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Every Day Tips 'n' Tricks


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Y'all got the opening-a-jar thing wrong. Use an elastic band around the lid or rubber glove to enhance grip.


I can't really think of any tips/tricks besides ones to do with rolling cigarettes, and they're better demonstrated anyway.

You dont always have an elastic band, or rubber glove to hand. Youll always have a T-shirt/top/towel to hand (even if your wearing it).
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You dont always have an elastic band, or rubber glove to hand. Youll always have a T-shirt/top/towel to hand (even if your wearing it).


t-shirt/top/towel removes moisture but doesn't enhance grip for me. Probably due to how I obliterate my clothes when I wash them...

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Anybody got any tips on pruning a bonsai tree?


Do it very very very carefully. If its a full grown one they say to trim 1/3rd ish of the new shoots that come through.


Dont take my word for it though, iv killed about 5 bonsais.

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If you are planning on going on a night out and getting trashed, make sure you masturbate 3 times within the 2 hours before you go out. This will:


  • Make you less agressive
  • Make you think situations through more
  • Make you come onto unattractive girls less
  • Help you to stay aware of whats going on around you
  • Make girls more attracted to you
  • Makes you less impressionable
  • Decreases your chances of getting depressed
  • Makes you last longer if you do manage to get laid


Although obviously this also depends on who you are with and how much you've had to drink. Since me and contemporaries put this 'Golden Rule' into action our nights out have (although probably not become much 'funner') become safer and less regrettful the next morning, and stops you being remembered as a drunken arsehole.


This is due to the fact that endorphins are released that calm you down, and counter the effects that testorone have (which normally lowers/overrides your social inhibitions when you become intoxicated). Pheremones are also released that makes girls 'notice' you more aswell.


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If you are planning on going on a night out and getting trashed, make sure you masturbate 3 times within the 2 hours before you go out. This will:

  • Make you less agressive
  • Make you think situations through more
  • Make you come onto unattractive girls less
  • Help you to stay aware of whats going on around you
  • Make girls more attracted to you
  • Makes you less impressionable
  • Decreases your chances of getting depressed
  • Makes you last longer if you do manage to get laid

Although obviously this also depends on who you are with and how much you've had to drink. Since me and contemporaries put this 'Golden Rule' into action our nights out have (although probably not become much 'funner') become safer and less regrettful the next morning, and stops you being remembered as a drunken arsehole.


This is due to the fact that endorphins are released that calm you down, and counter the effects that testorone have (which normally lowers/overrides your social inhibitions when you become intoxicated). Pheremones are also released that makes girls 'notice' you more aswell.


Quite possibly the most valuable (and fun) piece of advice ever?

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Basically the practise of knocking one out before one goes out for whatever reason.


A: "You going to have a surprise erection again tonight?"

B: "Not tonight my friend, I've put a wank in the tank"


It's genius. It combats the need for that stiffy stealth topic we had earlier.

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When taking medicine, instead of putting the tablet/pill in your mouth then taking a gulp of water [which normally makes the pill stay in my mouth, and if that's paracetamol the delightful taste is released.


What I do now [with my meds] is have a mouthful of water, drop the pill in and quickly swallow.

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If you are planning on going on a night out and getting trashed, make sure you masturbate 3 times within the 2 hours before you go out. This will:


  • Make you less agressive
  • Make you think situations through more
  • Make you come onto unattractive girls less
  • Help you to stay aware of whats going on around you
  • Make girls more attracted to you
  • Makes you less impressionable
  • Decreases your chances of getting depressed
  • Makes you last longer if you do manage to get laid


Although obviously this also depends on who you are with and how much you've had to drink. Since me and contemporaries put this 'Golden Rule' into action our nights out have (although probably not become much 'funner') become safer and less regrettful the next morning, and stops you being remembered as a drunken arsehole.



Just going to reverse that around by saying don't wank before you go out and you'll increase your chances of pulling as you won't mind getting with fat and/or ugly girls. :heh:

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Guest Jordan

[*]Makes you last longer if you do manage to get laid


Speaking of which, i do remember someone telling me a story about them jacking off before going out and then the girl was giving them a blow job for 2 hours and she started crying because she couldn't make him cum XD.


I can't say i have issues with 'lasting'... Heck its more of an issue that i last too long. Anyway...

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Speaking of which, i do remember someone telling me a story about them jacking off before going out and then the girl was giving them a blow job for 2 hours and she started crying because she couldn't make him cum XD.


I can't say i have issues with 'lasting'... Heck its more of an issue that i last too long. Anyway...


ROFL. :laughing:

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That's just mean, the poor girl!


As for the jar thing, doesn;t anyone do the hot water on the lid trick? Works every time, although you do need a tea-towel to turn it otherwsie you will burn your hand.


Here's one for sellotape i thought everyone did. Just fold under a small piece when you are done, that way you wont need to search for the end next time you need it :)

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As for the jar thing, doesn;t anyone do the hot water on the lid trick? Works every time, although you do need a tea-towel to turn it otherwsie you will burn your hand.


Even just the hot tap normally works for me, tea towel afterwards anyway even if it isn't too hot will still help a lot. :)

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