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Are we to presume then your birth certificate says 'Coolness Bears'?


YES! Then when I was adopted it was changed! :p


Haha, After I posted that I'd thought I'd get this comment but I meant in terms of a normal name like Ashely! :) Your name is Ashley and your username is Ashley. If you had a Username of "Nicholas" and your name was/is Ashley then it is confusing for me anyway. Do you get what I'm trying to say?


Neither do I. :( I'm rambling, sorry.


Oh god I'm terrible at explaining myself which does not bode well for tomorrow!


Oh no! It shouldn't feel weird, I've always been Molly to you. I am Molly to everyone on here, just as you are Coolness :) Spenno182 sometimes even calls me Molly at work, but as a joke really.


Haha ok. :D some people call me Dirty Mexican... don't call me that. :p

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Haha, After I posted that I'd thought I'd get this comment but I meant in terms of a normal name like Ashely! :) Your name is Ashley and your username is Ashley. If you had a Username of "Nicholas" and your name was/is Ashley then it is confusing for me anyway. Do you get what I'm trying to say?

No you're right DM, it was a moment of madness on my part. But I love it. Just don't think about my other 'real' name, it doesn't exist!

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No you're right DM, it was a moment of madness on my part. But I love it. Just don't think about my other 'real' name, it doesn't exist!


Haha, DM I love it. : peace:


Molly is an excellent name! :D


Your jedi mind tricks won't work with us ... er ... Lynsey? No!! Tracey, you're defo more of a Tracey.


Your wrong it is clealy Leia the clue is in the avatar. :indeed:

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I picture her more of a Cat...not sure why.


Molly debate aside. Someone I know has suddenly decided to talk to me again (possibly because he got bored of breaking up people's relationships which is apparently his latest antic) and im passive aggressively telling him the reason i may seem 'distant' is because he's literally been distant. Last time he spoke to me was November (Him: "What you doing tomorrow?" Me: "Christening" "Oh") and before that September. I got sick of feeling like im just used to entertain him. Anyway he says "well this proves you shouldn't be so distant" which makes no sense to me. Then said "but im off to bed anyway lol" which proves nothing has changed. Nothing ever changes. People are just shit. They're born shit and just get worse every year. (btw, happy birthday Dyson :p)


Although this doesn't mean im in a mood. In fact its kinda nicely reassuring that he clearly doesn't care. Im moving in nine months and I never plan to come back (for any substantial period of time anyway). May as well burn some bridges on my way out.


so maybe I am bitter but whatever =P

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Meh! the classic line is "but I'm off to bed anyway..."


I know someone who plays that whole distant card with me. Well actually most people only talk to me when their bored and no one else is around.... even then it's for about a minute the relief on their face when someone else arrives it's like they have one the lottery!


but lets not dwell on that. :)

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*sigh* a disappointing night.


Filewhore, my new server shall never live. Its just caused so many issues and i've tried for well over a week to make it work... but it refuses to.


RIP filewhore. My HDD's are all sat my my desktop now till I can figure out what i need to do next... And thats going to be a while.

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And yet he's still online. But as I said, I gave up on him months ago. Its reassuring to know I wasn't wrong (particularly important to an egomaniac such as I :p)


Don't worry CooBe, I'd hang with ya!


Ditto! :awesome: I'm feeling the warmth!


I'd love to stay and chat but I'm off to bed anyway...lol. :heh:


(seriously I should have gone to bed an hour ago!)

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Wooo, my first two bits of graphic work are on the main site, that's kinda cool!


My day's been fairly boring, as is the norm at the moment. Although I did nearly fall over in a load of mud, that wasn't fun. Other than that I've just watched various downloaded stuff and the football. Decided I'm gonna try some anime (the only anime I've previously seen is Spirited Away, which I did enjoy), so am currently acquiring Full Metal Alchemist, dunno if that's a good place to start but it's only 51 episodes so at least it's not something that's 400 episodes in!

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Wooo, my first two bits of graphic work are on the main site, that's kinda cool!


My day's been fairly boring, as is the norm at the moment. Although I did nearly fall over in a load of mud, that wasn't fun. Other than that I've just watched various downloaded stuff and the football. Decided I'm gonna try some anime (the only anime I've previously seen is Spirited Away, which I did enjoy), so am currently acquiring Full Metal Alchemist, dunno if that's a good place to start but it's only 51 episodes so at least it's not something that's 400 episodes in!


