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Angry! Angry! Angry!

Guest Jordan

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Another thing that annoys me:


When people disregard a good song just because they don't like the artist which it's by.




Tears Dry On Their Own by Amy Winehouse

Gimme More by Britney Spears (if this song was by anyone else it would be way more popular than it is)

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When you're playing Halo 3, and you're team has some players who think its hilarious to constantly betray you.


When you're playing Halo 3 aswell, and you have players on your team who are really good, but keep shouting and singing into their microphones for no reason and generally are obnoxious.


When you save over you're main save file.


When lightening blows up your router.



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When memory cards corrupt losing all save files.


When something (usually wireless adapters) don't work for a completely inexplicable reason.


When people claim geological history is mainly based on assumption and guess work and therefore not a valid science.


When people have a completely closed off mind-set and refuse to acknowledge other world views or arguements. (I'm looking mainly over a the fundamentalist corner of society here)


When a fiddily task just refuses to be done.


When it's lovely and sunny all the days that I'm bored to death in an office, but then rains on my days off.

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Guest Jordan


Tears Dry On Their Own by Amy Winehouse

Gimme More by Britney Spears (if this song was by anyone else it would be way more popular than it is)


Tears Dry on Their Own is not only utter shit, but its sung by a complete coke head. No thanks.


Britney Spears hasn't made decent music since ever. Ever.... Ever.

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I get this too! and it is really annoying because I'm 17 I'm meant to be having lessons. :heh: (driving scares me. :))


People used to say this to me. As if you don't start driving as soon as you're 17 then there is something wrong with you.


And now I've started my lessons I'm sick of people saying "when are you gonna get your test booked?" I'VE HAD 3 LESSONS! FUCK OFF!!!

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Stupid people.


Not people that aren't paticularly intelligent, I mean people that just say the stupidiest things and argue about things that there is no need to argue about. People that can't ever admit to being wrong too. It's one of the worst personality traits I think someone could have.

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Ok, this is the angry place.


I'll tell you what makes me angry. I'll tell you good and proper. But first, this is a long story, so relax, sit back nicely on those reclining swivel chairs of yours, make yourself a brew (before sitting before), and harken (or read).


I like my hair. It's the one part of me that I don't feel particularly negative about. I like the way that I can fiddle around with it in the shower (my hair you perverts), and I like how I can style it or attempt to style it into some sort of mess.


It's mine. Often it has been called crazy hair, but I like it like that. I've always dreamed of being a rockstar, and the one part of me that kinda goes with this image is my psuedo-rockstar hair.


However, lately it has been getting a bit long. My hair is a strange thing. You see, I have what is called "Asian Hair." That means my hair is dark, thick, and it grows back faster than grease lightning. It also tends to grow "outwards" at the sides, meaning that I end up with a kind of...afro.


Ok, so I'm home in Newport for a while, and I think to myself...hey, I deserve a haircut. Yes, I want one. You always get this great feeling when you leave the haircutting place. New hair = new start. That's how I see it. So, I think to myself, ok, lets do thees sheet.


Off I walk to the haircutters, and there's this new lad working there. He seems nice and friendly, and he talks in a strong Newport accent. His hair looks decent, so I think he must have some sense of style. I tell him exactly what I tell anybody else when I get my hair cut, that its gone a bit out of control, and that I want enough left to be able to style it and do something with it. I'm always quite specific about what I want, but I tend to leave enough room so that the cutter can add a bit of flair to it. I told you this was a long story.


So, he says "no problems, butt" (Newport/Idiot thing) and asks me to sit down. I sit there. He doesn't go for the scissors, but rather that hair...cutting machine thing designed to take loads out of your hair. I think, ok, he's taking a little bit off, then chopping into it. Wouldn't be the first time.


He zoooms with the machine. A huge clump of my hair falls out.


I don't know if I hid my shock well. I could feel my eyes widen, but I tried to hide it out of politeness. He tries to make conversation:


"So, you been working today?"

"I've only just come home from uni, having a bit of a rest."

"Aww, what you do at uni?"

"Teaching, training to be a teacher."

"tidy, well done butt!"


Zooom. More of it falls out.


I don't know if I passed out of pure shock, or if I was caught in some kind of daze. He finishes up, and it's barely a few centimetres long. I pay, and quickly leave. I show the travesty to my Mum...who then gives me a shocking revelation:


"Aww, they did exactly the same to your brothers and your Dad!"

"....you what now?"

