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Dreams of Penguins. Oft Kinky.


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I've been having so many vivid dreams lately. Seriously, the last three nights have been so strange, and I guess maybe being a bit under the weather and stressed is taking its toll? Bah, I don't like admitting to being stressed, haha.


Last night, I had a dream that I was back at Brighton University. Except, there was a city within the University Campus, and it was all on flat ground and not on hill-sides. I remember there being a long street, with shops on either side, and a police station at the end of the road, right in the middle.


Suddenly, I see this girl and man running towards me, and they're screaming about being attacked. I looked to see where they're coming from, and I see an army of zombies, like the ones from the first Resident Evil game. So, we head for the police station, and see that all of the staff there have already been slaughtered. There's dead bodies everywhere, blood on the walls, and some of the dead are now re-animated and coming after us.


We make our way to the next floor, and there's a staircase, and an underground passage which takes us out to the street. When we get outside, suddenly its daytime, and now we're right near the Sussex campus which is across from the campus I was at. I see a cyclist on the road, and he tells me that a bus is arriving soon. I say "cheers, mate" and we stand at the bus stop. There's about 20 or so people there waiting. I stand next to a tall man, and with a woman at his side. I smile at them, and they look at me and snarl...they're zombies.


They bus arrives, and we all get on. And I wake up.

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I did actually have a dream about penguins last night. It was about that penguin that had a wetsuit especially made for him. I dreamt that because of the wetsuit he was now the fastest penguin in the world. And scientists were worried that they'd made him too fast and it would upset the ecosystem or something. So they were trying to think of ways to slow him down.

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I did actually have a dream about penguins last night. It was about that penguin that had a wetsuit especially made for him. I dreamt that because of the wetsuit he was now the fastest penguin in the world. And scientists were worried that they'd made him too fast and it would upset the ecosystem or something. So they were trying to think of ways to slow him down.


Ummm; http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/uk/8201409.stm


Last night I had a dream I was in some kind of uni for creative types (think Fame, but not full of 80s lameness) and it must have skipped a bit because there was some ordinary days/lessons and what not then we were about to graduate. Was talking to some people about what they plan to do next and some people had gigs lined up and all that. The strict but sexy headmistress person mentioned that Summer Glau has no jobs lined up and I said something like "maybe she just wants the summer off...and she can have it with me ;)" or something as equally lame.


Possibly inspired by the fact I watched that Big Bang Theory episode yesterday.

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In my dream, the setting was the sort of...outer bits of New York City, where there are less skyscrapers. Anyway, I was following Venom (from Spider-Man) around, as he traversed bits of this area of the city. I often have dreams like this, where it's like watching a film, and I'm not involved. It was broad daylight, and he had to hide in the shadows (where he was virtually invisible). I remember vividly the bit when he gracefully darted about the raised train platform, invisible to the naked eye, then leapt into the light for a moment. There was nothing evil about him, no sense of dread. I think he may have had a blank mouth, like he does in Dark Avengers, which may have contributed.


That's all I remember from that bit.


Later, in a sort of...countryside-meets-city area, I was part of one group marching, alongside another group, also marching. Not sure why, but it was like a mini-protest, only without the protesting. It was all quite fun. It was sort of grey skies, dusk. Notable was the fact that the other group was made up of centaurs (though the human half were like modern humans).


In the end, I got back in the car to go home (not sure who was driving me). The march was still going, but was winding down, and both groups had converged. Other people in my car pointed out how hot this particular woman was (pretty sure she was one of the centuar women), and then she came over to the window and we were all like "!!!". It turned out it was Shaznay Lewis, of All Saints fame. Anyway, she was very nice, and we were saying how much we appreciated her work or something. (She was obviously the guest celebrity for this event)



Both aspects of the dream (not sure how they connected, forgotten now), inspired a warm feeling of happiness.

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I had the most insane dream last night, it was utterly fucking wierd. I woke up, and just thought...erm, what now?


I was in a hotel in Japan, in this place called "Mother...(something)" and I headed inside with Han, and someone else I knew but don't know in real life. The rooms in the hotel were huge, and but I was confused as to where in Japan we were. I looked on the internet and could only find information about the hotel. Han then looked at me and was like "Josh..thats' the name of the hotel, not the name of where we are. Dumbass".


We got ready to go outside, and for some reason I decided to go totally nude. Others were doing this, but most were wearing some small shorts or something. We wondered out, and I slowly realised I was the only one with my bits on show. I covered myself, and headed inside slowly, though the stairs to the hotel were now packed with new visitors. As I headed in, this guy kept looking at me, and shouted something like "I'll catch you later!" and then winked at me. I turned round to catch him after suddenly getting the urge to be with him, and instead I saw two women at the end of the coridoor. They kept telling me to come back to their room, but I refused. I ran away...but then got the urge to run back, and kiss one of them. As I did, the other said something like "So you kiss her and not me? Jeez". So after kissing her too, one of them got this sweet out. She put it in her mouth and then passed it to the other girl who had a quick taste. She then passed it to me and said "Eat it, it'll be funny".


