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Angry! Angry! Angry!

Guest Jordan

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Recently: self centred, arogant and shallow man-children who think they're better than everyone else when in fact they're a deluded imbecile with about as much to say on just about any subjet as my toenail.

related: the fact that they're seen as more socially important than people who can, say, form an opinion on anything other than the Premier League results table.


God, I'm glad I'm out of uni right now.

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People who get everything they want.

[Rant/]That´s just part jealousy and part rage towards people who get what they, "just because".

Too clarify how rage inducing it is too me a friend of mine works at his dads company and gets paid as if he´s a trained professional and gets get roughly 12,73 pounds per hour and often works away from the main capital city area and stays somewhere else for a couple of days and gets paid around the clock with overtime and because of that this guy can afford everything he wants and stuff other people want just to rub it in....

I know this so well about him because he can´t fucking shut up about it! [Rant]

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People who get everything they want.

[Rant/]That´s just part jealousy and part rage towards people who get what they, "just because".

Too clarify how rage inducing it is too me a friend of mine works at his dads company and gets paid as if he´s a trained professional and gets get roughly 12,73 pounds per hour and often works away from the main capital city area and stays somewhere else for a couple of days and gets paid around the clock with overtime and because of that this guy can afford everything he wants and stuff other people want just to rub it in....

I know this so well about him because he can´t fucking shut up about it! [Rant]


Been there! :blank: it annoys me quite often, I'm able to afford things every once in a while, like said tv but then somebody has to come along and squish it.


again +1 caris, last week whilst driving some tit in a ford ka decided to go right up my arse and decided she didn't like me when my car could go alot fucking faster. Stupid bitch. :awesome:

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Internet Pirates

Chavs who are internet pirates

Minority groups who think they are better because they have been "mistreated".

Game Fadders

When people don't give reasonable arguments and just say what you support sucks or something like that.

When people say they are better in games because they use an action replay.

People who use noob tactics in Smash bros and then say they are better than you (even though you beat them 9/10 times).

People who jack stuff.

People who in general think they're better than you.

People who tell really bad jokes and think they're funny because some random kid laughs at them (not with them).

Jack Thompson (and anyone else who has something against games and gamers)

People who claim halo is the best game ever.

People who constantly dis others.




Chavs, who are internet pirates, who are of a minority group and think they're better, who are game fadders, who can't give proper arguments, who use action replays, who use noob tactics in smash bros, who jack stuff, who think they're better than you, who tell bad jokes, who masturbate to pictures of Jack Thompson, who claim halo is the best game ever, and constantly dis others. So basically half the youth in my city.

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Guest Stefkov

Marriage. That annoys me. Why vow that you will be together forever when 25 years down the line it all falls apart?

Babies in a waiting room.

Annoying people playing music on their phone when the music is shit.

People who force you to do things.

People who cry do my nut in.

People who think I'm someone I'm not.

Etc, etc.

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People who cry do my nut in.


That's one of my pet hates too. Unless someone is physically injured, I just cannot stand it. It just feels so fake to me, and feels more like they are doing it to protect themselves from what they deserve (being yelled at some more, for instance).

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That's one of my pet hates too. Unless someone is physically injured, I just cannot stand it. It just feels so fake to me, and feels more like they are doing it to protect themselves from what they deserve (being yelled at some more, for instance).


+2 but then I say mental pain that the person doesn't deserve, if the person cheats on somebody and then gets dumped and starts crying that's annoying, but say if they loved somebody and that person dumped them for nothing then it's fine with me.


People crying for attention does my absolute nut in though.


edit: couples, gah, I don't mean normal couples, I mean the ones who constantly go about to other people bragging about they have somebody and have I LOVE YOU everywhere. Oh fuck off I really couldn't give a crap about your relationship, oh and thanks for reminding me how single I am..

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People who cry do my nut in.


I share this hate as well. People who cry to get attention infront of others and get 'sulky' at the tiniest thing really does my head in. I'm really crap at being sympathetic so i'm never the person who goes over to be the comforting one, i just leave them to it. It can sometimes come over the wrong way though.

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The following things really get to me/make me angry


  • Chavs
  • Crying Babies on bus's, planes, trains etc.
  • Attention Seekers
  • Rude people inc OAP's.
  • People who think they can do what they want.
  • Music playing loudly so i can't even hear my own music at full blast
  • People who keep saying "No, go and have a bath"
  • Cheaters
  • American gamers who cheat/gang up on you online even if they are on your team.
  • Emo's
  • Goths
  • Obnoxious people
  • Anorexic people
  • Big Issue Sellers
  • People who don't pay rent and keep asking you to pay it for them no matter how many times you say no.
  • Boy racers
  • Internet Pirates


And that is to just name a few things that i can remember at this time.

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Guest Stefkov
  • Music playing loudly so i can't even hear my own music at full blast
  • Boy racers

I just want to highlight these. Especially when combined it is blood boiling.

Especially outside my college. I'm not saying it's specifically them, nor am I being racist in anyway but it's more often than not asians/indians that travel along the road adjacent to my college, blasting their shite music, windows full down, they're sat with the heads just above the window.

It's not just once, then drive up and down the road at least 3 or four times looking out their window at the people congregating at the college entrance.

What are they trying to achieve anyway? Are they thinking that all these 17/18 year old girls are gonna starting screaming and take off their tops and throw themselves at them because they're playing loud music in their banged up Corsa with a muffler on the exhaust?

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- Rude people/people who dont say please/thank you.

- People who do Peter Griffins laugh and think its amazing, but its shit.

- People who think comics are for children/dont understand the kind of storylines involved in them.

- People who talk in the cinema after the trailers.

- Unplanned teenage pregnancies.

- People who overtake you as soon as they have a chance to, even though you're only going slow because of the person in front of you, who you plan to overtake at the earliest oppurtunity anyway.

- Halifax customers who do not listen (AKA Halifax customers)

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I don't really get angry. :p but a few of things annoy me.


1. Hearing voices calling you! Then stopping what I'm doing going downstairs only to find out that no one had called me.


2. Msn when it decides not to send your messages and then 5 minutes later sends it back to you.


3. playing a game for hours and then turning it off in frustration without ssaving it/or just erasing the data by accident.



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  • Television announcers intterupting the end of programmes/talking over credits to tell us what's next.
  • People who still imitate Little Britain catchphrase's.
  • Shop assistants who have a conversation with someone else while serving you.
  • People who drive at 40m.p.h on 60m.p.h roads, but speed like idiots through villages.
  • Trailers that give aways the story/best moments.
  • Jeremy Kyle.
  • People who don't thank you for opening door's for them etc
  • Friends who are two-faced or can't wait to tell you about something awful that's been said about you.
  • Sales that only have XL men's clothes.

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On the same lines as the Little Britain one... Little Britain in general makes me angry. Can't stand that programme.


-Bad spelling and grammar.

-People who consistently post completely irrelevant things, or things which didn't need to be said (ie. one line messages saying "Thank you" or the likes), on Internet forums.

-When people who don't talk about anything other than football.

-When people say "I hate people who do..." when they actually mean "I hate it when people do...".

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