"Billy went to have his hair cut there two weeks ago, and he came home wearing a hat because he was so upset. Same happened to your other brother and Dad. You shouldn't have gone there!"



When people don't tell you HIGHLY RELEVANT information - that makes me angry


When fools don't listen - that makes me angry


When you see something crumble right before your eyes, into a huge mound on the floor, which oddly resembles cousin It from the Addams Family - that makes me angry.



Thank you for your time, ladies and gentlemen. I'm off to soak my hair with miracle grow in one last vain attempt.



P.S. - I did overdramatise a little with this one, I thought I'd make it interesting, haha. I'm still pissed off, but I'll laugh about it in a few days. Maybe...fuckers.

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Ok, this is the angry place.


I'll tell you what makes me angry. I'll tell you good and proper. But first, this is a long story, so relax, sit back nicely on those reclining swivel chairs of yours, make yourself a brew (before sitting before), and harken (or read).


I like my hair. It's the one part of me that I don't feel particularly negative about. I like the way that I can fiddle around with it in the shower (my hair you perverts), and I like how I can style it or attempt to style it into some sort of mess.


It's mine. Often it has been called crazy hair, but I like it like that. I've always dreamed of being a rockstar, and the one part of me that kinda goes with this image is my psuedo-rockstar hair.


However, lately it has been getting a bit long. My hair is a strange thing. You see, I have what is called "Asian Hair." That means my hair is dark, thick, and it grows back faster than grease lightning. It also tends to grow "outwards" at the sides, meaning that I end up with a kind of...afro.


Ok, so I'm home in Newport for a while, and I think to myself...hey, I deserve a haircut. Yes, I want one. You always get this great feeling when you leave the haircutting place. New hair = new start. That's how I see it. So, I think to myself, ok, lets do thees sheet.


Off I walk to the haircutters, and there's this new lad working there. He seems nice and friendly, and he talks in a strong Newport accent. His hair looks decent, so I think he must have some sense of style. I tell him exactly what I tell anybody else when I get my hair cut, that its gone a bit out of control, and that I want enough left to be able to style it and do something with it. I'm always quite specific about what I want, but I tend to leave enough room so that the cutter can add a bit of flair to it. I told you this was a long story.


So, he says "no problems, butt" (Newport/Idiot thing) and asks me to sit down. I sit there. He doesn't go for the scissors, but rather that hair...cutting machine thing designed to take loads out of your hair. I think, ok, he's taking a little bit off, then chopping into it. Wouldn't be the first time.


He zoooms with the machine. A huge clump of my hair falls out.


I don't know if I hid my shock well. I could feel my eyes widen, but I tried to hide it out of politeness. He tries to make conversation:


"So, you been working today?"

"I've only just come home from uni, having a bit of a rest."

"Aww, what you do at uni?"

"Teaching, training to be a teacher."

"tidy, well done butt!"


Zooom. More of it falls out.


I don't know if I passed out of pure shock, or if I was caught in some kind of daze. He finishes up, and it's barely a few centimetres long. I pay, and quickly leave. I show the travesty to my Mum...who then gives me a shocking revelation:


"Aww, they did exactly the same to your brothers and your Dad!"

"....you what now?"

"Billy went to have his hair cut there two weeks ago, and he came home wearing a hat because he was so upset. Same happened to your other brother and Dad. You shouldn't have gone there!"



When people don't tell you HIGHLY RELEVANT information - that makes me angry


When fools don't listen - that makes me angry


When you see something crumble right before your eyes, into a huge mound on the floor, which oddly resembles cousin It from the Addams Family - that makes me angry.



Thank you for your time, ladies and gentlemen. I'm off to soak my hair with miracle grow in one last vain attempt.



P.S. - I did overdramatise a little with this one, I thought I'd make it interesting, haha. I'm still pissed off, but I'll laugh about it in a few days. Maybe...fuckers.


Man, that's pretty much the reason why I haven't gone in a year. D:

I kinda am going back soon, but I'm not sure what I want them to do with my hair, and even if I do they'll manage to mess it up anyway. >.<;


*hates hairdressers*

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Ok, this is the angry place.


I'll tell you what makes me angry. I'll tell you good and proper. But first, this is a long story, so relax, sit back nicely on those reclining swivel chairs of yours, make yourself a brew (before sitting before), and harken (or read).


I like my hair. It's the one part of me that I don't feel particularly negative about. I like the way that I can fiddle around with it in the shower (my hair you perverts), and I like how I can style it or attempt to style it into some sort of mess.


