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Halo 3 Kid. In 10 years time..


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..he'll look back on this and think..what? What will he think?


I don't know. Because whilst this is incredibly, INCREDIBLY sad, it's also very commendable for the amount of effort put in and quality of the end products.

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In some ways I suppose it's no worse than, say, a young boy running around a field in a hand-painted football shirt pretending to be his sporting hero. Cosplaying isn't something I'd do myself, but I think we've established that I'm incredibly insecure: if people are happy to parade their passion in such a way then more power to them.


On the other hand I feel incredibly sorry for him as he's essentially filmed himself committing social suicide and then posted it on the internet.


As for where he'll be in 10 years time... hopefully the arms of a beautiful woman. And if things don't work out that woman will be his mother.

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I think this is pretty cool! He seems very creative and if he keeps that up, he might have something he could be very very good at in the future. Those weapons look cool. =)


Sure it's a bit nerdy, but at least the kid is doing something other than sitting in front of a tv all day.

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I like how he mimmicks the exact animation. By like I do mean he looks like a complete 'tard and that he's pretty much what half the world young population is going to be like in a few years at this rate, but the efforts there. Maybe if he puts that much effort in at school... </exaggeration >

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Mcoy can only say that this kid has a problem.


Mcoy will give him credit for making good models however it is clear from all the other videos that this kid basically lives his life based around halo, Mcoy is also happy to know that there are people more nerdy then himself in this world.

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His tin foil bills must be outrageous.

I was thinking the same about sellotape.


I can't really mock him, because I'm sure I did something similar, but not on the same grand scale. But I did make a new sexy Dr. Doom mask a month ago. The old one was unsatisfactory.

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Kudos to him for his creativity. I admire his will to do what he really likes, not caring what everybody else thinks. That's what's so cool about nerds. The problems arise when hobbies like these harm a person's social life/abilites.


Geekiness is admirable, but it can be unhealthy for the mind if not kept balanced with a social life.

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