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I think the words that you choose to use can say a lot about different feelings and how you feel towards a particular person.


Like, just listening to other people speak, hearing them calling each other "mate", and seeing how they chat with each other, it means that there is a certain area of comfort with those two people. They feel comfortable enough to call them "mate" or something.


I use particular words to show my feelings about a person. For a special person "gorgeous" or "sweetheart" gets used. Not in every sentence, but a fair bit, to show how I feel towards them.


So, this is just a thread to see what words that you guys use towards other people. Like, people that you care about, close mates, etc. What do you call them? How do your words show your feelings?


I refer to my girlfriend as "My Little Rabbit" because her birth year in the Chinese Zodiac is the Rabbit, and she is very timid by nature.


Everyone else gets called "My Love" (regardless of gender) or "Old Sunshine" and close friends "Our (name)".










My brother gets called Boy no matter what the weather.


The ladies may get something dodgy like Dah'lin, sweetness. Special people get Lasseh etc.


I use 'kid' or 'kids' alot. It doesn't matter the age, but it's an endearment I've used for a while- kinda used as a satire of kids tv enthusiasm, almost. I tend to use it most when laying down x-treme knowledge.


I don't really have any buzzwords, as it were. That which is written between the lines tends to be more important.


If I'm comfortable with someone then I tend to tease them or make use of nicknames. Not in a mean way, obviously, it's just my way of saying, "I think I know you well enough that you won't take offence at my playfulness."


If we're talking feelings with a capital 'F', though, I tend to show them simply by opening up to those that are important to me. I've become a much more open person in general these last few years, but if I really care for someone then I will also trust them completely, and that means sharing everything I am. Which is disappointingly little!


As a general rule I'm very discerning when it comes to who I associate myself with; more than I've a right to be, really. It isn't that I dislike people, or that there's anything 'wrong' with most of the individuals I meet, but I think those that you surround yourself with define who you are to a certain extent, and vice versa. As such I try to keep the really special people close and everyone else at arm's length, the rewards of which are bitter-sweet; when you have no one it's incredibly lonely, but when there's someone beside you there's a greater sense of closeness. And that was all incredibly off-topic. About turn!


I'm with Aimless on the first point. In short, anyone I rip on or take the piss with is someone I like as an equal or who I expect to give as good as they get. In a weird way, it's a way of saying I respect them.


Either nothing, a made-up word/name, or some title that makes no sense in context of just greeting someone, like "ugly bastard". *




* Obviously only to my friends. :o


i've only just started to be able to call anyone "honey" with a straight face... :blank:


i could never take it seriously before..my auntie and uncle always called each other things like "snuggle bunny" and "snookie-poo" and awful OTT things like that and it used to make me CRIIINGE so much that i just couldnt do that kind of thing! >_<


I don't agree with "mate", at least not round here. "Mate" is often used to mean 'you [male] who I don't know'. eg "Mate you waiting in queue?" "Can I have some ketchup mate?" (the second example being from work obviously) etc)


I use 'kid' or 'kids' alot. It doesn't matter the age, but it's an endearment I've used for a while- kinda used as a satire of kids tv enthusiasm, almost. I tend to use it most when laying down x-treme knowledge.


I use kid. Often within the sentence "hows tricks kid?"


I've also started using gangsta style names for people. Ashley, for example, is known as A-Bomb round these parts.


He is?


Umm. Calling people sexy/sexy beast in texts. Sugarpuss is another. One friend I call "my tangerine, my pussycat, my trampoline" when she's feeling down (its from a The Format song). Once told a colleague if I were dating her my petname for her would be slut. She didn't seem bothered, so now I do.


Thats all I can think of really. Not properly been in a relationship for a while so I have no pet names like that. I do have affectionate names for my dog such as "big fluffy mess", "stinker" and "tart" (all affectionate I assure you). Its amusing when im walking the dog and shout out "oi tart" to get her attention.


Anyway yeah...about it.

Guest Jordan

I call Letty alot of things like: honey, sweetie and so on... Only the nice ones. Otherwise its "Letts" seeing as she prefers that to Letty.

for me to show feelings i use my eyes. i call people mate all the time, as long as they arnt a cunt. i find affection best left unsaid, merly mutualy understood. leads to less awkward moments.


Thats what I tend to do as well. Sometimes I do try to be nice but most of the time I feel I don't have to....I think its cos I'm asian. We tend not to show affection i.e saying "I love you". My mum has never ever told me that unless I force her to! (But I know she does)


I've recently started to use phrases such as boss and chief when talking to people. No idea where I picked it up from.


Lol, I do that quite a bit. Not chief though, only Boss. I love it.


I call my girlfriend punum bear, munchkin and baby far too much. As for friends, i use dude and man. A bitch will get thrown in on occasion for certain people who i have a banterous (is that a word?!) relationship with.


I'm with Aimless and Dan on this one.


i've only just started to be able to call anyone "honey" with a straight face... :blank:


i could never take it seriously before..my auntie and uncle always called each other things like "snuggle bunny" and "snookie-poo" and awful OTT things like that and it used to make me CRIIINGE so much that i just couldnt do that kind of thing! >_<


I hate those things. The only time I say those things to my girlfriend I'm taking the piss out of somebody else or I'm trying to annoy her (in a jokey way).


I dont mind people calling their partners honey but there are people who call everyone honey, and i cant stand it! People who say fella annoy me a bit too.


The child gets called "stinky", "girl", "Anna Spanner" or just "Spanner", whilst the wife (real name Esther) is called "Est", "Esther Pester" or just "Pester".

For some reason I find it amusing to call people by their full name, so at work everyone calls this one guy Will, but I call him William.


DUDE! is my most common, then 'man', irregardless of gender. Then there's my southesque forced-chav speak that includes; blood, bruv, MAIT!, nigger, bitches. Yes, I feel bad.


Most of my friends I just use dude or mate for, or for girls babe.


Alot of the time though it's just banter names, like my friend gets called "Lugs" because his ears are huge, or the inevitable "ginge" for my fair-haired friends.

The child gets called "stinky", "girl", "Anna Spanner" or just "Spanner", whilst the wife (real name Esther) is called "Est", "Esther Pester" or just "Pester".

For some reason I find it amusing to call people by their full name, so at work everyone calls this one guy Will, but I call him William.


I often call people by their full name. I dunno if its just I prefer my full name (not that I mind Ash, just never refer to myself as it). But I dunno, a fuller name sounds better. Doesn't it Jim? :p


Anna Banana you say?


Actually I do call my housemate slut, ho, whore when answering the phone in public. Fun to just say "hey whore" and watch people go huh?

Everyone in my work calls each other babe :D


'Thanks babe!'


Its bluddy catchy, haha.


I only like certain people calling me certain words. If somebody calls me "honey" or "babe", I'll take it as long as I like them. If I can't stand the person, I usually scowl past.


Also, the almighty: "Hey hun."


No. Just no.

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