It's mine. Often it has been called crazy hair, but I like it like that. I've always dreamed of being a rockstar, and the one part of me that kinda goes with this image is my psuedo-rockstar hair.


However, lately it has been getting a bit long. My hair is a strange thing. You see, I have what is called "Asian Hair." That means my hair is dark, thick, and it grows back faster than grease lightning. It also tends to grow "outwards" at the sides, meaning that I end up with a kind of...afro.


Ok, so I'm home in Newport for a while, and I think to myself...hey, I deserve a haircut. Yes, I want one. You always get this great feeling when you leave the haircutting place. New hair = new start. That's how I see it. So, I think to myself, ok, lets do thees sheet.


Off I walk to the haircutters, and there's this new lad working there. He seems nice and friendly, and he talks in a strong Newport accent. His hair looks decent, so I think he must have some sense of style. I tell him exactly what I tell anybody else when I get my hair cut, that its gone a bit out of control, and that I want enough left to be able to style it and do something with it. I'm always quite specific about what I want, but I tend to leave enough room so that the cutter can add a bit of flair to it. I told you this was a long story.


So, he says "no problems, butt" (Newport/Idiot thing) and asks me to sit down. I sit there. He doesn't go for the scissors, but rather that hair...cutting machine thing designed to take loads out of your hair. I think, ok, he's taking a little bit off, then chopping into it. Wouldn't be the first time.


He zoooms with the machine. A huge clump of my hair falls out.


I don't know if I hid my shock well. I could feel my eyes widen, but I tried to hide it out of politeness. He tries to make conversation:


"So, you been working today?"

"I've only just come home from uni, having a bit of a rest."

"Aww, what you do at uni?"

"Teaching, training to be a teacher."

"tidy, well done butt!"


Zooom. More of it falls out.


I don't know if I passed out of pure shock, or if I was caught in some kind of daze. He finishes up, and it's barely a few centimetres long. I pay, and quickly leave. I show the travesty to my Mum...who then gives me a shocking revelation:


"Aww, they did exactly the same to your brothers and your Dad!"

"....you what now?"

"Billy went to have his hair cut there two weeks ago, and he came home wearing a hat because he was so upset. Same happened to your other brother and Dad. You shouldn't have gone there!"



When people don't tell you HIGHLY RELEVANT information - that makes me angry


When fools don't listen - that makes me angry


When you see something crumble right before your eyes, into a huge mound on the floor, which oddly resembles cousin It from the Addams Family - that makes me angry.



Thank you for your time, ladies and gentlemen. I'm off to soak my hair with miracle grow in one last vain attempt.



P.S. - I did overdramatise a little with this one, I thought I'd make it interesting, haha. I'm still pissed off, but I'll laugh about it in a few days. Maybe...fuckers.


Don't worry about it. Strider might tell you that I often have dodgy haircuts. Most people don't care. And it will soon grow back.


If you want it to grow back more quickly then apparently sea kelp tablets do just that. Although they take about 2 weeks to start to work.

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Strider might tell you that I often have dodgy haircuts.


It's true.


My haircuts only cost £4 so just based on the price you can most likely tell I don't really give a crap about it.


What else annoys me is satellite TV/Sky, the adverts last for aaaaagggggeeesssss. This isn't very good especially as they have 3 breaks in Stargate.


Another thing which angers me is when people think your thick, poor and a overall prat because you come from a certain town. I live in Shirebrook (near Mansfield) and it has a reputation of being shit within about a 50 mile radius, it's well known for the amount of people who are on benefits, the crap school (Which has an A*-C pass rate of 23%) and the amout of illegal activities. The other day i was talking to my driving instuctor and he sounded surprised that both my parents could drive and were working full time, i was like "Not all of us are on disibilties and do fuck all you know".

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Link I couldn't agree with you more. A few months ago I went to my hairdresser, now me and my mum both go there and until a year back they have been great and I've been going for years.


They even cut my hair short (which really worried me having done) and it was nice, so I thought hey a trim is needed. Went along said I need the sides trimming and the back cutting but otherwise I'm alright. She got halfway through and I panicked. She'd basically left with me with my back short (which was great just what I wanted) but where I asked for the sides to be trimmed she'd cut over 3inches off...0.o. I looked and felt disgusting and ended up crying in the car.


My mum had her hair coloured there only for it to last a DAY! 70quid for a day, jesus christ I made her go and ask for a refund. I'm so glad I have a new hairdresser who completely understands and always explains that colour may not last <3


edit: to add with strider. I hate when people assume you are spoilt just because your parents are well off, I lost friends in college because of it! OH I'm sorry my parents work hard and get some money in the bank...-.- gah (this wasn't aimed at strider btw it just reminded me! ^_^) not to mention all the times I helped my friends out when they didn't have money for food or travel..I swear I wasted so much money being nice to those guys because I didn't want them starving themselves!

