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Rate the last game you played

Chris the great

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I just worked my way through Conduit. I bought it recently as it was only a tenner and have been pleasantly surprised. To me it feels like they've tried to rip off Halo with the pace, combat and aliens, but that's no bad thing. Last night I got to the end and was all "right here we go, big final battle with a huge boss, this is gonna be wicked" and then it wrapped up and I'd finished. So that was lame.


I've been playing multiplayer with friends from work on Skype too and that's loads of fun.


For a tenner it's a 7/10.

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bioshock 2


i wasnt the biggest fan of the first bioshock, i think it had been to hyped for me. thats not to say i didnt love it, i just didnt feel it was the revolution i was told to expect. what did blow me away was the twist in the story, i already knew a fair bit of it, yet a certain element left me reeling, trying to reject what id been told but finaly understanding it was a peice of pure genious, a moment that cemented gamings place as a medium for story telling.


now, one year after i first went to rapture, im abck. and i love it.


the first thing i will say about the game is the atmosphere is increadable. shadows and sound constantly remind you of the twisted world your in, and the clautrophobic environment becomes like a trap, filled with some of the most disturbing creatures in video games.


you cant help but notice the love thats gone into creating the world, the broken streets are alive with details, the corpses seem to tell a story, the audio logs reveal details about the world around you.


the story is again, one of the games strongest elements. its told through magnificent voice acting, with the majority of cut scenes being done in the half life style, allowing you to focus on what you want.

ineviatably, the game wouldent have anything as ground breaking as would you kindly, or revealing you were ryan's clone/son, but i cant help but feel there should have been more of a twist, the most shocking moment was the opening cinematic. i chose to be good and mercyful, and was happy with how the story reflected thig, and i'll be interested to see how the evil vengful story resolves.



the gameplay is very similar to the first, though being a big daddy makes it slightly more interesting, the slower but more resiliant style dose slightly differ it from the original, but the main difference comes from what was my biggest fear about the game, the gathering sections. in bioshock 1, the protecting the little sister mission was a low point, hearing the game would have alot of this was dissheartening, but it actualy worked otu very well indeed. setting up traps in tactical locations, adding mini turrets, carfully checking all the guns were set to the most appopreate ammo and then finaly starting the sequence was a very tense experience. i spent alot of my time and money aquireing the best equipment for these moments, and i have to say, they were enjoyable.


the big sisters were slightly disserpointing. i expected to be chased around by a single big sister, striking out of the blue and really pushing my skill. the fact they only appear outside of very few scripted moments when you release of harvest all the little sisters in an area took the edge off them, they werent stalking preditors but lured prey. you had time to lay traps, to stratergise. this took away alot of the fear.



all in all, its a game that stands up well to its own big daddy, whilst very familiar, it does keep an identity of its own, and even in this extended christmas period, its well worth picking up.


9/10 atmospheric and deep, a must play for anyone looking for a truly mature game.

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well, its fun, the story is ok, and the voice acting is good. actualy made me want to punch peter/bill murray though.


my only real criticism would be that the combat can become boring, even standard grunts take alot to bring down.


6.5/10 a fun but forgetable game. worth a rent.


Agree with that once you power up your proton pack to incorporate many other weapon types it becomes more and more like any other third person shooter and thats when the combat becomes boring and it looks that sense of glee you get when you first trap a ghost. I'd say its about a 6 as a game but an 8 as a nostalgia inducing free for all.

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Disgaea 2 : Dark Hero Days




If you own a PSP and don't/havn't play/played the Disgaeas, then you are absolutely mental. Some of my favourite games of all time. Mixes AMAZING characters, good story, HILARIOUS (as in genuinely loloutloudlol) humour, and DEEP and brilliant gameplay. Perfect in most ways.



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Resident Evil 5




Resident Evil 5. Oh My God. Oh My God. Resident Evil 5! I seriously love this game and it's not even the best in the series. It's just so replayable and the graphics are quite awesome. I've been addicted to Versus, that's great but sometimes you can seriously get some idiots on it. Other than that though, fantastic!


Got my MS points ready and waiting for Lost in Nightmares tomorrow! :grin:






Resident Evil 5: Lost in Nightmares




Just found this awesome picture to which I think I shall be making a signature out of later. Anyway, back to the add-on, literally stunning. Senses of deja vu await fans of the Resident Evil series. The graphics is brilliant and runs very smoothly. Definitely lived up to my expectations!



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Professor Layton and the Diabolical Box


If you played he original, then it's more of the same, which is hardly a bad thing. The issue is, I wish more of the puzzles were directly related to the story as many of them just seem so pointlessly random. Also, I'd like a slightly less linear storyline and less of the "The Professor and Luke decide to explore..." Er... no, I didn't decide to do that, actually.


But otherwise the puzzles are just as smart, but there are a few cheap shots here and there that elicit a growl of frustration.



