never used it.

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It's pretty sweet that you can control quite a few of those games without the nunchuk..


..such as Pro Evolution Soccer? :heh: It actually holds up surprisingly well when squeezed onto the Wii Remote. It may not be ideal, but it's certainly a great option for those who may not have a Classic Controller but want to play the game in a traditional way :smile:

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Requires a Nunchuck. Don't ask, I don't understand either.


Seriously..damn, been one game i've been looking forward to playing ;-;



Thanks for the suggestions though, not a lot to play but it'll be something to play at least.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 3 months later...

For me, my top 5 is as follows:


Bit Trip Flux:




The perfect way to finish an awesome series. Looping all the way back to square one, with a new take on the original Bit Trip game was a great way to wrap up a great series that really defined the best of Wii Ware.


Wii Play Motion:




Like Bit Trip Flux, it personifies the very best and the very worst of the Wii. It's great fun, with some enormously innovative mini games - only matched by the equally innovative Jam Session style development that the game underwent (with 8 different developers all pitching in with different games) and the music/presentation is just as charming as ever (the Mii voices are hilarious in this game!) While it's a fantastic game in of itself that really goes a ways towards redefining how you can interact with a game, there's also something bitter sweet about it arriving so late into the Wii's life cycle. It feels like this game should've been released back in 2008, when the Wii really needed support and for me it stands as a great "what could've been" if 3rd parties gave a damn about the console. It's a shame that it's gone forgotten, but it was sadly just released too late.


Kirby's Return To Dreamland:




11 Years in the making, 6 years in the waiting and a decade since the last traditional console Kirby game. It's fabulous! While perhaps not as innovative as Kirby's Epic Yarn, it doesn't mean that it's just a rehash of the pink puff's former glory. From the secret sub stages, to the new powers and innovative level design, it's bursting with new ideas - married with familiar gameplay (even if the art style isn't as original). It deserves more love and more respect than it gets.






It's the best traditional JRPG since Chrono Trigger. While it is totally different from its contemporaries, it's probably best described as Final Fantasy 12 done right. More or less everything about the game is perfect, the pacing, the innovative battle system that's flawlessly integrated into the story, the characters, the music (OH GOD THE MUSIC :love:), but most of all; the environments. If you can see it, you can go to it. It's scale, but with the level of craftsmanship that you wouldn't find outside of the likes of Zelda.


It's the gold standard of RPGs and the best traditional JRPG released in the last 16 years...


So it takes one hell of a game to topple a giant like Xenoblade and there is one that does so (barely)


Skyward Sword:




It's the game that we waited for since the Wii was first announced. What a tragedy that we had to wait so long for it. But what more is there to say? Chances are that you've already played it and it's Zelda. It's the perfect 25th anniversary game and the best game of this generation.


Overall I'd say that 2011 was a year of quality over quantity. Not the Wii's strongest year, but it features some of the Wii's (and this generation's) very best.

Edited by Dcubed
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Question for you guys,


Just played NSMB and Animal Crossing pain free huzzah, got Super Paper Mario to play too, just wanted to know what other games I can play with the remote only.


Rayman Origins should be playable with the Wiimote only, if I'm correctly informed.

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Dayumn, this thread hit rock-bottom inactivity. Is it because it was stickied? :heh:


*sigh* I wish I had played De Blob 2 this year. I took a surprising amount of time to complete simply two Wii games, and with a PS2 entering the house temporarily, I got even less time. And then Skyward Sword appeared!


I made De Blob 2 wait too long :(I know Blue Tongue went bankrupt :weep:

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  • 4 weeks later...

A question:


I finished Zelda.. 2 weeks ago? Anyway, it was generally great, I already posted some impressions in the thread, and may post my final comments there as well, but finishing Zelda has been a chore in one aspect totally unrelated to the game itself. It has to do with the motion+ accessory.


Now, I used the stand-alone motion+ accessory, I bought it ages ago because I wanted a black controller and assumed I’d have some games that would use it not long after, but Zelda has unfortunately been the first one due too lack of money and different priorities. I got Zelda without the exclusive remote, so I don’t own any controllers with built-in motion+. Now the problem is, that everytime things get hectic, the analogue stick seems to reset its center frequently. Making me go pause the game and push the recenter button combo. To say this is annoying is an understatement, and I honestly can’t believe I’ve put up with it, but I guess because this is the first new game in ages for me, and don’t want to buy a new remote. Hectic situations are of course boss fights, and it’s extremely frustrating is after every 3 slashes with your sword, you start walking in a specific direction without your input.


Anyway, I’d like to hear from people with experience with the stand-alone accesory, if this was a common problem, I assume it’s because of the weak connection between the nunchuck and the motion+. I expect buying a new remote would solve the problem, then again, this is really a product flaw, and I should return it, but I’ve bought it a long time ago.


Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.

