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So I thought I'd start another comedy thread about people's experiences.


Unless you were home schooled (or do they do that in europe) you probably have had a class disrupted by a "class clown". So tell us about the most funny incidents of this that you know of.


In my social studies class this year the teacher said that latter in the year we would be learning about Debating. One kid said "I like to masterdebate"


The same kid has also walked into a classroom gone for the light switch and started singing "lights off, lights on" over and over again as he was flipping the light switch.


I'll post more latter.

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They were all idiots really but there was once an utterly random moment that stuck with me.


Teacher blabbering away..

Idiot: How now brown cow?

Teacher: Yes Tom. [carries on]


I have no idea where that came from (well, maybe the weed...)


One dude got kicked outta my maths class, so he sneakily managed to crawl in through the door, crawled across the back of the classroom to the far side, jumped up a screamed, then ran back out and down the corridor.


At this local cornershop they had those 20p machines where you turned the handle and got a crappy toy out. Well one year they got onto a winner, they were called Bomb Bags. Basically a small sealed bag with vinegar and bicarbonate of soda. You squeezed them to set off the reaction and around 10 seconds later they exploded.


In year 9 we had this **** of an English teacher so my mate put one in the bin whilst pretending to sharpen his pencil. When it went off the teacher shat himself. I'll never forget his scream.


One time i yelled out 'Oh you fucking pakis!' (cos they'd beaten India in the cricket) and my teacher looked up angrily, pointed at this lil bangladeshi kid in the corner and went 'that's it! I've had enough with you. Detention!'.


I lol'd.


My friend hid in a pile of carpets at the back of the class room all maths lesson making really loud high pitch whaling noises every now and then when the teacher's suspicions had died down. Then about five minutes from the end of the lesson he got up and sat down. The teacher had no idea what to do so he just carried on like nothing happened.



There are many more stories at least as stupid/funny as this that involve him.


Class clowns were always boring.


I liked the kids who cried in class.


I called my French teacher a bitch once... I was quite disappointed with myself.


Once this kid hid in a tall recycling bin and started calling out "hi *teachers name*" it was funny for a few minutes but then he fell over and fell out of the bin.

  triforcemario said:
All the class clowns in my class are complete total and utter wankers, and aren't remotely funny, and make it impossible to do anything in class.


'Nuff said.


I agree, they're mainly idiots. Personally I prefer it when a person who's meant to be really, really clever doesn't understand something very basic - a good example is when a girl in my year 9 history class didn't understand how an artillery shell would make a crater... :indeed:


In a science lesson one time we had a supply teacher who didn't have a clue really. Anyway someone had attached a crocodile clip with a length of wire to his belt (God knows how they managed to do it without him noticing) anyway it was there untill we left the room. I don't know when he realised.


Only comic moment I can recall was purely accidental.


Some girl who wasn't the brightest button in the bag (or two planks short of a tree or whatever those phrases are) said something hilarious.


Teacher: Who was the famous middle eastern doctor who described pulmonary circulation?


Girl: GANDHI!!


everyone else: lol at you m8


She was entirely oblivious to what was wrong with that answer.

  The fish said:
I agree, they're mainly idiots. Personally I prefer it when a person who's meant to be really, really clever doesn't understand something very basic - a good example is when a girl in my year 9 history class didn't understand how an artillery shell would make a crater... :indeed:


Oh god yeah, my mum's boyfriend's daughter is really smart, gets all real high grades, but it's just booksmarts. She has no common sence, and can't figure stuff out on her own.


Ive got some awesome ones.


First ; My maths teacher couldnt control the class for love nor buggery. One time several people were mucking about and about 3 of us (myself included...although I wasnt mucking about) got sent out. We then proceeded to go back into the class and a classmate of mine stood behind her and put paper on her head and stuff. Humiliating for her, but she was kinda a bad teacher.


Another time the guy I just mentioned said to me in Maths (in front of the whole class) something along the lines to me of "You fat ****" or something. I said "The only reason Im so fat is cos' everytime I fuck your mum, she gives me a Mars bar" The whole class laughed, including him and the teacher.


