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Your perfect body?


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I think pretty much every person out there (or at least a whole lot of them), has something about themselves they are not 100% happy with. Of course no one is perfect, but some people seem to be a bit more perfect than others, leading us to believe there are things about us that should change.


Now I was wondering, if you had the chance to change anything about yourself, what would it be? There is no limit of what you can change, no money you have to pay and no taboo on it either (of course this is all just a hypothetical thing). Anything goes!


Then on the other hand, is there something about yourself you wouldn't want changed ever? Something you are proud of, or just feel happy with? =)

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I'd have thicker limbs. I am far too skinny.


Technically, I'm already working on that, but there's nothing else I think I should change about myself (although teeth that don't need to be washed would be handy. But that's just silly.)

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Guest Jordan

I'm like to lose about half a stone that i can't seem to shift... i'm 10 stone 11 and i want to be around 10 stone 5.


I'd like to be a few inches taller and have bigger hands. My hands are quite small but my feet are quite big >_>. I'd also like to correct my vision so i wouldn't have to wear shitty glasses anymore.

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Last time I checked my weight its jumped from about 10.5 to 12+. Which is partly down to working out for intentional weight gain... and partly down to spending a month eating really, really badly. I wanna go back to about 11...

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I'm kind of attached to my body. Although it could do with some muscle and the lump on my nose needs to go. Plus I don't want my extra nipples.


'swat you get for being a cow!


I think you're on to something there though. I feel attached to myself too, I hadn't really thought about it. Hang on...


...do I love... myself? :confused:



naaaaaaaaaaaaaaah that can't be right! :heh:

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Toned but as skinny.

New nose (damaged mine when I was kid and have a bump on the bridge. Although rhinoplasty creeps me out)

Better teeth.

Slightly longer hair, it never goes past the point it is now.

Better skin although its improving.

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A whole lot. I have Cerebral Palsy which has left me with a weaker right side- muscles, coordination and the like are all wrong on one side of me. So that, for starters. Shame somebody would have to invent a way to rebuild dead brain tissue and re teach my body how to do half of everything again.


I don't think I'm bad looking otherwise, although I'd rather not have gotten my mother's nose. small quibbles.

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I seem to recall clean shaven Gaggle preferable to hermit Gaggle, so that's one problem solved.


as for a tattoo: Full back image of an imperial eagle battling a dragon over a volcano for the prize of an Aryan temptress or nothing, please.

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