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I had the freakiest dream the other night! :o


I was in this room and I had two pieces of string in my neck. I tried pulling on them but each time I attempted to get them out they just pulled tighter and restricted my breathing. I kept doing this until eventually i got them out on to find my neck had started pouring out blood.


This is the point I woke up IN A SWEAT! heart pounding! THUD THUD!

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I had one last night where I walked upstairs and one of the hottest girls I know was sat on my bed in her underwear brushing her wet hair. She smiled at me, and strangely, the best thing I could think of doing at the time was to sit next to her and comb my own hair.


I woke up with no regrets.

  Blue_Ninja0 said:
When I was 7 or 8, I once dreamed that I was driving a car and I was aware that I was in a dream. I felt that I could wake up any moment I wanted, but decided to keep myself in the dream because it was being fun.


When I was young I could control every dream. I could do everything I wanted and wake up when I wanted. It was fucking awesome, specially when I reached puberty :P. It's ironical actually considering that before that I was a sleepwalker and had sleeping problems and I now, I have lots of insomnia.

  • 1 month later...

Just had an hour long nap & dreamt that i came onto n-europe forums and found a dream thread. So when i woke up, i did :)


Anyone here have regular videogame related dreams?


I had a really disturbing dream the other night. I've already told somebody at this, so apologies if you're sick of hearing it a second time, heh. :)


Basically, in my dream, I had murdered somebody. I had shot them with a handgun, even though I don't actually remember ever seeing myself commit the crime in my dream. All I remember is that I was on the run from the authorities, including the FBI, and was pretty much the most hated man in the country. I was running and running, and people were turning and looking at me, and there was always somebody hot on my heels.


In my dream, I run down a huge series of escalators, that lead down towards the subway. The thing is, the subway has a train which leaves the country, so if I make it, I'm free. The police are right behind me, and there's men in suits shouting at me to surrender. I only just remembered earlier that somebody helps me in my dream. A woman. Right at the bottom of the stairs, there's a set of glass doors, and I'm stood there, and I say goodbye to her and thank her for her help.


But its not use, they're right behind me, with dogs, guns, everything, and there's no escape. I run towards the subway, but realise I'm not going to make it. I somehow manage to lose the police and authorities by the glass doors, but realise that it's only a matter of time before they come and get me. They're firing shots at me. By this point, I'm crying because I know its hopeless. So I shoot myself in the head.



It's so fucking weird. In this dream, I can remember every single little detail, from the clothes people are wearing, to the exact description of the places where I'm being chased. In a way, it feels more like a memory than a dream.

  Fierce_LiNk said:
Basically, in my dream, I had murdered somebody. I had shot them with a handgun, even though I don't actually remember ever seeing myself commit the crime in my dream. All I remember is that I was on the run from the authorities, including the FBI, and was pretty much the most hated man in the country. I was running and running, and people were turning and looking at me, and there was always somebody hot on my heels.


In my dream, I run down a huge series of escalators, that lead down towards the subway. The thing is, the subway has a train which leaves the country, so if I make it, I'm free. The police are right behind me, and there's men in suits shouting at me to surrender. I only just remembered earlier that somebody helps me in my dream. A woman. Right at the bottom of the stairs, there's a set of glass doors, and I'm stood there, and I say goodbye to her and thank her for her help.


But its not use, they're right behind me, with dogs, guns, everything, and there's no escape. I run towards the subway, but realise I'm not going to make it. I somehow manage to lose the police and authorities by the glass doors, but realise that it's only a matter of time before they come and get me. They're firing shots at me. By this point, I'm crying because I know its hopeless. So I shoot myself in the head.



It's so fucking weird. In this dream, I can remember every single little detail, from the clothes people are wearing, to the exact description of the places where I'm being chased. In a way, it feels more like a memory than a dream.


I think you play too many videogames


I remember years back I had a dream where I was riding around town in a go-kart from Crash Bandicoot Racing. Then it turned a bit nasty and I was at school but locked out of the building whilst someone from the local mental institution had escaped and headed for the school

  Ninty 182 said:
I think you play too many videogames


I remember years back I had a dream where I was riding around town in a go-kart from Crash Bandicoot Racing. Then it turned a bit nasty and I was at school but locked out of the building whilst someone from the local mental institution had escaped and headed for the school


Quite the contrary, I've hardly been gaming, as of late!


