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Red Steel 2 (£4.95 @Zavvi)


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Your basically like the terminator throughout the game. Found it so easy and brain numbingly so. I havn't finished it yet just got bored.


This is my problem with the game, I'm playing on the hardest setting and I'm pretty much only getting hit by bullets and thats mainly when I'm jumping about after my prey when I've just "Eagled" them. I think I've only been hit by a sword a couple or so times.


Still, it's ok I guess, worth the £5 I got it for but I wouldn't pay full whack for it.


...there's also a part of me that thinks this simply doesn't use WiiMotion+ well enough. It could be so much more like using a sword! The sword-play in this just isn't satisfying.




That sounds a lot more negative than I'm actually feeling about the game. I just think it's wasted potential as far as a sword game goes.

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I'm kinda glad to see that I'm not the only one who hasn't really been enjoying Red Steel 2.. but I do plan on going back to it soon to see how I feel about it now and try to make my way further through the game. I hope it will become more enjoyable but I have severe doubts :hmm:

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Well I'm finding it more enjoyable now, I've just done the train mission and I'm in the middle of nowhere and have just learnt "The Bear".

With the Kusagari Moves the game does get more enjoyable but I still feel that the main sword-play is lacking and could've been so much greater than it is!

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This is my problem with the game, I'm playing on the hardest setting and I'm pretty much only getting hit by bullets and thats mainly when I'm jumping about after my prey when I've just "Eagled" them. I think I've only been hit by a sword a couple or so times.


Still, it's ok I guess, worth the £5 I got it for but I wouldn't pay full whack for it.


...there's also a part of me that thinks this simply doesn't use WiiMotion+ well enough. It could be so much more like using a sword! The sword-play in this just isn't satisfying.




That sounds a lot more negative than I'm actually feeling about the game. I just think it's wasted potential as far as a sword game goes.



yeah I feel totally the same and not gotten into it as a result and will unlikely finish it.

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Well I'm finding it more enjoyable now, I've just done the train mission and I'm in the middle of nowhere and have just learnt "The Bear".

With the Kusagari Moves the game does get more enjoyable but I still feel that the main sword-play is lacking and could've been so much greater than it is!


I had it on there this afternoon for a bit and dealing with the train and learning "The Bear" is now the last thing I have done too.. and it still isn't grabbing me :hmm:


I loathe the general structure of the game with the way the missions are laid out. I'm trying my best to really like it but it isn't making it easy.. though I will play it again this evening to see how I get on :smile:


Playing with the Motion Plus, however, has somehow got me more excited for Skyward Sword..

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I had it on there this afternoon for a bit and dealing with the train and learning "The Bear" is now the last thing I have done too.. and it still isn't grabbing me :hmm:


I loathe the general structure of the game with the way the missions are laid out. I'm trying my best to really like it but it isn't making it easy.. though I will play it again this evening to see how I get on :smile:


Playing with the Motion Plus, however, has somehow got me more excited for Skyward Sword..


I too don't like te structure of it. I've got a sodding "communicator" but I still have to go back to a hub to get my next mission... why? Why the hell don't they tell me what I need to do over the fecking communicator?!

Let me wander around and explore the world and once I've done a mission, contact me over the communicator and tell me what I need to do next... don't have me run all the way back just to send me out again! Urgh!!!

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I, somewhat unexpectedly, completed Red Steel 2 last night and I'm glad to say that it pretty much won me over in the end :hehe:


As I've mentioned previously, there are certainly things not to like about the game but I really started to enjoy it about half way through and had good fun slashing my way through the rest of the story :yay:

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  • 1 month later...

Easiest game I've ever played? Possibly so.


Decided to finish it this afternoon, I didn't die once during the game and Shinjiro hit me just twice during the final battle, I had it on the hardest difficulty setting so I thought it would've put up more of a challenge.


Overall opinion of the game; meh. Although it was worth the £5 I paid for it I guess.

