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Much better day today. Went out, got a sweet haircut (it's short!) and a new pair of shoes for a tenner. Steal! :D


Pics or didn't happen.


I'm not actually sure whether to be offended or take it as a compliment that somebody went to the trouble of trying to re-create my account just to insult me.


Crazy. Yeah it doesnt sound very Rokky. Only real one that makes sense though? I can't really imagine anyone disliking you to be honest (well you're slightly offensive in humour occasionally, but thats it) I'd like to make it up to you partly by offering my love for you.


Today I was made uber sexy, but aside from that today has been pretty sweet. New shoes and the haircut as mentioned earlier, chilled out on a bit of World of Goo and tried out the PlainSight beta. Just gonna relax tonight and take it easy, probably play some Red Alert 3 and continue to listen to Crystal Castles.


Ah pics. Has happened. Looking good. Have you experimented with product ie clay?


Day was okay. Saw Yes Man which was rather good, and also had the boss from Conchords in.


Can't wait to watch that. My friend from work said I could borrow it as soon as my other friend gives it back to her from borrowing it. Wonder when he'll be finished with it......




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Yaaaaaaaaaay, iiiiiiine/Eeeeeevvvveee-aaaaah!


I never doubted you one bit. Wohooo. :D


Today has been a mixed day. It's a case of two good/two bad. (Match of the Day 2 fans will get that...anyone...no? Fuck off then!)


2 good: I had a really nice citizenship lesson with the year 11s, who made so many interesting points and had a great discussion with them. We started off talking about Obama, and then what we would change if we had the power. Eventually, we ended up talking about Euthanasia, and one girl in the class told the rest of us that she had spent three days in a coma when she was younger, and was told that she wouldn't live. The class listened to her every word. Such a powerful moment.


I also went for a meal with some of my friends from this placement, and we had a really nice time, chatting and niiiice food. There was only three of us, but it was a nice little number, and I don't think for one second any of us felt bored. Going to miss them both when placement finishes.


2 bad: I woke up, and haven't shaved, so I look a bit like a bandit today! Eeeeevee-aaah!


My mentor wrote my final report today, was pretty harsh and didn't give me that good a grade at the end of it. Fucking cow! The only thing colder than her heart is Siberia during the Winter. What a penis-breath.

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Can't wait to watch that. My friend from work said I could borrow it as soon as my other friend gives it back to her from borrowing it. Wonder when he'll be finished with it......




Wait, huh? is this me? Vandenator had it, but he gave it back. You can borrow any time! Or are you not talking about me, confuzzled.




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Wait, huh? is this me? Vandenator had it, but he gave it back. You can borrow any time! Or are you not talking about me, confuzzled.





Yes please. Lol. ;)


I forgot Vanden said to me the other day he gave it back and I just forgot to ask to borrow it.


Anyway in the cinema there was just Claire and I and one other group, and I was the only person cracking up at him. He was hilarious.


The cinema was amazing actually. Screen 8 at Wycombe. It smelt brand new and was tiny, but the screen was huge. It was literally like...6 rows, with a divider halfway in the middle. Crazy awesome.


Finally....whos up for some nostalgia?



HOLY CARP! I didn't think those Tesco ones were so old, but they're 10/11 years ago.

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Yes please. Lol. ;)


I forgot Vanden said to me the other day he gave it back and I just forgot to ask to borrow it.

I'll bring in tomorrow, promise :). Cinema sounds good, howcome you went to wycombe? tell me in person if you like as this isn't mssssn.

You read about Duncans rugged surfer boy looks yet?

Still haven't brought it home, damnit. Ahh duncan with his ''good looks'' and dislikable demeanor. I'm gonna try and read some tomorrow, then take home. That's not a business...

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Current dilemma, having an awesome weekend chilling at my mates from sat-tuesday probs, on t'other side of london, though I've just found out my other very good mate is back this weekend, how annoying! Gonna try and cram him in for friday night, though! Weeeee! Looking forward to what's ideally gonna be a most excellent weekend, even though there's rather little planned! Weirdness.