I got back to the hotel room, and we headed out to this huge street, where lots of people were sitting at the side under a canopy eating and watching something in the street. I had my laptop, and I was showing some friends some pictures. I couldn't find one, and (This is where it gets so wierd) Victoria Beckham went "Can't find it? You liar. You just don't want me to see". We argued, and she started shouting, and called the police. She then started making up crap and was like "OMG HE'S TRYING TO TOUCH ME. POLICE HELP. HE'S A PERVERT" and then looking at me with a smirk on her face. The police arrived, and one of them grabbed me and slowly walked me towards a car. But, I could sense I wasn't in that much trouble.


Then I woke up.

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To be fair, she wasn't far off.




Another night another Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles inspired dream... Well actually my first dream involved my old regional manager parking outside my house and I was annoyed he was coming to see me...but then he didn't turn up for ages. So I left the house just as he was coming back to his car so we said hello and what not and then he asked me when I was coming back to work to which I said "when I can get £27,000" and he kinda laughed and said "that'd be nice wouldn't it?"


Anyway TSCC bit. I was with John Connor and his dad apparently (I can't recall how he looked so dunno if he looked like Kyle Reese does in the series) and I don't know really...wasn't that actioney. We ended up in Redditch randomly enough.


Then I don't know if this is connected or not but I was running around this large open developed area (eg buildings and shit) and trying to attack this giant evil thing (seemed more fantasy than sci-fi so I don't think its TSCC related) and I managed to get near it and use this device on my arm to weaken it a bit. Then I pulled out a piano wire and tried to strangle it to death but it managed to overpower me and threw me a bit. I ran like hell trying to loose him through these buildings and remebered the bathrooms have secret exits (obviously...) so went into the ladies and they had a staircase upwards so I ran up there. Some cleaning ladies were trying to stop me saying "this is the ladies room!" but I barged past. Next thing I remember is being on some giant roof garden thing with my nan and mom and I was staring out over the area trying to spot this creature when suddenly I see his hands in front of my eyes and SNAP, he twisted my neck and killed me.


This caused me to bolt awake. But its familiar, I think it may be a continuation dream.


(and somewhat relaed, just found out Dekker and Headey are starring in a film together. Reunion!)

Edited by Ashley
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S'only me here it seems!


Last night I had several dreams. In the first one we were in some long hallway thing with class counters along the sides (like they have in jewellery stores) and there was quite a lot of people. Someone had taken some pill or something and made them rage out into a monster and I think it trapped Slaggis in one of the cages... Anywho, I had to get rid of it and the only way possible was to smash its head through one of the glass things but I didn't have enough strength so several of us had to capture him and smash his head through this glass counter which killed him. I remember not liking have to do that though.


In another dream I was working with Angel (from Buffy, not Dexter) and we were going up some long river/tunnel thing chasing after Dru and Darla (I haven't watched Angel in years so I dunno where this has come from) and some other evil thing. Eventually Angel caught this evil thing and started attacking it while I just kinda stood and watched...


Then in another I was back at my dad's home and I went into my room and there was a load of bunkbeds as we had a LOT of people staying with us. Whole house was set out like a hostel and I was really annoyed. I went in and saw one bed was left for me so I went (to brush my teeth or something?) and came back and all the beds were full so I argued with my little brother that one of his friends should share with him or sleep on the floor so me and the friend in question had a fight to sort it out. Don't think it ended but I know at some point there was a tiny bed set up across two sets of bunkbeds which were at right angles to each other. On it had a baby, bloody things :heh:


Anyway I then woke up again (as I do several times a night) and for a brief second expected other people to be in the room. The last dream was still the scariest.

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Haven't had many dreams. Last one I had involved a teacher from one of the schools I went to where we were talking and she had been crying. Weirded me out a bit because I have no idea why she was in my dreams as I didn't like her at all in real life. ::shrug: Don't remember much more than that small snippet but I know it didn't last long as I woke myself up to get away from the weirdness. But yeh, very weird especially given how lucid and real the thing was.

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Well I frequently dream that my ex is socialising with me and others, but treating me utterly like a friend, and some other dude shows an interest in her which results in me getting angry, thumping someone and watching the ex walk off all dissapointed.


This morning in my dream, just as I pounced on a now-toothless admirer of hers, she woke me up with a phone call in real life. For the first couple of exchanges I really thought I was still dreaming - was a bit odd.


Then after the call I rolled over and dreamt of parachuting bears! Oh noes!

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I dreamt I had to attend some events mangement class with a friend of mine at school, just to learn how to do something for the upcoming school event I had to manage.


The teacher was really annoyed I just intruded on her class, despite there only being 4 people in it normally.

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  • 10 months later...

I had the most vivid dream ever last night, and I've been remembering it all day.