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Easiest game I've ever played? Possibly so.


Decided to finish it this afternoon, I didn't die once during the game and Shinjiro hit me just twice during the final battle, I had it on the hardest difficulty setting so I thought it would've put up more of a challenge.


Overall opinion of the game; meh. Although it was worth the £5 I paid for it I guess.



Ai Bekka yoru paadono?

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Easiest game I've ever played? Possibly so.


Decided to finish it this afternoon, I didn't die once during the game and Shinjiro hit me just twice during the final battle, I had it on the hardest difficulty setting so I thought it would've put up more of a challenge.


Well I haven't got round to finishing RS2 but man, you make me feel inferior. :cry:

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  • 5 months later...

I took in and finished off RS2 this week, only needing two or three short play sessions to close it out. What can I say, I was a big fan of the game to begin with - great use of motion(plus) controls, love the western setting/ ninja mix and art direction - but when I picked it up again this week, I was seeing the flaws other people talked about more and more prominently. What bugged me the most was, no the game was not all about the story, but it did try to develop something. Then at the end, you defeat Shinjiro, the hero walks off, the scene becomes that lovely wallpaper and... roll credits. Thats all the pay off I get for saving the day? :(


I would recommend it to anyone who is looking for something to use their Motionplus with and/ or anyone looking for a Wii shooter thats different to CoD and GoldenEye. RS2 ALMOST veers off in a Metroidy direction, almost. There are points of no return which the game tells you about, but until you move on, areas are there to be explored, with optional missions to undertake if you fancy. Its an interesting approach, one that they could further refine if Red Steel 3 ever does come to fruition.

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  • 4 months later...

I had cravings this morning to play this again, so I took Pro Evo out of my Wii and put this in. I've totally forgotten where I am and the controls, so I decided to just start up a new file.


I'm loving it all over again. It just feels incredibly fun to play and there's something charming about the mixture between East and West. I've just acquired a Tommy Gun and have really enjoyed using that. The sword controls are also unbelievably tight, and are made even more fun with the special attacks. I love the guillotine. :geek:


There are flaws with the game. The mission based structure does hold it back in some respect. I would prefer if there was much more of a narrative taking place. Hopefully in the third game.


The other major flaw is the load times with the door opening sequences. Takes far too long in places. Again, I hope this is cleared up in a future sequel.

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  • 6 months later...

Only £4.95 @Zavvi!




I'm actually tempted to give it a go.


I'm not sure but I feel like this must be a really overlooked game by everyone; I'm not sure if it even got a single vote in the Top 50 Wii Games did it? Surely it must be worthy of a look in the Top 50???


I just watched IGN's Video Review to see if it was worth picking up and they gave it an 8.6 and give it a lot of praise!




@Hero\-of\-Time you played through this recemtly didn't you as part of your Backlog Battle? What did you think of the game?

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For a fiver it's worth a squirt or two (buy one for a fellow Wii-owner's Xmas stocking).


The visual styling and atmosphere are very interesting. The controls are a bit alien at first, but you soon get used to them.


This was just outside my Top Ten, so I'm sure that it's one of those 'honourable-mention' games.

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If the first Red Steel would have controlled like the second one, it would have made for a much better game overall.


I didn't really like the setting of Red Steel 2, though the controls were amazing. And I liked the setting of Red Steel, but the controls were balls.

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For a fiver, I would totally recommend it! There's something charming and visually sexy about the art style of this game. Those controls, too...fucking hell. Surprised we didn't see a big game featuring sword controls after this one, seeing as how it was nailed perfectly.


This is the Red Steel we should have got at launch. I loved it. In fact, I find it a bit more interesting than the original. Still not quite finished, but it's a great game.


Of course, it has its flaws. The "mission-like" structure of the game is a bit of a letdown, as I would have preferred a narrative such as the original, or even something like Goldeneye for the Wii. But, it's still awesome fun.

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