I have very strange dreams where I've killed someone or done some armed robbery and been subsequently on the run.. not very nice!


I love a good fun vivid dream though.. one that makes you laugh afterwards. :)


Had an odd one last night. I dreamt I took some kind of hallucengenic drug, and then woke up to what appeard to be my normal every day life. Then lights started flashing, lots of random objects started appearing, everything skewed, and changed shape and colour, and then I woke up again, in a rehab centre run by friendly clones in the south of England.


I had a really filty dream last night. Been replaying it in my head all day.


And Letty starred in it too!...Although I bumped into her the morning after when I was trying to find my way home. The filthy dream wasn't about her.


And another from me.


Last night I had a dream that was similar to Drive (the tv show about 4 people watched); group of people in pursuit of something and being tested along the way. So yeah along the way people were dying and stuff. Im not sure if I was a contenstant or just seeing it through the eyes of one of them but as it whittled down to just a few me and someone else were in this small room. Some big powerful person was slowly climbing up an elevator shaft after us and we rigged up this small cube thing in the centre of the room. Plugged a lot of stuff in it and thought it would act as a bomb we could throw at this person but it was going slowly or something so we switched off all the lights and ran out of there. Then...blank...then I got punched in the face and one of my teeth dropped out and my mouth was bleeding then I woke up and checked that tooth. I knew it was there but my mouth still felt weird.


Best dream ever, I need somewhere to write this down before I lose it.


Basically I think I was Michael Scofield, from Prison Break. I was in some Prison with T-Bag, Sucre and some other guy. In order to escape, we sent this random Japanese guy out the door (he was like uber old, basically a skeleton. Also, his eye sockets were empty). By pushing him outside the guards shot him, which angered the Japanese soldiers. We used this distraction to escape. Lincoln rolled up in like a silver Mazda type car, and we all squeezed into it, much to T-Bags annoyance since I basically sat on him. We set up in some old shack, which for some reason had a phone. Someone phoned me and asked for me by name, which since I was a fugitive, wasn't good. We then naturally got bored and thirsty, so I walked home (as you do) and got 2 2litre bottles of Sprite, and my mp3 player. At this point I realised there were probably people watching me at my own house, so I checked for surveillance cars. I found a group of guys in a black hatchback car in my driveway, who then captured me. They told me all they wanted was TBag, because he had the largest reward money. I started to lead them back, walking through my home town in a random order (jumping from one side to the other of the town, and then back again) before arriving at some kind of church type building. I lead them inside, before going into a backdoor/bathroom area, sliding down a drain, and finding a bolted door which I ran out of. I then ran through the streets of my hometown again, before finally losing them. Linc came back and picked me up in the Mazda. We then went to a hardware store to get some materials for something or other, but were followed by those same guys. Running through the hardware store, we escaped by jumping over the changing rooms (dunno why they had these in a hardware store) into a clothes shop next door. As leaving that store we were captured by a woman and a dude, and held in a car in the carpark. At this point Linc and the dude went off to do something, and I had a fight with the woman, which ended with me raping her (!?!) and getting away, again jumping into the Mazda with Linc and speeding away.


And as far as I can remember, that was the end.



W. T. F.


A weird one last night. I was on a busy train with my mum to start off with and we were poking our heads through the window and watching cows flying through the air as they were jumping on trampolines. Next thing I know, I'm with a bunch of friends (still on the train btw) and people around us are being infected with a virus. When they become infected they become crazy. We run to the back of the train and it feel's like we are just about to be infected ourselfs, when suddenly we hear Live and Let Die being played. We feel normal once again, due to some effect from the song, and it kills the crazy people. We realize that to survive we have to listen to Live and Let Die every 10minutes throughtout the rest of our lives or we will die. Next, we are walking through a desserted town and end up in my local swimming pool. We are just about to get into the pool, but some people who are 'normal' (they were not on the train so didn't become infected) don't want to share the water with us incase they become the same. The lifeguard says we are allowed to go in. After a minute or so of swimming the lifeguard approaches us with a giant stereo system, ready to play Live and Let Die...and then I wake up. Dammit!