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Quick question, is lost in nightmares fairly long? I'm only worried because it's only 400 points! I'm sure at that price it'll be worth it anyway.


Honestly, no but defeating Wesker on Professional mode is a bitch! However, if you're a Resident Evil fan and have played it from the beginning, you'll love it! I advise you to play with a friend as it is double-awesome. We've found everything including an easter egg (which you can change your camera back to the old Resi Evil style)


It is great and is worth 400 points to me. Roll on Desperate Escape.

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assassins creed 2 dlc


really enjoyed AC2, so the chance to get a couple of extra hits in appealed to me. havign played both heres what i thought.


dlc 1: battle. exactly like a normal mission, lots of fun and a good story running though. the sudden ending was kinda a opain though


dlc 2: bonfire. i liked the setting a little more, but the story seemed lacking. the 9 assasinations were varied and fun, with a couple being fairly difficult. the ending was awsome.


all in all 7/10 worth the money i paid, but nothing must have about them, also lack of achivments/trophies was odd.

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Heavy Rain


Got this yesterday and pretty much completed it in one sitting, just couldnt put the controller down.


Brilliant fun, following the four main characters and trying to figure out who the Origami Killer is etc. Because of the fact that whenever one of your main characters dies, they stay dead it really added a lot of tension to the game that most games dont have at all. Quite a few times I got really worried that I was about to lose one of my characters, thankfully though I managed to complete the game with all still alive.


Only real complaint would be the walking controls, you look like a robot when you walk and seem to constantly have to re-adjust yourself when you want to use something. Oh and the voice acting was a bit dodgy, anyone who has played the start of the game should know how annoying the name "Jason" has become.



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Mass Effect 2


Fantastic game, the storytelling and characters are top-notch but for me the highlights were the planets. All the locations were very different from one another and each one had some sort of epicness to it. Mission design was also very good although it could have used a bit wider environments to open up some tactical options and most of the missions were a bit too short for my taste. I liked the overheating of weapons a lot better in ME1 than the clip system they are using now. Although the idea to reduce the inventory system from ME1 is essentially good they overdid it a bit.

The ending also left too many questions open for me and I felt most of the game was just doing (good but still) missions for my teammates instead of stuff that helped progress the story. But apart from these shortcomings it is a fantastic experience.



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Aliens vs Predator


Bit crappy, I liked it at first, such as the colony stage with the marine but it just went downhill pretty quick. Boring level design, awkward controls and meh graphics left me feeling rather underwhelmed. I actually found the marine campaign to be the weakest!


As a fan of the films you can look past it's many faults but I doubt non-fans would get anything out of this.



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Call of Juarez: Bound in Blood

Borrowed this off my cousin and didn't expect much as I hated the opening level, but I'm glad I stuck with it as it's a great game. The atmospheric western setting makes a nice change from WW2 or modern warzones, the story is pretty decent with the relationship between the brothers being highly entertaining and the standard shoot your way from A - B gameplay is very enjoyable thanks to some great missions and sceanarios. Could have done with a few more stealth and side missions, but I highly recommended this title.



John Woo presents Stanglehold

A very short below average 3rd person shooter made fun thanks to the Tequila moves you can pull off. You'll never tire of diving through the air, then grabbing onto a chandelier, slowing down time, and bagging some headshots. Mindless fun.


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John Woo presents Stanglehold

A very short below average 3rd person shooter made fun thanks to the Tequila moves you can pull off. You'll never tire of diving through the air, then grabbing onto a chandelier, slowing down time, and bagging some headshots. Mindless fun.


The amazing thing about Stranglehold is that it's only around 5 hours long and yet it manages to start grating half an hour into it.

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Heavy Rain


I fully expected this to be a good game, but it turned out to be an excellent game that sticks out like a sore thumb in a sea of shooters and sandboxes.


If you can forge past the nauseating tutorial/prologue level, the game will sink its many hooks into your brain and wont let go until youve achieved closure.


The contextual, QTE filled control scheme may not be perfect, but the seperate intertwining story threads, beautifully detailed environments and jaw-dropping cinematic story progression take the front seat here.


It may not be readily apparent but this game is a future classic and hopefully the forerunner in a new genre of games 9/10

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I need to see Red Cliff (which was directed by John Woo).


No...No, you don't.


The Conduit



Started this last night - my local seller only just re-stocked.


I'm enjoying it so far, but the health packs are strangely placed.



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Three Kingdoms period of Chinese History is my "Mastermind Topic" though (after playing lots of Dynasty Warriors, and reading lots of Wikipedia), so I figured I should watch it.



Fair enough, but I'm warning you:


It's cliched, full of false sentiment, bad acting and is chock full of unintentionally funny moments.


All I'ma say is "It's me: Piggy!" *THUNK*

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