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Rate the last game you played

Chris the great

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Just before my xbox decided to give me the RROD, I got nostalgic and ordered 2 sequels to ps2 games I never got to play.


Zone of the Enders 2: The 2nd Runner

Improves on everything, the flaws and the parts that made it great!


Since its an old game its hard to see the graphics as amazing, but for those days it would have been I reckon. A few framerate issues when there was so much on screen and sometimes the camera was a bit annoying when it didn't follow the character. Story was sublime and the anime movie parts were great for a fan like me. Got harder, but not too hard for intermediate. Final few bosses were also epic. Slightly short, but maybe because I played it so much as it was so addictive!


Hopefully Konami keep to their promise of making a ZOE3.


For me, 8.6/10!


Dynasty Tactics 2

Haven't got anywhere near from finishing this since its such a huge game, but I do like it. Different tactics available and a slightly different story, plus the chance to play as Lu Bu!

Shame a few things they changed aren't as good, such as collecting items and learning new tactics. Played to their strengths, which considering I loved the first game made it a great game for me.


8/10 Will probably improve once I've completed a few of the stories.

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Madden 10


Been playing Madden Moments most of the night, where the game recreates some famous scenarios from the NFL. Playing as the Colts down 17 points against the texans with 8 mins to go. I got it down to 4 points with 20 seconds on the clock. Heaved a play-action pass 76 yards but got tackled on the 2 yard line. Needing just a yard for the TD and win, I stupidly decided to throw it. The pass was Intercepted and I lost. I was close to tears :(

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Fallout 3


Just brilliant, there's simply too much greatness in this game for it not to be considered as one of the best games of this decade. Whenever I play it I always want to finish everything in one sitting, which is impossible for obvious reasons. The smaller details make it a special experience, and collecting stuff is just addictive. Much moreso than in Borderlands anyway. I'm trying to obtain the platinum trophy, still got a while to play before that though.

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Wet. I think I rated it already but I just finished it completely and I just want to say how awesome the action was. The most ridiculously over-the-top shooter I have played in ages, the ability to fire easily at two targets in two different directions, whilst completely inexplicable, was outrageously fun. It had a very smooth learning curve where you went from 10-points per kill to 175-points per kill once you realised how to deal the real damage. Graphics were a bit of a let down as well as some near-impossible bits providing some real anger and frustration.


In fact it had one level which could quite easily have been impossible. If you get to "Falling for Kafka" on the hardest difficulty without fully levelling up at least your health and surely your pistols, I dare say it would not be possible and you'd have to start the whole game again. A bit of a bottleneck situation created by the developers! But forgiveable for just being that enjoyable to play.


Just scraping an 8/10.

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Assassins Creed 2


Love it. It's not perfect, but it's close. I can't remember much about the first, but I remember being quite uninterested in the story. This time, I actually enjoy the story.


The tombs are a nice change of pace too. They remind me a lot of the earlier 3D Prince of Persia games.


The bit where you play Altair again. I especially liked how the genetic memory didn't follow Altair after the baby was concieved (as he had already passed his genetic memory on to the child and couldn't transfer any more after conception). I also liked that it wasn't made obvious what had happened (unless it does later).



Love it. 9/10

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I'm addicted to Punchout!! for the Wii.


Ine really did good with getting me this for Christmas. My eyes must have been lit up like a bushfire. So much charm, style, and a lovely sense of humour. I'd consider this to be a hidden gem.


I absolutely love the controls and the way that it plays. It's responsive, and very seamless. Also, at times it forces you to think very, very quickly. You start off the game getting battered, but then you adjust to the pace of it, and you start wiiiinnnning.


The music and also the character's voice-acting is probably one of the high points of the game for me. Again, it's charming, but it also seems memorable. I remember Ine's sister sat down to watch us play this game, and she was laughing at Disco Kid and his little comments. Plus his little "OWs" as he gets beaten to a bluddy pulp.


I've still got some way to go in this game. I haven't tried the balance board controls, mainly due to my lack of one. I've got very few complaints about this, but one thing that does concern me is that I'm not sure about the lifespan of the game. There are challenges you can attempt, three for each character, which enables you to unlock stuffs. Then, there's the main-gameplay mode. After that:


I've been told that there's a title defence mode. Which is apparantly where the game gets even more interesting, so looking forward to that.



So far, I'm loving the game. This is a perfect blend of nostalgic gaming but with a freshness and new feel to it. :)


9/10. I love it that much. Very chuffed to get this and Dead Space: Extraction for Christmas presents. :D

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I'm addicted to Punchout!! for the Wii.


Ine really did good with getting me this for Christmas. My eyes must have been lit up like a bushfire. So much charm, style, and a lovely sense of humour. I'd consider this to be a hidden gem.


