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Ever Lost your wallet or had it stolen?


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Here's a story for y'all


A few weeks ago I was on my way back from London with a friend. We stopped off at a service station on the way home and decided to get some photos in the photo booth. I had my wallet on my knee after I payed, and it fell off in the photo booth, I thought "I'll get it in a second". But, stupidly, I forgot it. So now my wallet is in the bottom of the booth and we drive off as I have no idea. We get to southampton and I suddenly realise - I can't explain how upset/angry with myself I was. Felt so stupid.


So obviously I immediately ring the service station to ask if it has been handed in. I get three different people (including one lovely guy from Burger King) to go and look for it around the booth but none of them find it. I get very very pissed off/sad and give up, cancel my cards etc etc.


Two weeks later I return to uni and get a phonecall. Someone had picked up my wallet, seen my student card, and tracked me down to my uni. I rang her, thanking her madly for finding it. We organise posting it to me, and although I suggest taking a £10 note out of it to pay for special delivery she says "no don't worry I know you're a poor student. I work for a company with a post room, I'll send it through the company"


Big mistake. Three weeks later it hasn't arrived. I ring her and she says she has no idea how it hasn't arrived. She put a return address on it and everything. So it looks like someone else may have found it and taken it.


Basically - I lost my wallet twice. And only one was my fault. And to make matters worse, because it wasn't stolen, the police wouldn't give me a crime number, so I had to pay to replace all my cards! (With a crime number its usually free)





So my question to you - have you ever had your wallet stolen, or lost it? When and where? And did you ever get it back?

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My story is similar to Cube's. I lost it on a bus, realised what had happened 10 minutes later and sprinted down to one of the bus stops and luckily the same bus was making the return trip into Dublin so I jumped on and luckily found it under a seat. it's not losing the money that'd annoy me, it's the hassle of replacing all my cards.

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i've never lost my wallet... i found a filofax type wallet once... luckily the guy had left his own business card inside (i matched up the name on his cards) so i called him and he came back and got it ^___^ rushed into gamestation, said "thank you thank you thank you!" took £10 out of the wallet and stuffed it into my hands and ran away again before i had a chance to protest :wtf:


yay ^_^

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I did lose my wallet once when i was 17 on the train, it had my student card in and about £30. Nothing else valuable was in there. Luckely on the way home from town, i got onto the exact same train i lost my wallet on and found it under the seat where i sat on the way into town.

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I had my wallet stolen when I was mugged coming home from college. Only had £1.30, basically change for the vending machine. No big loss.


Interesting money story today though. Some silly woman at the ATM walked off without taking her money. So I grabbed it and had to run after her to return it. Seriously, how can you just walk away from a machine giving you cash, without picking up your cash.

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I lose my wallet once, I went back to ASDA to find out if they had it, but the customer services woman didn't know cos it was a different one to when I'd been in there, so I went to the police station and reported it lost in case it was handed in(took a good half hour of waiting and doing), then I came home and rang back to ASDA later, as the woman had advised(or i think i just didnt like/trust the woman i'd spoken to, she seemed a bit half arsed). My mum had a go at me and stuff, then I went to the showeroom and looked in the sock basket, where my wallet was. I remembered I had to take it out me pocket to change my jeans, as they were tight with it in.


I felt foolish, and relieved, cos I hadn't cancelled my cards yet. Twas annoying though, cos it had my money and ID, and I went to the pub that night.

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I thought I'd lost it and went to the trouble of cancelling all my cards (no charge though Nintendohnut - that's pretty weird to charge for just issuing a card isn't it?). Turns out it was in my mother-in-laws handbag - she'd scooped a load of stuff up into it and not bothered checking when I was in my lost-wallet anger frenzy.


It was a couple of years ago but I still talk about it with her. It's kind of a joke, but I'm still annoyed, and the anger just bubbles under the surface.

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I thought I'd lost it and went to the trouble of cancelling all my cards (no charge though Nintendohnut - that's pretty weird to charge for just issuing a card isn't it?). Turns out it was in my mother-in-laws handbag - she'd scooped a load of stuff up into it and not bothered checking when I was in my lost-wallet anger frenzy.


It was a couple of years ago but I still talk about it with her. It's kind of a joke, but I'm still annoyed, and the anger just bubbles under the surface.


Oh no I wasn't charged for the bank card, that was free. But I had a return train ticket in there that cost me an extra £30, I had about £35 cash in there (so annoying, I never have that much cash but it was christmas money I was going to spend in southampton) and stuff like student cards and library cards, and my student rail card, all of which I could have got for free with a crime number. There was also a photo of my girlfriend and a card she bought my for my birthday, so it had sentimental value too.


Its only when I lost it that I realised just how important a wallet is. There was so mych in it.

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Guest Stefkov

I've never lost or had my wallet stolen. I've lost plenty of other things like a jumper, a bag of shopping in the actual shop itself, that was a wierd one.

I never forget about my wallet, if I'm doing something with it I will finish the job. Whether it be taking it in and out of a pocket, I do that job and make sure it's in my pocket.

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I've never lost my wallet but I know if I did I would be in tears because I love my wallet, sod the stuff inside, my wallet easily cost more than what I have inside there anyway. Plus, its suck a f*cking inconvenience!



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I've never lost my wallet but I know if I did I would be in tears because I love my wallet, sod the stuff inside, my wallet easily cost more than what I have inside there anyway. Plus, its suck a f*cking inconvenience!




Ooo! I keep forgetting. From tomorrow, purple I shall be! :D


*Does power ranger move*

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I've never lost or had my wallet stolen. I've lost plenty of other things like a jumper, a bag of shopping in the actual shop itself, that was a wierd one.

I never forget about my wallet, if I'm doing something with it I will finish the job. Whether it be taking it in and out of a pocket, I do that job and make sure it's in my pocket.


lol, apparently once my mum or my aunt was out shopping for new handbags, when they suddenly realised they'd lose their own handbag, turned out they'd hung it up on the shelf when trying new ones and forgotten to pick it back up, made me lol. I'm the same with the wallet though, 98% of the time, it's in a pocket somewhere, so I'd have to lose the jeans/trousers to lose the wallet.

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I've had my wallet stolen a few times outside Tescos. Here's how the wallet stealing scheme works:


Two seriously good-looking 18-year-old girls come over to your car as you are packing your shopping in the boot. They both start wiping your windshield with a rag and Windex, with their breasts almost falling out of their skimpy t-shirts. It is impossible not to look. When you thank them and offer them a tip, they say 'No' and instead ask you for a ride to another Tesco. You agree and they get in the back seat. On the way, they start having sex with each other. Then one of them climbs over into the front seat and performs oral sex on you, while the other one steals your wallet.


I had my wallet stolen February 4th, 9th, twice on the 15th and again just yesterday, and very likely this upcoming weekend.

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