My list of good anime would be



Cowboy Bebop

Samurai Champloo

Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann


Death Note


Those are series, movies would be


Howls Moving Castle

Princess Mononoke

Castle in the Sky

Grave of the Fireflies

(Those were done by the same people who did Spirited Away)



That's all I can think of atm.

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I've known a few lauras in my time, 50/50 chance of coolness. WHICH WILL SHE BE!?


Today, well, was watching the Obama thing then the doorbell went some silly woman with a questionnaire i stupidly told her i was trying to watch the speech come back later(come back in 15 minutes to be precise) rather than not come back at all, so she did and it was too alte to turn her away so she sat down in my house and asked me lots of questions and I felt bad as my mate was here and it took abotu 20 minutes and he couldnt hear the tv cos of her and blaahhhhhh but then at the end she told me i might get £15 if i do a followup written questionnaire and £5 for definite which is kind of nice, I guess.


Then brawled, then went Aikido, then come back and brawl some more. Thrown out my left tricep and left inside thigh like. Wednesdays usually ache enough as it is, then thursdays are even worse! I'm working both days too! I fear the morning! Had a nice chat with my mate(one of my smash brothers) over the night though, who's heading back to uni in the next week, really transitioned our friendship over the last year, and just thinking of that...well, quite awesome. He's never allowed to split up with his gf now, though(sorta know him through her).


To end this post, which should shortly be done with me going to sleep so I'm rested for tomorrow(not slept much this past week)...I shall pose a question to Coolness. Coolness! Where do you live...and what are you doing around about the 17th-19th of July, 18th in particular...?


Wooo, my first two bits of graphic work are on the main site, that's kinda cool!


My day's been fairly boring, as is the norm at the moment. Although I did nearly fall over in a load of mud, that wasn't fun. Other than that I've just watched various downloaded stuff and the football. Decided I'm gonna try some anime (the only anime I've previously seen is Spirited Away, which I did enjoy), so am currently acquiring Full Metal Alchemist, dunno if that's a good place to start but it's only 51 episodes so at least it's not something that's 400 episodes in!


Not my start so much, but probably one of the first anime series I was proper into. I'm not big into Anime really, just cos there's so much(and also with tons of episodes, as you pointed out), but FMA is goddamn motherfunking wickedtings all over the shop. Love it, absolutely love it, I'd love it with my penis if I could. I'd say once you're done, check out some Deathnote, it's only 44 episodes. It's not like FMA mind, just recommending some other short series Anime that I've actually seen.

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some comics ReZ lent me yonks ago. Blah.


Doooo eeeetttt. Seriously....its arguably as good as Invincible (NOT in my opinion...because I'm more of a super hero person) but..its just staggering. I believe its Images most succesful and highest selling comic.


Are we to presume then your birth certificate says 'Coolness Bears'?


Hahah! Brilliant.


Up, up, up...big down.


You're doing it wrong. Its in, out, in, out, shake it (all about when necessary)


Seriously though, whats up dude?


My night was fairly awesome. Amazon actually came through for once, as I arrived home my game had arrived. Its freaking sweet. Very complicated though. Can't wait to pump some hard tunes, ugetme?


Then I went out to the cinema with my friend (I hadn't seen in a while) to see The Wrestler - very good film. We just shouldn't be allowed out together to be honest. We play off each others humour and it gets nuts. When in the (long) queue for tickets I just made unrepenting gags about homo-eroticsm (OH! Then I saw my accquantiance from school...who I sat next to in English...and was in her form....and had over 3/4 of my lesson with) "Oh hi James"......I was like "James? Whaaaaat." lol. Bitch. ;)


I digress, I was making homo-erotic banter (film we about to see half naked men etc) I think the people behind could hear, and my friend was like "Stop." And I said "okay." I turned to the front, (it was the food bar too) "Ooooh hot dogs" I said, and everyone laughed. Quite lol.


Anyway the funniest thing was the journey back. I was in tears. We didn't stop talking. We are literally mental. Definitely something wrong with our brains. We talked in funny voices/advertisments/warnings about ; (Most of these things evolved into each other, as you will assume)


Canteloupe Lemon

Canteloupe Lepper

Canteloupe Leopard

Water Oranges

Water Chestpips


It was mental. Might make a YouTube skit about Water chestpips one day.

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