I absolutely love the controls and the way that it plays. It's responsive, and very seamless. Also, at times it forces you to think very, very quickly. You start off the game getting battered, but then you adjust to the pace of it, and you start wiiiinnnning.


The music and also the character's voice-acting is probably one of the high points of the game for me. Again, it's charming, but it also seems memorable. I remember Ine's sister sat down to watch us play this game, and she was laughing at Disco Kid and his little comments. Plus his little "OWs" as he gets beaten to a bluddy pulp.


I've still got some way to go in this game. I haven't tried the balance board controls, mainly due to my lack of one. I've got very few complaints about this, but one thing that does concern me is that I'm not sure about the lifespan of the game. There are challenges you can attempt, three for each character, which enables you to unlock stuffs. Then, there's the main-gameplay mode. After that:


I've been told that there's a title defence mode. Which is apparantly where the game gets even more interesting, so looking forward to that.



So far, I'm loving the game. This is a perfect blend of nostalgic gaming but with a freshness and new feel to it. :)


9/10. I love it that much. Very chuffed to get this and Dead Space: Extraction for Christmas presents. :D


I wouldnt say its a hidden gem, its freakin Punch-Out!!! and i think it actually sold well here in the States.


Agree with the score though, its 1 of, if not the best Wii game on the market.

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Dragon Age Origins . I consider this type of game to be a proper RPG and there hasn't been one of those I've enjoed since mass effect. I feel like I am living the story . Sure it has it's flaws; namely the less than brilliant graphics but for once the depth and story behind the world is so developed the technical limitations of the game don't really matter. It's freakin humongous too! On my enjoyment scale ( the only scale which matters to me) if 1 = torture and 10= better than sex then I'd give this a 9. ( I haven't had much sex)

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I wouldnt say its a hidden gem, its freakin Punch-Out!!! and i think it actually sold well here in the States.


Agree with the score though, its 1 of, if not the best Wii game on the market.


I may be wrong, but I think a game like Punchout!! will probably always do better and get more recognition in the US than in the UK. Just checked VGChartz and it says its sold more in the US than all of the other regions combined, and then probably doubled. :heh:

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I may be wrong, but I think a game like Punchout!! will probably always do better and get more recognition in the US than in the UK. Just checked VGChartz and it says its sold more in the US than all of the other regions combined, and then probably doubled. :heh:


Maybe its the Mike Tyson legacy attached to it, but yeah theres definitely a big Punch-Out following here.


Oh and title defense is the best part! Youve only scratched the surface Flink

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Maybe its the Mike Tyson legacy attached to it, but yeah theres definitely a big Punch-Out following here.


Oh and title defense is the best part! Youve only scratched the surface Flink


Ahh, good ol' Tyson. Still, I'd be delighted if the game does fairly well in Europe, and Worldwide for that matter. You can also pick it up for pretty cheap here, too. Quite a few stores are selling it for under 20 quid, which I think it an absolute steal. Buy eet, people.


Ooo, really? Ok, I'm excited now, haha.



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Trials 2:


This is the most punitive and addictive game ever. Also the most aptly named. A physics based game where you control a motorcyclist from a 2D perspective and manuever him through a series of obstacles, except these obstacles are placed in such a way, and the implementation of inertia so exaggerated that completing a course is really a meaure of testicular fortitude. This is not a game that exceeds the sum of its parts; it has nothing to do with any of its parts. Any enjoyment of this game is an abstraction, because what you really are enjoying is the punishment you're inflicting on yourself. Its a tool for exacting vengeance on every heinous moral crime you have ever committed. It will absolve you of your sins. And by that measure, it is Jesus.


On a scale of 1 to Awesome, its Super Great.

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Mirror's Edge

1st person platforming with the odd shoot em up scenario. Feels fresh and original and despite the odd frustarting moment it was a joy to play. Kept getting a 'No More Heroes' vibe from it for some reason.



Resident Evil 5

Despite Resident Evil 4 being one of my all time favourite games, I really couldn't get into the first few chapters, but thankfully from 1-3 or 2-1 (can't remember which) I started to love this great action game. Only complaints are that some of the boss battles feel a bit cheap as they are 'on-rails' due to placing you on a gun turret, and there was only one puzzle to solve in the whole game!



Gears of War 2

Spent about two hours with this, but I couldn't be bothered wasting any more time with it, as it felt dated, looked depressing and it just didn't captivate me, but then again I'm not the biggest sci-fan...



The Legend of Zelda : Spirit Tracks

Much better than Phantom Hourglass. Driving the train beats sailing, plenty of side-quests and innovative puzzles and boss battles. One of the best DS games.


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Professor Layton and the Curious Village


Picked this up for around £12 on Shopto.net and 'my word' what a great game!!

Loved it from start to finish. Sure there's a couple of the puzzles seem to cheat you somewhat, but there are some genious ones to make up for ny of those!


