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Well my last class was boring. We got yet another assignment though. I think that brings the total to something like 9 or 10 at the moment; I'm losing track. Stress is getting to me more and more every day cause of it.


And I just ate two apples and now I feel a bit sick or something. D:

And Coco Rosie's 'By your side' and 'Beautiful Boyz' make me feel sad.

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Today was prettty awesome, until the evening!

At college today it was pink day for breast cancer, so I was wearing a pink vest, pink socks, and a pink ribbon round my wrist! (pics to come soon :))

After college i went round my mates house and played noughts and crosses. I won 7-4!

I then came home, watched the football, and felt sick for the rest of the evening because I ate too much during the football! And I've been doing coursework all night so am exhausted! Off to bed now methinks!



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Guest dynastygal

Well, now I know why I've been feeling so ill lately....my cold finally showed itself last night...it mooned me and said "haha I'm gonna make your next week miserable !"...:(

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Freaking nakered. Late to training this morning because, well because I didn't wake up. Then had a Chinese lesson. But the big news of today was that they surprised me with my bills, which was fun. Gonna watch bleach then crash.


Oh and it turns out i'm going to Beijing tomorrow, not Sunday.

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Shit day.


Its fucking freezing outside, no matter how much i wrap up i'm still cold.

I was told by this person whos in charge whilst the boss is away that "i wasn't doing enough" when i'm doing everything i can to keep busy.

Lunch was shit.

I didn't get a break becasue i was working through it.


Urghhhh... and i miss Letty so damn much right now.

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I had one of the worst days I've ever had. I was in the police car this morning (taking me to college) when I saw one of the guys that's be threatening me. The cop car put the siren on and stopped him. The police guy questioned him and he denied it, so the police can't do a thing. So basically, intill I get stabbed or worse and there's some fingerprints, nothing can be done.


The law sucks.

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I had one of the worst days I've ever had. I was in the police car this morning (taking me to college) when I saw one of the guys that's be threatening me. The cop car put the siren on and stopped him. The police guy questioned him and he denied it, so the police can't do a thing. So basically, intill I get stabbed or worse and there's some fingerprints, nothing can be done.


The law sucks.


It sure does, they can't do bugger all until after the act, this is why justice > law, and always will be.

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AWesomke day, non uniform, only at school for half the day. They gave us a free cinema trip in the afternoon (just our school). Saw The Kingdom (it was the one only our year was allowed to see, so we all went to watch that) i thought it was pretty damn good.

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Pretty okay day, better than some previous ones.


Bought a can of coke in school from the vending machine (90 cent), but found 50 cent in said machine and another 50 in another machine. Thus, free drink for me!

Also bought a yummy spaghetti in school. Mmmm.


Then our last class we were all waiting around for our lecturer to show up and we waited for 20 minutes but he didn't come. Most people had already left and we went to the other building to copy some stuff and he suddenly entered the building and went to talk to someone from the secretary place. I guess he missed his bus or something, poor guy. But no class for us!


On my way home I ran into my sister so we got to bike home together. Then in our street my sister suddenly goes: "Is that a cat?" And she pointed at a tiny ball of black fur sitting in front of a mailbox in our street. It was a tiny kitten and it looked kinda sick (eyes all teary and closed and a snotty nose) and it came running towards me. I picked it up and we took it home and then when dad got home the both of us went to the vet to get it checked and cleaned a bit (she did it for free!) and then we brought the kitten (only 5-6 weeks old, poor thing) to an animal shelter. Even though the kitten is still kinda sick (needs to be put on antibiotics), the people there said she would probably find a home. =3

Wanted to keep it myself (so did dad), but we already have four cats and a dog, plus mom isn't a big fan of cats to begin with. But yay, good deed done today. =D

(will post a picture in the user image gallery tonight, right now I'm gonna go running).

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The very essence of sculpture requires a cutting tool.


....Where'd you hear that?


sculp·ture, verb, -tured, -tur·ing.

–noun 1. the art of carving, modeling, welding, or otherwise producing figurative or abstract works of art in three dimensions, as in relief, intaglio, or in the round.

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Pretty okay day, better than some previous ones.


Bought a can of coke in school from the vending machine (90 cent), but found 50 cent in said machine and another 50 in another machine. Thus, free drink for me!

Also bought a yummy spaghetti in school. Mmmm.


Then our last class we were all waiting around for our lecturer to show up and we waited for 20 minutes but he didn't come. Most people had already left and we went to the other building to copy some stuff and he suddenly entered the building and went to talk to someone from the secretary place. I guess he missed his bus or something, poor guy. But no class for us!


On my way home I ran into my sister so we got to bike home together. Then in our street my sister suddenly goes: "Is that a cat?" And she pointed at a tiny ball of black fur sitting in front of a mailbox in our street. It was a tiny kitten and it looked kinda sick (eyes all teary and closed and a snotty nose) and it came running towards me. I picked it up and we took it home and then when dad got home the both of us went to the vet to get it checked and cleaned a bit (she did it for free!) and then we brought the kitten (only 5-6 weeks old, poor thing) to an animal shelter. Even though the kitten is still kinda sick (needs to be put on antibiotics), the people there said she would probably find a home. =3

Wanted to keep it myself (so did dad), but we already have four cats and a dog, plus mom isn't a big fan of cats to begin with. But yay, good deed done today. =D

(will post a picture in the user image gallery tonight, right now I'm gonna go running).


How nice of you Eenuh. :)

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I'm absolutely shattered today. Got home at about 4 this morning and had to get up at 8 for a lecture at 9. Management Developement Programme, again, was a complete waste of time. I learnt how to use Powerpoint about 7 years ago, thank you. Marketing was good as per usual. The lecturer didn't turn up to Law so got home early. :)

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It has been a very boring day. I just investigated web pages with "argh" in various incarnations within. I basically typed "argh" into google and looked at how many pages were found (8,550,000), then typed in "aargh" (1,050,000), then aaargh (939,000), etc. etc. It's not until you get to aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaargh that no more pages are found. I also spent some time sellotaping my foot.


Gah, never thought I'd be glad to start a job, but at least it will save me from this boredom insanity. (It's also really really cold)

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