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Another thing which angers me is when people think your thick, poor and a overall prat because you come from a certain town. I live in Shirebrook (near Mansfield) and it has a reputation of being shit within about a 50 mile radius, it's well known for the amount of people who are on benefits, the crap school (Which has an A*-C pass rate of 23%) and the amout of illegal activities. The other day i was talking to my driving instuctor and he sounded surprised that both my parents could drive and were working full time, i was like "Not all of us are on disibilties and do fuck all you know".


It works the other way as well. Whenever I tell anyone I was brought up in Oxford they automatically assume I must be some form of posho with a private school background and obscenely rich parents. Well actually once you remove the university Oxford is pretty much the same as any other city and does in fact have average people living and working there. Also, no, my parents aren't obscenely rich (my dad's a carpenter and my mum works in a bookshop) and I didn't go to private school. Luckily I have freaky mix of glaswegian in my southern accent which usually throws people right off track when trying to guess where I'm from.

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It works the other way as well. Whenever I tell anyone I was brought up in Oxford they automatically assume I must be some form of posho with a private school background and obscenely rich parents. Well actually once you remove the university Oxford is pretty much the same as any other city and does in fact have average people living and working there. Also, no, my parents aren't obscenely rich (my dad's a carpenter and my mum works in a bookshop) and I didn't go to private school. Luckily I have freaky mix of glaswegian in my southern accent which usually throws people right off track when trying to guess where I'm from.


You're from Oxford? You snobby bastard.


Seriously thought I agree with both of you. Like Strider I too used to live in Shirebrook. Whenever somebody finds out they are really shocked just because I'm not on drugs and I'm not mugging them.

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It's probably worth pointing out that people also automatically assume that anyone who is posh (i.e. speaks with RP), or did go to private school and/or oxbridge is a wanker.


This annoys me aswell.


I go to a private school. So do my 4 sisters. So does about 60% of Edinburgh's school children.


My parents aren't posh - they've just been successful in life. My dad went to a school where only he and 3 other people from his year went on to university. He can afford to send his kids to a good school - instead of buying fast cars might I add - because he wants us to be as successful as him.


Incidently, I'm applying to Oxbridge, because I'm genuinely interested in maths. Just because I've been to a private school and I'm applying to Oxbridge does not make me a posh wanker. Forums are actually quite good in the respect that you can "hide" behind an avatar, and people can judge you on your personality, not preconceptions and stereotypes.

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In Bucks and a few other counties, we still use the grammar school system (at age 11 you take what's called and 11+ and if you pass you can get a place at a grammar school and everyone else goes to "secondary moderns"). Most parents like this system for a variety of reasons, until their son or daughter fails and doesn't get a place (which really annoys me, most parent's seem to think that their offspring is the greatest kid on the planet at age 11). Another thing that annoys me is when people think I'm a upper class and posh because I went to a grammar school. It's quite the opposite, grammars are state schools and selection is based on academic ability (incidently as a group they perform better than private schools). Simply put you can't buy a place at a grammar school.

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In Bucks and a few other counties, we still use the grammar school system (at age 11 you take what's called and 11+ and if you pass you can get a place at a grammar school and everyone else goes to "secondary moderns"). Most parents like this system for a variety of reasons, until their son or daughter fails and doesn't get a place (which really annoys me, most parent's seem to think that their offspring is the greatest kid on the planet at age 11). Another thing that annoys me is when people think I'm a upper class and posh because I went to a grammar school. It's quite the opposite, grammars are state schools and selection is based on academic ability (incidently as a group they perform better than private schools). Simply put you can't buy a place at a grammar school.


northern ireland still does the 11+ too ^___^


I think its on the way out tho?

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I don't like it when I'm on msn and no-one replies when you need them to reply or just to keep you pre-occupied :p That annoys me.


I took the 11+ it was weird. I passed but failed at the same time =[


How'd you manage that one ell? I got an A and went to a secondary school anyway, because it felt like a nicer, more down to earth school.

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Well I passed the 11+, but since I lived so far away I needed a very high mark to get into the school I took it for so I failed to get in. Although I wasn't planning on going anyway because I was just going to the normal secondary school that all my friends were going to anyway. My mum just wanted me to do it for some reason =]

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