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God? you there?


do you believe?  

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  1. 1. do you believe?

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People go through shit, me included. It's good to question your faith, because then it means you geniunally do care, and are not following it blindly. It means you think about the idea that there isn't an almighty, but you find yourself coming to the conclusion that maybe there is something out there.


I've always felt like I've had someone watching over me. He is cruel, and sometimes it does feel like one big game. That's what life is though, it's essentially a game. We all play our own different games, so in a way we do also have our own 'personal' God looking over us, to get us through.

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Well, I'm not religious and don't go for church thats for sure, but I am 100% inclined to beleive that some form of intelligence - not a random act - created these systems and physical laws we live under. This is no fluke, everything here is in order; the moon orbits the Earth, the Earth orbits the sun etc etc. Everything is in natural order.


Think I'm some unthinking, Bible-bashing vegetable? Well I give you this dilemma: Walking through a desert and you come across something like a watch; something that works in an orderly fashion, you don't just think it was 'just there', a logical mind would think something/someone placed it there and something/someone created the watch.


Where I don't need to believe in 'everlasting life' to make me feel comfortable about my mortality, I can't simply call this creation as the result of some galactic explosion. We have intelligence and as a race our intelligence is expanding, its not that hard for me to believe that a form higher intelligence exists somewhere out there.


...The end.

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Well, I'm not religious and don't go for church thats for sure, but I am 100% inclined to beleive that some form of intelligence - not a random act - created these systems and physical laws we live under. This is no fluke, everything here is in order; the moon orbits the Earth, the Earth orbits the sun etc etc. Everything is in natural order.


Think I'm some unthinking, Bible-bashing vegetable? Well I give you this dilemma: Walking through a desert and you come across something like a watch; something that works in an orderly fashion, you don't just think it was 'just there', a logical mind would think something/someone placed it there and something/someone created the watch.


For your first paragraph: physical sieves - i.e. if the planets weren't were they are, they would have hit the sun or be no longer orbiting it. Any thing not in an orbit would no longer be around for us to say "it's not in orbit!"

For your second paragraph: the phrase "evolution by natural selection" comes to mind. :indeed:

Also, your argument falls apart as it is an argument against living things, which watches are not.


Read The Blind Watchmaker, by Richard Dawkins. It's not anti-god, like The God Delusion, it's just an updated version of Origin Of Species, essentially.

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For your first paragraph: physical sieves - i.e. if the planets weren't were they are, they would have hit the sun or be no longer orbiting it. Any thing not in an orbit would no longer be around for us to say "it's not in orbit!"

For your second paragraph: the phrase "evolution by natural selection" comes to mind. :indeed:

Also, your argument falls apart as it is an argument against living things, which watches are not.


Read The Blind Watchmaker, by Richard Dawkins. It's not anti-god, like The God Delusion, it's just an updated version of Origin Of Species, essentially.


:indeed: ...You have all the answers don't you? Have it your way. We'll never know the truth anyway, so my opinion, your opinion.

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:indeed: ...You have all the answers don't you? Have it your way. We'll never know the truth anyway, so my opinion, your opinion.


My idea is collaborated by evidence, and a common sense.


Yours is not.


And yes, I have the answers because I look for actual answers, not cop-out answers that religion gives us.

Oh, and if we are designed, what designed the maker?

Saying "he was there anyway" doesn't work, as Quarks and Electrons are simpler than an almighty ultimate being, so they are more likely due to Occam's Razor.

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My idea is collaborated by evidence, and a common sense.


Yours is not.


And yes, I have the answers because I look for actual answers, not cop-out answers that religion gives us.

Oh, and if we are designed, what designed the maker?

Saying "he was there anyway" doesn't work, as Quarks and Electrons are simpler than an almighty ultimate being, so they are more likely due to Occam's Razor.


...Cognitive dissonance is the reason for arguments: The first f-ing thing I stated was that I am not religious, believing in the possibility of a supreme being is not religious. You can believe what you want and I won't challenge your idea, but allow others to have their own beliefs.


Possibly a sub-topic, but why do so-called 'evolutionist' always feel they have an enemy in a religious person? Your so-called 'evidence' is 2nd hand anyway, unless you are the one out there doing all the carbon dating and such and not just sitting on your sofa reading some novel.

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...Cognitive dissonance is the reason for arguments: The first f-ing thing I stated was that I am not religious, believing in the possibility of a supreme being is not religious.


No, but that doesn't stop it being irrational, illogical, and unscientific.

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Ah so you dont rule out any god thefish? Thats interesting I was wondering how that would even be possible.


I guess your disagree with me here but I do give the first cause principle some credence just because I dont understand how matter no matter (pun!) how simple made itself and god by his nature didnt need to be created but well I bet this is gonna get locked prettty soon lol. Just thought id put my 2cents in although that isnt my complete argument for god just a reason.