And the funniest one ; This made me laugh out loud when I thought of it a second ago. The last few years of school in Geography, our class weren't all friends but we were quite tightly knit and had a laugh together all the same. The teacher had a laugh with us too, but we annoyed him a bit aswell...One of the things we did was so fucking funny. Most lessons....Oh my god, Im fucking cracking up just writing this...Most lessons we would all decide a time to do something, then when that time came, the next time the teacher looked away, wrote on the board, or just turned or whatever we would all do something. Usually make noises of farm yard animals, or pretend to be asleep. We did this all the time and all kinds of different stuff. The class was about 15 people, and we all did it. Fucking legend.

  AshMat said:
Oh god yeah, my mum's boyfriend's daughter is really smart, gets all real high grades, but it's just booksmarts. She has no common sence, and can't figure stuff out on her own.


That reminds me of my physics teacher. He one spent ages figuring out what was wrong with a kettle. He called the lab technician who found the problem straight away: It wasn't plugged in,


And my other physics teacher one left the class for seemingly no reason, came back with a lid from a big tin of Celebrations, and started singing "Mule Train" while hitting himself on the head with the tin lid. We got him to repeat it - it's on YouTube somewhere.

Posted (edited)

I had a dictaphone (a little tape recorder) and I recorded my French teacher telling us all to piss off. LOL. Her face sank when I played it back.



Edited by fex

My history teacher (50 something welsh man) randomly did the Charleston (sp?) in the middle of the room the other week.


That was awesome.


Another legendary thing he did was when he saw me waiting for my friend in the morning. I was leaning against a fence and he drove past, wound down the window, threw 10p at me and said "buy yourself something nice." Now he keeps making references to me being homeless in lessons.


I do actually have a home before anyone asks.


I just realised that through periods of my school life I was the class clown.


Had a supply teacher who become permanent, called Mr. Martino, and I called him, by general accident, Mr. Martini and he went crazy. Went really, stupidly, funnily, mad about it. It was at first a genuine mistake, but of course after that reaction I had to keep doing it. I think he was seriously bullied as a kid.


This isn't so much a Class Clowns story but i remember in my High School, a teacher ran over a young boy and killed him outside of school. He didn't get sent to jail or anything as it was the boys fault for running out. But the next day everyone wrote murderer on the whiteboard and desks, wall's etc.



  C-Dawg said:
This isn't so much a Class Clowns story but i remember in my High School, a teacher ran over a young boy and killed him outside of school. He didn't get sent to jail or anything as it was the boys fault for running out. But the next day everyone wrote murderer on the whiteboard and desks, wall's etc.



that would be horrible, i bet s/he coulnd fogive themselves anyway.. without that!


i was put in the bottom maths class with the idiot kids...



i'm retarded at maths ^__^

anyway! needless to say most of the guys in class compensated for being complete dumbasses by being complete jocks... and one day while i was doodling (as the teacher was trying to regain the control of the classroom that i'd never known him to have...) one guy said something another guy didnt like and a fight was about to break out - one got up and started walking over to the other and the other got up to fight back...

but before they could - one of the guys sat in between them got up... and very quietly and reasonably calmed them both down... i was really impressed and surprised to see this guy actually STOP a fight - and it's always stayed with me never to "judge a book" by it's maths class...


My economics lessons at college were legendary. There were never more than 6 of us, and our teacher was the head of department so he was always late.


So before each lesson we'd do something to the room -- swap teh bin's contents with teh drawer's; move the desk into the cupboard; put everything from inside teh cupboard against teh door, so when he entered it all fell down; roated all teh furniture so he taught us infront of the window (roffles, he drew on it with pen too); turning the furniture upside down and sitting upside down, writing upside down while he wrote on teh board upside down; moving all teh furniture to the corridor outside the room - and the ultimate! Moving all the furniture so when he entered the room and looked out of the (first floor!) window he saw us all seated behind desks perfectly squared up below him. He taught 5 mins out the window then came down and we had a lesson outside!


The teacher was seriously awesome about it all, and he said he really looked forwards to our lessons and what we could come up with. I remember having a homework for a lesson on teh Budget '05, and I made it up in 10 mins over break - it involved dinosaurs and everything!


School was full of stuff like this, but economics must've been teh only time all teh students and the teacher found it funny.


My physics class managed to irritate around 3 other classes by leaving the sound generator on at a pitch that all the students could hear, but the teacher couldn't. We hid it in a corner, too.

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