The wierdest dream last night!


I was in a sort of Diddy Kong racing style thing, and we were flying on this strange furture type course. There were all these wierd weapons, but the wierdest was this ball of electricity that I kept firing at people when they got ahead of me.



But the down right strangest dream I've had over the past week was a few days ago. I was in danger, and being chased by these wierd, violent people. I had gone into hiding with some friends but...my violent gran (not my actual gran) found me. I had to run down the road screaming for someone to stop, but no one would. I eventually found a friend of mine and ended up on a plane. On this plan everyone was just standing up, like a bus and I found out we were flying to some asian country - might of been China. I remember thinking "Well, no one knows where I am so here I'm safe".


I had a very erotic/horror dream last night XD


I was camping I think with a few friends, and we decided to go exploring, and we were walking down this pitch black road, and we saw these werewolf type things, so we ran and ran until we came past this firetruck (O.o) and we were screaming WEREWOLVES to them, and they just laughed at us and drove away.


We were so scared, so we kept running, and we came across a massive house that seemed to be having a party going on, we went inside to find a whole bunch of people pissed.


We asked if anything strange had been going on, they said people had started to go missing, but nothing other than that.


I met a black guy outside....and we started doing naughty stuff XD Was really hot...


Anyway, after that, he told me his friends had gone missing a few hours ago, so me him and my friends went to search for them, we found no one, when we came back to the house, there was no one to be seen.


Then erm, we did naughty stuff again LOL, then we went out to the field out back and saw 2 girls dragging something, my friends said they recognized them, and started walking up to them, meanwhile me and the black guy stayed behind because we thought there was something strange about these girls.


We watched as my friend went up to them, the girls quickly turned around, and grabbed one of my friends, and beat her into the ground....O.o


So we ran and ran, but they were bloody fast, then we saw the fucking werewolves again, so I thought SHITTTT and then woke up.



BEST dream ever. Was so fun, ahaha.

  mr_bogus said:
welsh_gamer wins. Best idea i've heard in ages :)


Btw was it the Wings version or the GnR version?


Wings. The original and best.


A very long in-depth dream last night, but I can't remember much about it. I remember being on some kind of gameshow and then I was in bed with a male who looked liked my best friend and David Mitchell (from Peep Show etc) morphed into one. :shakehead


I can't remember much else, but I remember watching a bit of Star Wars with Vader and his mask off talking to someone, but it didn't look like Prowse or Earl Jones at all, it looked like Matthew Kelly, but still with the Mufasa voice.


My dream was fun last night. I was settling down in a pub/restaurant with friends when I noticed the sky had gone jet black outside, a storm was coming. This didn't worry me but then I looked closer and it seemed different from a normal storm, I could feel it too, it was going to be life changing! I tried desperately to tell people to stop eating and come see this, they just smiled, completely ignoring what I was saying. I continued around the room, everyone was the same, brushing me off with "it'll pass as always". I was convinced otherwise, so I returned to my table to find a bowl full of tomato soup with two white rolls next to it. I ate the soup........ and everything was fine :laughing:


  Haggis said:
But the down right strangest dream I've had over the past week was a few days ago. I was in danger, and being chased by these wierd, violent people. I had gone into hiding with some friends but...my violent gran (not my actual gran) found me. I had to run down the road screaming for someone to stop, but no one would. I eventually found a friend of mine and ended up on a plane. On this plan everyone was just standing up, like a bus and I found out we were flying to some asian country - might of been China. I remember thinking "Well, no one knows where I am so here I'm safe".


I just lov the idea of your violent gran finding you!! - would you have been scared if she'd not been violent?! - the dream could have gone a completely different direction from here!


Last night, I dreamed I was in some kind of city street race, co driving with McLaren F1 stars Lewis Hamilton and Heikki Kovalinen. The cars we seated three abreast and driven from the rear seats, while the front seats were used to drive the car to the start by the race marshals, two massive black guys. Unfortunetly the marshals got lost and we never found the start of the race. Which was lucky to be honest, as it would eventually have to be my turn to race, and I've never even driven a car in my life.


I should probably learn to drive.

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