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Games you've never played... but probably should have?

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Add Okami, Ico, SotC, BG&E, A Link to the Past, Super Metroid (I had LttP and SM for a month on the VC but didn't get far) and Half-Life (I've played 2...actually I just remembered that I own a copy of HL) to my list.

Guest Jordan
You didn't keep your GBA Jordan?


I gave my GBA SP to my sisters long term ex-boyfriend to borrow... I never got it back.


Fucking asshole.



I gave my GBA SP to my sisters long term ex-boyfriend to borrow... I never got it back.


Fucking asshole.

You've gotta go get it back.


Come on Jordan. IT'S TIME, turn that mush into muscle.



I haven't played the majority of PS1 games, haven't played any PS2 games, and pretty much all Xbox/360 games.


No Shemnue, Bioshock, all that other crap.


Loads of games, but most noticably I'd have to say Majora's Mask.


I've watched it being played, know loads about it (maybe a bit too much for a game I still want to play) and yet I still haven't played it.... I might actually start looking around for it again.


You've gotta go get it back.


Come on Jordan. IT'S TIME, turn that mush into muscle.




I would say Jordans getting the muscle on the go


As for me I never actually played the 1st MGS or FFVII. I just can't bring myself to go back to the old PS1 Graphics. Someday I will get round to it

I loved Half-Life and have Half Life 2. Unfortunately, when I played the sequel, it was a lot choppier than I expected (the only graphics card on my PC is the crappy intergrated one). I played it for a little bit, then didn't go on it for 2 weeks. It has never successfully booted since. Weird, becuase I've downloaded a Dawn of War demo, which has exactly the same spec req, and that runs beautifully. So does Counter Strike.


Then again, I have a feeling I may have set the screen res to something ridiculous the last time I played it, and it's stuck at that, thus my PC has said "no no" everytime I try and run it again. And that sucks, considering you can't do anything about that via Steam.


Which is a shame, because despite technical limitations, I would still have loved to play through it :(


Copy your save file from the folder, uninstall/reinstall, replace save file?


GTA3. I am not a fan of the GTA games as a whole, I only enjoyed Vice City because of the Radio and the 80s Theme.

Guest Captain Falcon

Since I don't count demos as actually having played the game, as a gamer of over two decades, I've never once played a Final Fantasy.


Never played any of the Halos or Call of Dutys either.


That said, I never really felt that I was missing out as such, just that I can't give a accurate account of what the game is like for the benefit of others (I'm seen as the guru amongst my peers).


One game I would like to try though, and never have, is Mischief Makers on the N64. It just looks crazy.


Final Fantasy VII without a doubt :o Sadly enough i had a ps1.. I played VIII but didnt complete it.


Edit. Add to that Pikmin and Eternal Darkness


You're not missing much with Final Fantasy VII Jim. It was shit.


VIII on the other hand, much respect. I didn't manage to complete it either. If I went back to it now... Christ I'd have to start all over again.


Eternal Darkness on the other hand. Don't bullshit me. Go play it. Now.

Guest Jordan

FFIX is my favourite 'real' FF. The others bore me to shit.


I liked Crisis Core... if only it had less Sepiroth. Urgh.

FFIX is my favourite 'real' FF. The others bore me to shit.


Incorrect, IV is the greatest. Anyways, what are you still doing here, have you turned that mush into muscles yet?

A lot of you have committed gaming crimes :nono:


I have a good reason for not playing PS2 -exclusive games like ICO and SotC: I'm incompatible with the PS2 controller.

I have a good reason for not playing PS2 -exclusive games like ICO and SotC: I'm incompatible with the PS2 controller.


Smash your hands on a keyboard for a bit, then you should have the perfect 'crab hands'. Very good for extended play too. :)


And this thread is oh so painful to read. I bet most haven't played one of Squaresofts (as they were at the time) best, VAGRANT STORY (caps required to convey it awesomeness). Go on. Add this one to your bulging lists. If I could be bothered/possibly persuaded, I would lend out my copy...nah requires too much effort.


Bioshock, Brothers in Arms Earned in Blood, GTA Vice City/Liberty City/IV, Super Mario Galaxy, and Shemnue/II.


Oh, and Phoenix Wright...






Games that I should of played are mainly oldies. Stuff like Panzer Dragoon Saga, Shining Force, Golden Sun, and no doubt countless others.


Ah Panzer Dragoon Saga... loved every minute of that game :smile: Ironically I'd only vaguely heard of it and found it in a second hand shop for £4! I later found out it's true value, nearly sold it too but glad I didn't, played it through to the end, very enjoyable.


Games I've always thought I should play are Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG and Earthbound, the first two I have recently aquired, so I'm fnally gonna get round to playing those at last ^^ gonna rebuy CT on the DS as well no doubt but I just want to experience it in it's original form first, off to play it now.

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