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Anyone seen any wireless adapters for xbox knocking about for cheap? I think I'm going blind but they all seem to be like £40+?


On eBay the White adaptors seem to be going for £25 - £28 whereas the Black adaptors seem to go for £28 - £30ish... these are unboxed prices but tbh you don't need to box at all, new ones seem to be more expensive.


Anyway I'll get to the point, I have a White wireless adaptor sitting here doing nothing except gather dust - don't really need as I have the new Xbox 360 - and I'd be willing to sell it to you for £25 including postage.


If you're interested let me know, either way it won't be going anywhere so feel free to have a think about it. :)

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Crayon Physics Deluxe




And Yet it Moves (I already own this and it's a great game)


You can choose to pay what you want, and you can even choose who to pay it to. You can split the money between the develepoers, two charities (EFF and Child's play), and Humble Tip. I gave a bit to the devs and most to the two charities.





Taken from: http://n-europe.com/forum/showthread.php?p=1360374

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Thanks, welsh gamer : peace:


I've owned Super Street Fighter IV: 3D Edition before.. for only a matter of hours :eek: I felt that it was the type of game that I would maybe be interested in for £10-£15, not the £25 or so I had invested (and fully recouped :heh:) the first time around. With that in mind, I purchased it tonight for £12.99 :grin:

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