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"Is It Secret?...Is It Safe?"


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I'd say that's debatable, though they definitely have some merits.


But I don't want to argue, so continue with your happy thread. :wink:


The quality is totally not debatable. The directing, acting, music, cgi, photography, adaptation, every thing has super high quality. The only thing that's debatable is wether you like it or not.

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I'd say that's debatable, though they definitely have some merits.


But I don't want to argue, so continue with your happy thread. :wink:



Well, let's be honest: they're the best fantasy books there are. Now, it's also a fact that the classic fantasy genre is pretty hollow in ideas. Good stories, but no implications or second readings.


I'm not saying it's the best book ever written, it's not even close... but it surely is the best classical fantasy work. =D


Now, if you don't like fantasy, that's another story...

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Really not my cup of tea. I went to see the first one, and it was one of the most boring experiences I'd ever had a cinema. If I hadn't been wth friends, I definitely would have walked out. I can see why the series is popular, though.

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Masterpieces, they are my favourite films of all time. I own all of the extended edition DVDs and a hell of a lot of merchandise (like a signed lithograph of the Witch-King). Fantastic direction, great acting, I can't pick a fault with them.


EDIT: Just to mention, Tellyn came from a Lord of the Rings translator and means my name in Gondorian. ;D

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The extended edition's are fantastic, and a brilliant was to pass a boring Sunday afternoon.


Got into LOTR when the Two Towers came out, and saw Return of the King 3 time's at the cinema! On leaving the cinema, the films always made me feel nice and fuzzy inside, and meant that Christmas was just around the corner.

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I never really got into that LoTR fever. I enjoyed the third film but felt that the other two dragged on far too long.

Also I'm not a big fan of this fantasy mediaeval things.


Wait a second...Don't you have that the wrong way around?!:wtf:




If anyone hasn't seen the extented editions, i suggest you watch them, some parts make a bit more sence, especially for the 3rd film (the only extended, thought really: Unshortened one I've seen)


I was also one of those that wasn't really interested in the films (mainly due to the fact that the hype was as if LOTRs was something new) but that was before I watched them.


Though I haven't read the book it's ashame The Golden Compass is supposed to be a cack book-film.

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Well, let's be honest: they're the best fantasy books there are.


But, they're really badly written. It's like, 80 pages of Sam and Frodo, doing sweet fuck all, and when you've forgotten where the other characters are and what they're doing, it shifts back to them for another 80 pages. It's so unbelievably disjointed, and it just doesn't flow as a story. Tolkien was a linguist, not a novelist, and it shows plain as day. He didn't write the books because he had something to say, he wrote them because he was incredibly vain, he purposely used ridiculously arcane language just to give a false sense of grandeur.


That's just my opinion though, I suppose if you're willing to trudge through the books, they might be entertaining when you turn a blind eye to all of their shortcomings. I don't think anyone can argue that they're any sort of technical achievement so far as novels go.

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Glad to see a mix of opinions, it's boring when its just a one sided argument. :)


I thought the books were good, but I do find you have to muster up the energy to read them. They're heavy going, purely because a lot is usually going on. At times, it can be boring, I mean there is a lot to read.


Still, they're good books. I did find the films more enjoyable, especially The Two Towers.

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One thing is you not liking them... but they're quality is undeniable, if we carry this on, you'll just make a fool out of yourself so...

The quality was wank. It went on unnessecarily spouting bullshit that didn't need to be said. Even covering around 5 pages of Elven lyrics. Wow.

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I just put this film on half an hour ago, out of pure boredom. Extended edition, and once again, I find myself fixated, like I did all those years ago.


If you were fixated, how come you were on the forums?! You crazy man Flink.

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Also, the quote in the title is hardly a famous quote.


In fact, it's very immemorable compared to other quotes in the films, namely:




"My precious!"


and that one about taking a step to start a journey.


My favorite is "we must all make the best use of the time that is given to us". Humanism = win! :D

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Masterpieces, they are my favourite films of all time. I own all of the extended edition DVDs and a hell of a lot of merchandise (like a signed lithograph of the Witch-King). Fantastic direction, great acting, I can't pick a fault with them.


EDIT: Just to mention, Tellyn came from a Lord of the Rings translator and means my name in Gondorian. ;D


I always thought it was something to do with the site (that never actually happened...) Nintendo TV.


I love the films. Perhaps too much. I just find the books a bit tedious. I loved the Hobbit though.

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If you think the books are badly written you need your head checked. They are stunning examples of english literature. I've read them twice and I can easily say the second read was vastly better than the first.


...Having said that, I prefer Dune.


On the films, the first is the best, both the norm and the extended. The second one non extended version sucked, the extended version made up for this a bit. The third one was good but the extended version just made it so long a boring. Also unsurprisingly the destroyed, and then shat on, my favorite part of the book, the Mouth of Sauron.

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