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Funniest Moments of Your Life!


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The absolute funniest thing ever happened today. We had outdoor gym class and one of the guys had a condom on him. He took it out and blew it up like a balloon until it was about 2 feet long and then tied it up. A bunch of kids started throwing it around and then the gym teacher saw it. He told the kid to put the "balloon" (he actually didn't know what it was) in the dumpster. So he goes and just before he gets to the dumpster, he throws the condom into the air and the wind catches it. It goes way up in the air and we see it fly all the way over the school and off into the distance. I wish I had a camera with me.


So what are the funniest things that have happened to you.

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I managed to convince my American flatmate that we use giant coins in Europe!


We had split a bottle of wine and convo turned to the monies of the world!?! Anyways she was explaining something about the American Dollar and I thought "right I'm gonna mess with her a bit" - so myself and another Irish guy here strung her along for about 10 minutes and got her to believe that the "Euro - €" doesnt have any notes and the coins range from the 1c coin which is tiny to the €500 coin which is about the size of the bottom of a large wine glass!


Oh it was so funny! I proceeded to say that I had a €50 coin in my room, and went to get it, came back with a €50 note in my pocket and said "Here - a €50 coin!". She was not impressed!


Still laugh about it!

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Funniest moment of my life went like this:


I have this friend who is really, really innocent and will turn bright red as soon as you talk about sex. Then, there's me, who is happy to talk about sex. Lethal combination.


One evening, I was chatting to my friend (this was in halls) about the subject of sex. Then, my easily-embarassed friend came in on just the moment when things were really...umm...easily discussed.


She went bright red, I burst out laughing. In the process of laughing, I farted accidentally. It was possibly the most loud but somehow girliest fart that has ever been heard in the history of the world. She went bright red again, but started laughing, I had tears down my cheeks and turned rouge, and my other mate was on the floor in giggles.



You couldn't write that stuff.


There probably has been funnier, but that one was all about the moment. It could never happen again.

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Funniest moment of my life went like this:


I have this friend who is really, really innocent and will turn bright red as soon as you talk about sex. Then, there's me, who is happy to talk about sex. Lethal combination.


One evening, I was chatting to my friend (this was in halls) about the subject of sex. Then, my easily-embarassed friend came in on just the moment when things were really...umm...easily discussed.


She went bright red, I burst out laughing. In the process of laughing, I farted accidentally. It was possibly the most loud but somehow girliest fart that has ever been heard in the history of the world. She went bright red again, but started laughing, I had tears down my cheeks and turned rouge, and my other mate was on the floor in giggles.



That's probably one of the funniest things I've ever heard/read/imagined! :bowdown:

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This one's for Dan Dare:


"Kevin how's the coffee? Yep."


Not funniest moment in my life (that was probably when Jack Carrington farted) but it was damn funny.


thanks for that. Just had to double up in a silent library to stop getting the giggles.

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Certainly not one of the funniest things ever but it was one of those 'you can't write that' moments.


A few of us were on a first aid course and the instructor person asked one of us, "What should you ask somebody who is in trouble?"


Just as he asked it the walkie talkie/radio thingy at the back of the room went off and the person on the other side said, "Hello. Are you alright?"


So the instructor said, "Yep that's one thing you can ask."

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my flat mate was being a cocky dick, ripping into one of our mates trying to be funny (hes not). we are just about to go into town and drink our livers away, he bassicly insults the girl rather then making a joke, then laughing at his joke he goes to take a sip from his can when BAM! a football smashes into the can and covers his face in carlsberg. its dripping out of his nose, his eyes, his beards holding a tonn. his face was pricless, utter shock and dissbelife. every one was on the floor laughing but him, i crawled the corridor to high 5 the kicker, needless to say beer face wasnt ammused.


a tonn of good memories with that guy, anouther involves fortifying the corridor with mattresses and having a war with an american football. he got me in the face, which floored me, i through it back as he laughed only to miss, but watch the ball rebound the wall behind and knock him to the floor with me.


finaly, a tale from atleast 6 years ago in a school chemistry class. having been given some electrical crap, i set up an experement and accidently touched two wires, sending a load of sparks flying and a small bang. i jumped but it wasnt bad, so continued. a mate of mine saw this and tried to copy, but made 2 mistakes. the first being to do it while the teacher was talking, the second was too have the voltage 4 times higher then me. rather then a few sparks, he got what could of passed as a fire work, and rather then a small bang he got a huge one. the teacher changes what hes saying mid word, launching a sudden rant, my mates usualy black skin has gone white and im fairly sure i laughed so hard i mad a misscarrage.

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Me and my friends were in Norway once, and we were staying in a little hostel. In the room, Uoon put this huge sponge in his mouth, and proceeded to somehow drop it out of the window. It landed on the grass about 3 stories down. None of us could be bothered to get it, so we all decided to pour coke on it instead. However, when we poured the coke, someone below us opened their window, and all the coke went on them and the window! Maybe not funny for them..


Also, I was once quoting the Grinch when we were out for a walk, and I slipped in the mud :(

(Yes, one of those only funny when youre there things..)

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When I went to see Doom in the cinema with Vicar. Full house and everything and the scene were:

That old army guy is changing into one of those freaks and starts to bash himself on a plastic window too stop it and kill himself real dramatic I suppose...



And that´s when I start laughing and I don´t stop until after about 2-3 minutes

I was the only one laughing and I had never laughed so hard before.

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I managed to convince my American flatmate that we use giant coins in Europe!


We had split a bottle of wine and convo turned to the monies of the world!?! Anyways she was explaining something about the American Dollar and I thought "right I'm gonna mess with her a bit" - so myself and another Irish guy here strung her along for about 10 minutes and got her to believe that the "Euro - €" doesnt have any notes and the coins range from the 1c coin which is tiny to the €500 coin which is about the size of the bottom of a large wine glass!


Oh it was so funny! I proceeded to say that I had a €50 coin in my room, and went to get it, came back with a €50 note in my pocket and said "Here - a €50 coin!". She was not impressed!


Still laugh about it!


I convinced my friend that there were only 4 Paraguayians in the UK. That one of them was Coolness Bears, the other was Santa Cruz the footballer and the other two I didn't know. He believed me, no questions asked.


I thought that was a result of sorts.

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