It was set in a war, between the Blues and the Reds. One side (I forget which) was all the good countries (UK, Canada, France), and the other was all the shit ones (America, Pakistan, China), but the world was devolved into what seemed to be a CentreParcs-esque swimming pool/parc, minus the water (just loads of curvy walls and stuff). I was a runner (I forget whether I was Blue or Red, but I was with the good countries), and I had to run about delivering messages. During one attack, the other side, which was camped in the north sent this amazing martial arts child, who killed the shamanic leader of my side.


I had to flee with my family to Post Apocalyptic Glasgow, we arrived in Glasgow station (which looked nothing like any station in Glasgow, more like a coal mining station in some period drama or something...), and I had to pretend to be a member of the other side to trick a fleeing family to give me a torch and rations, then I locked them in a cupboard thing.


Then my parents and I got in a deserted car, and drove to this cresent of brick buildings. On the way we had a conversation about my uni, and why the name Jesus was chosen. We arrived at this cresent, which was next to the Children's Hospital. (I saw this as a map, with the Hospital in the middle of an empty space on the map) We ran in to the building on the left, passing this strange girl which I smiled at, finding it empty, so we ran into the middle building, and found ourselves in the middle of a church service thing run by this old lady, who was sitting in front of this massive wall carpet which was Sistine-chapel-esque, but had two men kissing with moving snakey/butterfly plant things round the side, like these:




This old woman was saying the Lord's Prayer, and my mum was gossiping with a woman next to her all the way through, really audibly, which was really embarrassing. Eventually my Dad left with her, away to the hospital, and I didn't notice they had gone. I was really intrigued by this wall hanging (the other people didn't appear again in the dream, as is such with dreams), and suddenly I realised I'd lost all my family.


I went running through the streets of Glasgow, except they looked more like... I don't know where, like this:



I highjacked a car, and drove through a hedge, because there was a massive traffic-jam on the road, and then I woke up in a sweat.


The most vivid dream I've ever had.

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Funny that this thread should pop up today. I had a dream last night which coincidentally involved jayseven. He and I were driving around the city where I went to school the past three years, and someone (I think maybe the N-E staff) was giving out prices to people who were first to find a car of a specific model, which is why we were there, I guess. It was all pretty random.

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I had a strange dream last night. I was in bed listening to music (via headphones). Someone came into my room and woke me up.


And that was the entire dream. The person waking me up in the dream caused me to wake up. I looked at my clock and it was about 6:45 (my alarm goes off at 7). Oddly, I always wake up between 6:30 and 6:50 on a weekday which makes my alarm rather pointless.

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I keep dreaming about zombie invasions, you'd think that'd happen whilst I was playing Left 4 dead 2 obsessively, apparently not!


It seems to vary in people, most are faces I don't recognise. Its bizarre.


My dreams generally involve people I know, but the locations are always vastly different to what they actually look like. The locations in my dreams are always grander, with amazing architecture. If only I could put said images onto paper.

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So do any of you guys ever have dreams where you can fly etc? Ive found with my dreams like that, that I know im supposed to be able to fly but cant, I think once or twice I might have managed to hover for a few seconds but thats about it.....even in my dreams I come out last!

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My dreams generally involve people I know, but the locations are always vastly different to what they actually look like. The locations in my dreams are always grander, with amazing architecture. If only I could put said images onto paper.


I don't tend to dream of places I know, nor people. I'm going to blame it on reading too many books and playing too many games. :p


It is odd though, I don't ever recall faces, it tends to be almost like a blank..

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So do any of you guys ever have dreams where you can fly etc? Ive found with my dreams like that, that I know im supposed to be able to fly but cant, I think once or twice I might have managed to hover for a few seconds but thats about it.....even in my dreams I come out last!


I had dreams where I fell a huuuge distance...and then landed on my bed. Amazingly scary, though it hasn't happened in a while.

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Been having loads of vivid dreams recently, none particularly epic, but all filled with jokes.


An entire dream was my re-imagining of the origin of Charles Xavier and Magneto from X-Men. Involving loads of train journeys (Ooh symbolic) and set mainly at my uncle's/family's castle in the borders (in place of the X-mansion IIRC). In the end, "magneto" kinda merged with a friend of mine who has been on my mind/jealous of recently, which means something I'm sure, but can't be arsed figuring out.


I loved last nights most though, meeting a girl from my course in Tesco, and for some reason she was really accurately portrayed, as she's all airy and ditzy in real life, and was here, rather than coming off like she had a set role, as most people do in dreams. Tesco were having a clearance, and we made idle chit-chat, having just met, when I noticed she'd put a PS2 and loads of Batman games I'd never heard of into her basket. I said nothing, but was so anxious/eager/upset that I'd never heard of these games and she was getting them.


Superheroes make up a strange amount of my dreams. People are often just wearing the costumes during otherwise unrelated dreams. Hmm.

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Oh god, last night's dream was strange. Football had become a one on one sport that was played in/through a sea of gateaux. I was ''England'' and had to play against Hitler. But I was upside down in the cake and couldn't get out/couldn't breathe, so he was winning. Felt horrible.

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