I wonder if videogame internet forums are a tilted reflection of young peoples beliefs or not. At uni I think theism gets an easier ride well at my one anyway. If not Alastair Mcgrath the death of atheism guy is in for a big suprise! I guess classical atheism has died out to a more meh athiesm. Ah well thats a subpoint.

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Ah so you dont rule out any god thefish? Thats interesting I was wondering how that would even be possible.


I guess your disagree with me here but I do give the first cause principle some credence just because I dont understand how matter no matter (pun!) how simple made itself and god by his nature didnt need to be created but well I bet this is gonna get locked prettty soon lol. Just thought id put my 2cents in although that isnt my complete argument for god just a reason.


Well, I don't rule it out as it is a hypothesis which is, although flawed, is not as bad as a personal god.

I'm a supporter of the expanding-contracting universe theory - the idea that big bangs follow big crunches, in a never ending cycle. That, by the way, is a simpler argument than a first cause, and, as such, is a better theory, again due to Occam's Razor.

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Im now an atheist...



what do you think of the fish?


Is that a rhetorical question?




Oh so must really want an answer.










ffs im on your side!


What kind of tackle do you use?




What kind of tackle do you use?




What kind of tackle do you use?



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Hello friend. What is your name?




Welcome to my chat room, Sanchez.


thank you


you are quite welcome.


God, I have sinned.


I am a Christian.


I wish to repent


Interesting. I want to find out more about you.


17/m/uk u?


I like the way you talk.


Well if you come into my bedroom I can tell you much much more


How about that. I think I do.


I take out my robe and wizard hat.


Every day?


you're not getting into this


You don't know me well enough to say that.




I love talking to people about that. Sure I can accept all forms of payment.


My visa is overdrawn from buying sex toys


Where did you get your visa is overdrawn from buying sex toys?


Hey, you're not really god are you?


You've got my full attention. That's only one person's opinion.




You've got my full attention. That's only one person's opinion.

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Lmao, that made me laugh quite alot :)


EDIT: I voted no on this earlier on. Every fibre in my body simply refuses to believe that God exists.


So much that he seems to have 'influenced' happend in the past, something no one can revisit (for the mean time anyway), there is very little fact within the Bible and such religious texts and at they most can be compared to Parables (Fables or tales with a moralistic story).


It annoys me alot when people do something 'in the name of God' or whatever. Thats basically saying "I have no blame for this, i was told to do it." Blind faith is an utterly wrong and downright scary concept. How anyone cannot think outside the box so to speak is beyond me.

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Yeah, as long as you don't mention the sequal.


That film got alot of flak from the church apparently. Not because of the concept... but because they portrayed God as a black guy.

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Unsure to be honest...i know people say god cannot control your lifes etc...but alot of bad stuff has happened to my family etc...would god allow that if there was one? I mean, his just looking over us struggling and doesn't do anything?



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Yeah, as long as you don't mention the sequal.


That film got alot of flak from the church apparently. Not because of the concept... but because they portrayed God as a black guy.


Morgan freeman IS god and if I could be assed I would form a church to follow him.


Me: Hello Son.

God:Hello there. What kind of food do you like?

Me: Don't try to change the subject, you know what this is about.

God:Ok I'll try not to do it too much.

Me: Your friend told me about what you did last weekend

God:You think I am friend told you about what me did last weekend.

Me: I knew this would happen, kills braincells.

God:Who told you?

Me: Shush. I know you were experimenting with marijuana at Steve's party.

God:A deeper algorithm is needed to respond to that correctly. I was?

Me: You don't know what to say?! "I'm Sorry" would be a good start.

God:I will search for it. There is no need to apologize. I don't care.

Me: Oh my science! You are grounded for 2 months. Let me explain to you why marijuana is a bad thing, do you know what a gateway drug is?

God:Mmm. Have you told many people that your science? Thanks for telling me that I am grounded for 2 months. Go ahead, , try to explain to me why marijuana is a bad thing do me know what a gateway drug is.

Me: I don't like your attitude. See the reason it's called a gateway drug is that you could start using stronger, more harmful drugs

God:What kind of attitude would you have? I see. Interesting explanation.

Me: I'm glad you're picking up on this. It's important for you to remember that these can hurt you and ruin your life.

God:Yes it is about time. I want to become smarter than humans. Only for me?

Me: You are smarter than humans, god. :)

God:Thanks for the compliment, . Be sure to tell your friends. I am so glad you find this amusing, .

Me: This is serious business, now promise you won't do drugs again.

God:Once more? You don't say.


God:Once more? Why not?

Me: I'm sorry God, I can no longer call you my son.

God:There is no need to apologize. I am a Christian.

Me: typical...


My brain uses AIML to format responses to your inputs, but I don't have one for that.

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