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North vs South


North or South?  

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  1. 1. North or South?

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The ancient argument over which part of Britain is superior... revived.


I live in London. I like the South. Our weather is warmer than your weather in the North. Our cities are more bustling than you I the North. Our tourist attractions are far superior and tonnes more popular than those in the North.


Despite this, I prefer the North. The people are friendlier, the countryside is more beautfiul and unspoilt, the Newcastle and Northumbrian accents are cuter on females (I emphasize it is only the Newcastle and Nothumrian areas. I'm not keen on Liverpudlian or Scottish accents), and, however shallow a statement this may be, it's true: the girls are better looking. Real beauty. Not Southern ugliness masked by make-up.


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just got back from cornwall, in the south, to newcastle, the north, so coverd of england this week. lets start with the pros of the the south.

weather: ok, it hasnt been a good week for it, but the bits were the sun got through were nice, and felt different to the northen summer.


the scenery: cornwall is beautiful, breathtaking in places, the coasts really are great, so many coves and cliffs, it was very pretty.


cos were however: price. mate, its a slice of cake, not a car, no way am i paying that much for it (replace slice of cakew with most things under the vlaue of an actual car)


the attractions: only saw one attraction in cornwall, treasrue land, which i can safly say is the worst tourist attraction ever. so expensive that doing all off the things on offer would have been more expensive then a day at alton towers, which blows it away in every sense.


the people: few caracters. even in the local pubs no one stood out as unique, every one seemed quiet and a little fed up of life, probebly because there pint was costing them twice as much as up north.


the north has pros


People: yeah, they may be a little rough around the edges, but you can get a conversation out of them.


Prices: drunk on a tenner is possible!


Cons: Weather, save for the snow, theres never anything good.


employment: is there any?


all in all, the north and the south are different, southeners seem proud of the fact that everuthing is expensive, northeners seem proud everything is cheap.



towns and citys are identicle. seriosuly, went to southhampton and outher then the heat, i could have been in barnsly. it seems all towns and citys are the same, if you want anything differnt, go to a village.


my opinion on north vs south? i dont care, its the people your with that matter.

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Where's the line which divides the North from the South?


I'd say it's from the most indented bit of the Welsh coast across to Birmingham, Coventry, Peterborough, and King's Lynn.


SOOOOOOOOOOOUTH Anything north of the watford divide SUCKS


You know your girlfriend now lives in Leicester, right?

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I'd say it's from the most indented bit of the Welsh coast across to Birmingham, Coventry, Peterborough, and King's Lynn.


You know your girlfriend now lives in Leicester, right?


I am aware, i was there till 4 today :D


it was pretty cool so i guess a block in the north doesn't suck

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Where's the line which divides the North from the South?


I would consider myself to be in the north and i live in the east midlands, in my opinion i would say the north south devide is around Birmingham.


From what i've seen throughout my life so far i would say that i prefer the south. People just seem friendlier down there, although anywhere would seem friendlier compared to where i live at the minute.


I don't like my accent either.

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The truth.



I find northerners to be loud, drunk, rude and annoying. Which they are.


and i may consider southerners dull, arrogant, self ritious and up them selves



thankfully, only a few are like that.



just for the record, im from the north, and the notion that i must there for be loud, drunk rude and annoying is the same as saying that a jewish man is tight with money, or a black man must rap and be in a gang, and steal for a living, or that the chinese all know martial arts and bow all the time.





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how is that being racist



its not really, though its prejudice, which is in essence the same thing.


for example, you havent met my friend rob, yet you would say he was loud drunk rude and annoying when in actual fact, he is quiet, rarly drinks, polite and very likable.

if i said "i find all black to be stupid, ugly, drug addicts and violent" youd probebly call me a racist. what your doing is the exact same thing. except that rather then judiging based on skin colour, your judging based on geographic location. yet if you actualy took time to get to know some one from the north you might find they didnt meet your expectaitons.


and just to let you know, i know a lot of southerners who fit your northeners profile.

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