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Well don't know how big you guys are on ebay shops but the seller seems reputable enough. Metroid Prime 3 Corruption £9.98 Delivered from Clearance Bargains. Company has established shops throughout the UK, and I think its a very reasonable price for what you can find it for. Ordered yesterday and its been shipped out today so I should get it by tomorrow


Metroid Prime 3 Corruption £9.98


He seems to have decent feedback for the amount of items he's sold so it should turn up. I lent my copy of MP3 out & never got it back but managed to pick it up at my local currys a few months ago for £10.


Just bought it. Even though I may get it for xmas. Even though I don't really want it after taking a gander at the 360 version. Even though I have over 20 games I've not touched and due to get 5 more on Thursday.....even so....that lunchbox is just too hard to resist.....


I wasn't impressed when i first played it but it is now one of my top 5 games ever & the lunchbox is so cool i had to have it even though monies are tight at the moment.

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Shaun White is a bit of a tempter for that price.


I was in Game there now and the sale seems pretty decent:


BWii - tenner

Order Up - fifteen

Disaster - twenty

Bully - about £13


I'm thinking of getting those first three later, already got Bully. :hehe:


I had a quick look at the DS stuff and saw Lock's Quest for fifteen quid and Exit DS for twelve or thirteen.

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£20 for Disaster in Game? Jesus christ.... that's a good deal. I need to pick that up so I may well get it on Boxing day. Not getting any Wii games for xmas, only 360 ones, so any money I get will most probably go to Wii titles (With Animal Crossing with WiiSpeak being at the top of the pile in Gamestation as I have about £40 credit). BWii is tempted at £10 but then I didn't get into the GC one much as I got stuck on one of the missions and just gave up.

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PS3 Bargains...


Mirrors Edge - £14.99 - play.com

Little Big Planet - £19.99 - shopto.net

Resistance 2 - £19.99 - shopto.net

Prince of Persia - £17.99 - play.com

COD4 - £24.99 - play.com

Far Cry 2 - £15.99 - shopto.net

Orange Box - £14.98 - shopto

Motorstorm 2 - £19.99 - shopto

Ratchet and Clank - £9.99 - shopto

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Final Fantasy IV and Dragon Quest IV are less than £15 at GAME. Same as Gamestation, but you get reward points.


GAME's deals are pretty good, but any games that I would want I either have the game or I'm getting it for Christmas.


Tempted to get New Blood though and maybe Colour Cross.

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£3 worth of FREE music downloads at Amazon, offer lasts Christmas Day to Boxing Day.


That's 4 free singles, or one of there £3 albums!


Oh wow, cheers for the link Retro!


Just downloaded Amy Macdonalds album, totally free. :D


(The Killers new album, Leona/Rihanna's Deluxe albums, Britneys new album are all available free too)

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