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If I've understood you correctly, and the problem is just your analogue stick getting out of calibration regularly, it sounds like you've just got a busted Nunchuck. That's happened to me before, anyway. Do you have a different Nunchuck you can use to see if it really is a problem with it?

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I have plenty of nunchucks (but no extra black ones). Thanks for the suggestions, I’ll try that out when I have the time. Boss battle run should prove a good test.


I never experienced problems before though, so I assumed the motion+ had something to do with it. Obviously, I’ll also try playing a non-motion+ game.

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Anyway, I’d like to hear from people with experience with the stand-alone accesory, if this was a common problem, I assume it’s because of the weak connection between the nunchuck and the motion+. I expect buying a new remote would solve the problem, then again, this is really a product flaw, and I should return it, but I’ve bought it a long time ago.


Any comments or suggestions are appreciated.


Exactly the same thing happened to me, about 30 times. Link just starts running round in circles. It's never happened to me in any other game, and the connection between Nunchuk and Remote didn't even seem loose.

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  • 3 weeks later...

I've moved house, so have only just managed to set my Wii up again.


I'm going to make an effort to finish all of my other games before I buy any new ones. I've got a loooooot to play through/finish off/start up.


Zelda needs finishing, I don't think I'm very far from the end.

Then, need to start Xenoblade, Metroid Prime: THRILLOGY, Sin and Punishment 2, Trauma Centre Second Opinion, Fire Emblem Wii.

Then, need to finish Red Steel 1 and 2, Epic Mickey, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Brawl, and a few others.


No time! :cry:

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I've moved house, so have only just managed to set my Wii up again.


I'm going to make an effort to finish all of my other games before I buy any new ones. I've got a loooooot to play through/finish off/start up.


Zelda needs finishing, I don't think I'm very far from the end.

Then, need to start Xenoblade, Metroid Prime: THRILLOGY, Sin and Punishment 2, Trauma Centre Second Opinion, Fire Emblem Wii.

Then, need to finish Red Steel 1 and 2, Epic Mickey, Tatsunoko vs Capcom, Brawl, and a few others.


No time! :cry:


You do have a lot don't you and it's not exactly as if they are all short either - Xenoblade, MPT and FE can be real time sinks.


I've been playing a little of TvC myself lately - had kinda forgoteen how good it is. When you get round to it, if you ever fancy a few games online, post in the thread or drop me a PM and I'll attempt to put up a fight if you want.

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You do have a lot don't you and it's not exactly as if they are all short either - Xenoblade, MPT and FE can be real time sinks.


I've been playing a little of TvC myself lately - had kinda forgoteen how good it is. When you get round to it, if you ever fancy a few games online, post in the thread or drop me a PM and I'll attempt to put up a fight if you want.


Yeah...I can see each of those easily being over 40hour+ games. By quite some distance.


Oh, forgot another one I want to get back into...Monster Hunter Tri.


I've already spent 30 hours on that, and still am a puny HR. Think I'm HR17...


Basically, too many games. It's a nice problem to have, but it's a little daunting at the same time. In a way, I'm nervous about starting Xenoblade, because I'm worried I'll stop halfway through because of work and life and work.


I'll definitely play you at TvC at some point. It's a great game, I like it a lot. :D

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Yeah...I can see each of those easily being over 40hour+ games. By quite some distance.


Oh, forgot another one I want to get back into...Monster Hunter Tri.


I've already spent 30 hours on that, and still am a puny HR. Think I'm HR17...


Basically, too many games. It's a nice problem to have, but it's a little daunting at the same time. In a way, I'm nervous about starting Xenoblade, because I'm worried I'll stop halfway through because of work and life and work.


I'll definitely play you at TvC at some point. It's a great game, I like it a lot. :D


I spent 120 on Xenblade, 70 on FE (all them restarts soon add up) and about 35 on MPT just because I already knew the games backward otherwise that could be doubled for most people.


I'm not very good at TvC (despite what D_prO thinks) but I do enjoy it a lot so yeah, hit me up and hopefully we can arrange something.

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I spent 120 on Xenblade, 70 on FE (all them restarts soon add up) and about 35 on MPT just because I already knew the games backward otherwise that could be doubled for most people.


I'm not very good at TvC (despite what D_prO thinks) but I do enjoy it a lot so yeah, hit me up and hopefully we can arrange something.


Those are long hours. I imagined Xenoblade would be pretty long. I reckon Metroid Prime Trilogy will take me up to 3 times that length...I'll go through it slowly.


TvC is just fun. It feels quite trippy at times. I wish there were more fighters on the system, because there's no other competition for that and Brawl.

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  • 1 month later...

Have people had problems with their WM+ by the way? I'm deep into Zelda at the moment and mine died on me last night it seems. Intermittently gets detected being connected to the Wiimote and seems pretty sketchy detecting the nunchuck being attached.


I found this out last night when doing the chopping challenge and suddenly all of the controls for the nunchuck died. Thought it was a software issue...

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