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You and your Summer


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Ladies, Gentlemen, and ReZourceman, welcome to the Summer of 2008.


It's sweltering hot outside, great beach weather. Enjoy it, because if you're living in Brighton, it'll probably be pissing down this time next week.


What are your plans for this summer, N-E?


I had intended to go back to Brighton and work there, but there has been an unexpected turn of events. My Dad's brother in law died, so he's flying off to Pakistan with my brother to keep him company. Meaning my mumsie is left by herself with my other brother, and he's driving her around the bend, so I thought I'd stay and keep her company.


This summer, I need to find some temporary work. I've been out searching today, and have a few prospects lined up, so this should be sorted within the week. It looks like my idea of a drink and sex fueled summer are out the window, replaced with a quieter, money-saving summer with my family. It'll probably work out for the longrun, because I need to start saving some cash.


I also intend to work out and re-enter Brighton as a masculine Hulk-type character. A sex bomb. It's a longshot, but it may happen.


I've also been neglecting this place, so I'm going to spend some quality time here wit' ch00. Aww.


Over to you.




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As pretty much everyone I attempted to plan to go somewhere with is a retard, or in one example, the event isn't what was expected, nothing is happening.


Looks like a job, parties, and video games are what my summer will consist of.

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Not too much planned at the moment. Might meet up with friends next week but we don't know yet what we're going to do. Might try and meet some other friends (from secondary school) as well.

July is pretty much empty, so that means games, X-files and art probably. =D


Last week of July and first two weeks of August I have my summer job (though I work pretty much every weekend during the year already, and this summer job is the same as my weekend job). Should earn me some extra cash I can save up.


Then right after that we're going to Spain for two weeks of relaxation. Sun, food, DS games, books, sleeping, some swimming... No stress. =)


Come back September 1. Might still have something planned for September but it's not for certain yet.

Start school again on September 22 I think. (boooh!)

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The weather's been right right crap around here. Many of my friends are MIA. I'm the only member of my family not on some kind of bizarre national excursion or festival trip. The only reason to get a job is as an excuse to get out of the house, though there isn't much about anyway. No plans. To be honest I can't wait for the new academic year to role around.

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I'm off to Cornwall for a week with a little group of mates to hang out on the beach, go some places, and not remember any of it.


Got a few parties planned, and have a friend from Cambridge coming up to say for a few days aswell. Other than that, it'll consist of trips to the local theme park, going to the movies and spontaneously getting drunk because there's bugger all else to do where we live.


Oh and I'm on youth volunteers challenge this year. So me and 4 other friends are going to be making a garden for the older generation to enjoy. It's going to be pretty hard work and we have to get money from god knows where to do it.

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Project 1) Gaming Summer Challenge!!!

Project 2) I'm creating a flash game (Beta Here)

Project 3) My dad is wanting a new website for his company and he's getting me to make it, plus my mom has requested a website.


Oi, that reminds me that I wanted to make a site for myself this summer, but I doubt I would know how to or really get around to actually doing it. X3

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My summer is going to be really lazy. :bouncy:


Videogames is what my summer will mainly consist of and try and complete a HUGE back catalogue I still need to complete! :D


Ooh and I'm going to see Justice which I just remembered. :yay:


I didn't get my act together in getting a job though. (although I've applied to one place) I may be able to get some volunteer work though just to keep my busy! ^__^ (and because I like to help. :))


Other than that I don't think we have a holiday planned. (though Mum almost just booked one) and I'll be visiting a few Universities as well.


Of course a fair amount of time will be spent in my Garden having BBQs! :grin: (if it doesn't rain.)

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Today I got called that I won't have a job this summer.


So I was like :blank:










Summer is going to be legen... wait for it... dary! (Yeah, I'll also have time to finish watching all of How I Met Your Mother, I realise now, woohoo)

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I'm trying to sort out faster broadband so I can spend a lot of time sitting around watching stuff and playing games :heh: Not just that though, going on holiday with the g/f to Fuerteventura in a couple of weeks and scouring the web for any designs that want doing.

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Quite simply I have the best summer ever fact.


Off to Glastonbury tomorrow and the weather at the moment is so lovely I almost considered not taking any wellies. Bizarrely I am most excited about Back to the future being on the cinema there on Thursday, although the chances i'll be coherent enough to remember to go and watch it by 10:30 PM is basically 1%


Then I'm going for a weekend on the Norfolk broads in July at some point a weekend of pretending to be a pirate and beer :awesome:


Got a couple of partaaaaaaaays in July as well.


Going to see Arsenal - Real Madrid at the Emirates in August


Yet more partaaaaaaaaaaaaay's


Going to see Rage Against The Machine at Reading


Leaving Partaaaaaaaaay possibly 2 infact


Quit my job \o/


September 15th board flight to Toronto :awesome:

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sex, drugs and rock n roll, please.




I'll probably be going manchester with friends quite alot this summer, which makes a change, it's nice having nice friends again!11!!!! :yay:


I was supposed to get a job but by the time I get one I'll be at uni :awesome:

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First time in 8 years I will have not been working all through the summer. Gotta love working in a college! I will be catching up on some missed gaming time, got a list as long as my arm of games I wanna play that I don't own yet;



No More Heroes


Condemned 2


to name a few...


Also off to Paris with the missus and then I dunno go to bits Britain I havn't been to.

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1. Going on a cruise with the family to NY

2. After cruise, find a job, save up loads of cash for uni life in October

3. Get my driving license

4. Go to Alton Towers/Chessington (sp?) with friends


On the whole, reading more books, playing more games, eating more at BBQ's, seeing people/friends and getting fitter (went to the gym today for 3 hours! Wooo!).


Looking forward to the summer!

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hmmm my summer I will be working like I do all year round :(


However, I'm going to some festivals. Latitude in July, Ben & Jerrys end of July and Get Loaded in the park end of August :)


Apart from that I will just go for many picnics on the weekends with my lady in Greenwich park ;)

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I'll break up from school in afew weeks time :D This is when i'll buy some games/dvds to set me up for the summer and hopefully if i pass my driving test go out alot.


In the last week of July/first week of August i'm off to Padstow (Cornwall) camping with the family + brothers (evil) GF. It may involve going to the boardmasters for the day, but mainly we stay on the quieter beaches.


After that i'll just lay around doing nothing.


Although if i get a job i probably won't be doing nothing.

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My summer kicks off with seeing Radiohead tomorrow and then paintballing on Saturday with much more to come in July.


It should be a great summer this year although a little more pedestrian than I would have hoped for.

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