OI! You should know by now :heh:

Tch, yeah I know, and I do anyway! I was just trying to be nice about it though, god! THIS is why 50% just aren't cool, yeah?? If it makes you feel better, I've just had a shit shift at work too! Fucking mentalists acting all fucking crazy and all sorts of other shit that just...urgh, shouldn't be! Just glad the people there were the people there, nice to have a shit shift with good staff! Back in tomorrow though :(. Honestly, don't know how you full timers can be full timers so young, feels like such a drain of life! Though I guess I'm not doing 9-5s, which are probably alot less day consuming. Don't understand how people can do afternoons then mornings neither, imagine finishing work at half past 9 only to be back in by 7 in the morning!







Yeah you did! Now, what about that meetup thing eh? :heh:

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Rather boring day at work. I got paid to sit around and twiddle my thumbs for the first three hours as we had no power going to the servers or half the office. I was hoping they wouldn't fix it so I could go home, but alas no joy there. But I didn't only have to do about a hour worth of work before it was lunch time.

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Boooh, already 2 am and I just can't seem to fall asleep. Have to be up in 5 and a half hours for another "fun" excursion day. I feel like doing all sorts of things at the moment and just don't feel like I could sleep. Quite annoying.


Plus I need some hugs and affection I think. Rarrr.

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Hmm, I'm currently experiencing the bizarre bifurcation of personality I always seem to get when drunk or tipsy. While on one semi-concious level, I'm pretty pissed, I always get the impression that "I'm" occupying a higher and more aware level that's observing the other with amusement. To what degree this is an illusion, I don't know, but the one thing I know for sure is that I can always type fluently when inebriated, so there must be something coherent in there. Of course, syntactic and orthographic coherency is by no means a guarantee of semantic adequacy. :heh:

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Guh..for the first time in God knows how long, a girl I've told I like has returned the same response. Go team Dyson!


Except she goes to uni some 350 miles away. Fun whilst it lasted, I suppose..*sigh*


Hmm, I'm currently experiencing the bizarre bifurcation of personality I always seem to get when drunk or tipsy. While on one semi-concious level, I'm pretty pissed, I always get the impression that "I'm" occupying a higher and more aware level that's observing the other with amusement. To what degree this is an illusion, I don't know, but the one thing I know for sure is that I can always type fluently when inebriated, so there must be something coherent in there. Of course, syntactic and orthographic coherency is by no means a guarantee of semantic adequacy.



I hope you realise not a single person on the forum just understood what you just typed. God damn drunk students.

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He only lost me at the last sentence, and I still think I can make sense of that.


Basically, he feels that when he is drunk, he has something of an out of body experience. Except while out of body, (possibly omniscient third person) he still has full cognitive reasoning and watches the him that isn't fully aware. As to the last part, I think he's addressing his drunk typing skills as not being full proof of abilities.

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I hope you realise not a single person on the forum just understood what you just typed. God damn drunk students.

Lolz, that was nice and pretentious to reread. What I basically meant was that I seem to be able to watch myself being a drunk idiot, without being internally affected, and perhaps the fact my grammar and spelling (but not necessarily meaning) remain intact is evidence for this.

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I went to London yesterday - was absolutely amazing. My friends and I did pretty much everything one could do in the space of one day (bar the London Eye - it was closed for maintenance :(). We basically pissed about all day - one mate managed to destroy the front part of the Acrostar Jet from Octopussy, which was being shown in this very crap movie museum. Laughter all round - haven't had such a laugh in a very long time! I got a few pics but can't be bothered to upload them all again on imageshack so just go to the ol' blog if you're actually interested. It's got a few more details on the day too :)


The Adventures of El Pookiablo


Today has been gym and Nandos...mmmmm!

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I went to the doctor today... She took a blood sample for my sugars and thyroid function... Have to wait a whole damn week for the results. Sigh.


She also gave me an antacid pill on prescription to take in the meantime to see if that helps the sickness.


Is that like the equivalent of a Super Rennie or something? If so I could really do with one of those sometimes, I get terrible heartburn at times :(

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Oooh, can I come? That or could I persuade you to move to Vancouver? Hmm...you know you want to honey! ;)


Canada?! Hmmm....too cold. :heh:


I'm quite excited about this idea. Plus it has slightly relieved any worry I had about what to do after uni.

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