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I need to wake up!!


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I used to sleep through my alarm, so then I started using more than one. One being a normal clock thingie that makes a really annoying and loud beeping noise, the other being my cellphone, which will ring again even if I turn it off (though there's a limit to the amount of times it will).

I also put both of them on the other side of my room, so I have to get out off bed to turn them off.


Exactly what I do!

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Having someone in the bed often helps I find. In the morning I wake up the same time as my girlfriend, she gives me small hug for 5 minutes or so then whips back the covers and kicks me out into the cold. It certainly does the trick. Either that or hide two alarms in different places the previous night, the time it takes to find both and turn them off will have you wide awake.

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I saw that but realised it wouldn't work since I would just nail it with a tennis racket although I know what I'm getting my sister for Xmas!! :heh:


The "double alarm, one being a mobile phone, both placed at opposite ends of the room from each other and me" technique kind of worked. My phone was slowly floating across the floor playing Daft Punk's Nightvision....it was kind of mesmerizing! I got up on time but still somehow ended up being late for Uni...:indeed:


I think a third alarm is needed...

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I use my DS as an alarm, make sure you set the alarm earlier than you need to then you can have a bit of a lie in and you're not getting up straight away.


Yeah I do that as well (not the DS). My cellphone runs at least 10 minutes ahead of the actual time, meaning that if I do go back to bad after it goes off (which happens every day), I still have about ten minutes till it's actually the time to get up (and my second alarm and the snooze function on my cellphone help me with this).


Of course you also need to have the willpower to actually get up. =P

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I have no alarm clock, mainly because i left my light over it one night and melted the alarm function. :heh:


I wake up naturally at whatever time i need to get up! :D It is usually early and i actually get up earlier on the weekends than during the week as, like everyone has said, you need that bit of Willpower to get out of bed! :)

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^ Worked for me pretty well.


I used to do that, worked great for me. Unfortunately im no longer a student and work don't see the value of a 6 day week. Now i just go for two or more alarms, spread out around my room. Or Weeyellowbloke's suggestion, that always works! (maybe it's the possibility of sex?)


Erm have a cookie?




Laughed so hard it hurt!

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I place my phone on the chest of draws opposite my bed, so i need to get out of bed to turn it off, well nearly. I use the Rocky Theme to wake up every morning, but i am picking out a new one. But i am getting a new alarm clock for Christmas, so it should help a lot.

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