Great little story, BEAUTIFULLY animated cutscenes, great voice acting... love the characters! Good plot... I did see one of the plot twists coming from a way off...

Guessed that the new wife was a robot clone.

but the rest had me guessing... Especially loved Laytons confrontational have it out scene with Inspector Chelmey!!

I've got 5 secret puzzles left to find... but don't really know how you go about finding those?!


If I was to criticise one thing, I would have liked more of the puzzles to be related to the actual adventure. It starts of that way right at the beginning, with the 'find the village on the map' and 'entrance bridge crank' puzzles... but then pretty much every puzzle after that was a random one.


But on the whole, loved it, and can't wait to play more in the series... 9/10

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I just completed this game last night and I really enjoyed it :) My only real gripe with it was the story, about halfway through it just became completely convoluted and seemed to lose anything it had going for it. The power ups are fairly creative, the missions are nearly all fun and interesting, getting around the city is incredibly fun and easy. It just does so much right. The karma system is quite nice, but you are very rarely inclined to choose anything other than what you are already doing - you're either entirely nice or entirely evil. I really like the addition of the 'dead drops' that you can find, it adds to the atmosphere nicely - even if it does copy Bioshock a bit.


On a side note, I felt a bit silly because I had changed the difficulty to hard without realizing and had to do the final boss on that difficulty as a result. Oh well.


I chose to do the game as a Hero first, mainly to spite the title/marketing of the game. Good thing I did that one on medium, have started playing through on hard but evil and it doesn't seem to have changed much in difficulty really.





Finished playing through as the Evil Cole now, as I expected, the game wasn't really any harder. All the comments I made before pretty much still stand, although I will add that the game seems to make my PS3 crash on occasion >_<. I now have 80% of the trophies...I really want to get them all (first platinum!) but it has one of those stupid 'Find All Of Very Common Object' trophies. Though they shouldn't be as hard to find as the orbs on Crackdown o_O.

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dark void (demo)


well, its kinda fun, got to fly, shoot some shit, run around, shoot some shit, walk through boring coridors, shoot some shit.


very short demo, but enough to get my interest, a rental me thinks


6/10 intersting, but will need further assessment.

For me it just reminded me of those typical average games you get on HD consoles like Mercenaries, Red Faction Guerilla and The Saboteur.


This one had really average graphics, i.e Unreal Engine disease, nothing especially fun, seriously dodgy cut-scenes and story... They used the voice actor of Nathan Drake and the character is pretty much identical.


Hated it to be honest, just screamed of last gen in terms of design. Felt far too much like there will just be different objectives to do, blow up, and never have any amazing or unique scripted sections or special moments etc.

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It has incredible music, though.


It's one of those games that's a great concept, but let down because it feels a bit stiff and the characters are a bit dull.


Why does Nolan North (I still have nightmares about shockingly bad performance in Prince of Persia) seem to be the generic action Bourne look-alike in games?

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Hated it to be honest, just screamed of last gen in terms of design. Felt far too much like there will just be different objectives to do, blow up, and never have any amazing or unique scripted sections or special moments etc.


i guess i was just looking at potential. sure, the demo wasnt the most exciting thing ever, but its early on, so im gonna get it rented. wouldent gamble my own money on it



Why does Nolan North seem to be the generic action Bourne look-alike in games?


because he was nathan drake, and gave one of the best vocal performances in video game history.

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Uncharted 2:


I think I rated this already, but that was before I realised what it was. A truly awesome gaming experience. Awesome, whilst being a dead adjective, is a word I have to use because I found myself smiling and saying it a lot while playing. During the game's tense opening scene. When a certain character showed their face. While taking in the expansive scenery or, my personal favourite, when Drake said "...boom" just before I pulled the trigger and caused a big explosion.


At first I had gripes with how similar it was to its predecessor, and it did start a bit weakly, with some hefty plot holes which just didn't figure alongside its polished and convincing approach.


But then I kept playing it, and it just kept getting better. Reaching the end and looking back over what you've been through is the point at which you truly appreciate how good it was. The characters and the flow of the cutscenes were just way above and beyond what you expect from games. It had everything, miniguns, mystery, a convincing villain, tragedy, sex, romance... it made a better movie than most big action movies I've seen in the last couple of years.


I can't be bothered to go into detail, but if you have a PS3 and you haven't played this game you're either broke or stupid


An A+ from me.

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I remember playing one of the heavier shooting sections, killed a bunch of people, then Chloe points out a truck that had a mounted machine gun come crashing into the area. As one, me and Drake said 'aw shit'.


No it wasn't that great, but it was at the time.

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Wario Land: Shake Dimension


Just played a few more levels on my playthrough, including... Glittertown and Itsall Mine (brilliant name!!). Also just beat Boss 3 - Chortlebot, who was a little tricky at first, but beat him after a couple of restarts.


Continuing to really enjoy it!!

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