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Reminds me of a couple of my teachers.


Good luck.


Cheers Daft. I know I'm probably panicking when I don't need to be, but it's just the stress of so many exams in one week it's mental at college at the moment. I have to stay till 7pm tomorrow doing a Psych revision lesson. Please someone tell me Uni is a little more...laid back? *knows nothing* :heh:

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Just had a really weird moment...


I'm sat at the computer after having just had a shower and all of a sudden I didn't have a clue where I was. It's hard to explain, it's like I knew I was in my room but then my brain was telling me I was somewhere else. I actually had to completely stop what I was doing and look around really slowly to get myself re-orientated!


Crazy! :heh:

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Cheers Daft. I know I'm probably panicking when I don't need to be, but it's just the stress of so many exams in one week it's mental at college at the moment. I have to stay till 7pm tomorrow doing a Psych revision lesson. Please someone tell me Uni is a little more...laid back? *knows nothing* :heh:


Depends what course you do. Nothing will ever be as retarded as GCSEs though.


Who the hell thought textiles would be okay to make a GCSE out of.

Probably just offended someone. Sorry.

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Depends what course you do. Nothing will ever be as retarded as GCSEs though.


Who the hell thought textiles would be okay to make a GCSE out of.

Probably just offended someone. Sorry.


Lol, agreed. We actually have that at my college. There's an A-Level in it too, if I'm thinking correctly. Also...I don't get the Food Tech thing either. I'm sorry, but you can learn to cook at home in your spare time, do you really need five hours a week at school learning how? (Plus, in the foodtech lessons I used to have, they always made us cook ridiculous things, rather than practical recipes that might be useful later in life).


Fail. (Oh, and I'm doing a Journalism and or Film Studies course) :)

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I'd imagine it wouldn't be too much work to start with. The first year is always a dos. If you were doing a language there'd probably be a lot more work.


I do social anthropology. 11 contact hours a week (that includes a module in South East Asian history) and then I get a lot of reading on top of that. At the moment it is very easy. Partly because a lot of people on the course are as thick as shit.

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Oh sweet sweet sweet Christ.


The LEGO Count Dooku's chrome silver lightsabre hilt is the most beautiful thing I've ever seen....






Decent, basicaly just sat around in the art rooms, as the exam is this Wednesday-Friday.


KINDA know what I'm going to do.


I was listening to the little talk about portfolios the teacher was giving, and I hate. The only consistantly good things I do are my life drawings, and out of 20 pieces we should include, they shouldn't take up more than 8.


Most of my other stuff ends up looking like crap..

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I'd imagine it wouldn't be too much work to start with. The first year is always a dos. If you were doing a language there'd probably be a lot more work.


I do social anthropology. 11 contact hours a week (that includes a module in South East Asian history) and then I get a lot of reading on top of that. At the moment it is very easy. Partly because a lot of people on the course are as thick as shit.


Oh, Yay. I'm hoping it's less stressful than A-Levels have been. Ooo, 11 hours of contact? That's pretty damn good! So much less than the 20 odd I have at the moment. :D


Hehe, they can't be that thick...surely? *Probably has more faith in people that he should*

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Oh, Yay. I'm hoping it's less stressful than A-Levels have been. Ooo, 11 hours of contact? That's pretty damn good! So much less than the 20 odd I have at the moment. :D


Hehe, they can't be that thick...surely? *Probably has more faith in people that he should*


Really, some of them are so special needs it isn't funny.

Probably just offended someone. Sorry.

A couple of them are almost in awe of me because of how I am in the tutorials. I normally talk the most...actually sometimes I'm the only person who talks at all. This is coming from someone who never used to talk at all in class. I used to just sit, listen and only say something every now and again. Now you can't shut me up. :heh:


They aren't all like that though, thank god.

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Just had a really weird moment...


I'm sat at the computer after having just had a shower and all of a sudden I didn't have a clue where I was. It's hard to explain, it's like I knew I was in my room but then my brain was telling me I was somewhere else. I actually had to completely stop what I was doing and look around really slowly to get myself re-orientated!


Crazy! :heh:

I had a similar experience a few days ago. I went to the toilet, after the business, washed my hands and looked in the mirror at myself and then got confused. It was like I was looking at someone I'd never seen before, I didn't recognise myself. I'm being quite serious, it was a strange feeling and all I could think was 'what's going on...'

I had to stare at myself for a minute.

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I'm home alone with my sister tonight and there's nothing to eat or cook. Except some leftover pasta which I might eat soon. And a garlic bread. Which I tried to prepare in the oven.


Buttttt, since our oven is so old and crappy, it managed to completely burn the bread! It's supposed to be in there for about 15-20 minutes normally, but I checked after about 10 minutes and the entire top was black. =(

My sis and I have been trying to eat it while leaving the black part over... but it's just not the same and not very yummy. Booooh. Me is hungry.

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Really, some of them are so special needs it isn't funny.

Probably just offended someone. Sorry.

A couple of them are almost in awe of me because of how I am in the tutorials. I normally talk the most...actually sometimes I'm the only person who talks at all. This is coming from someone who never used to talk at all in class. I used to just sit, listen and only say something every now and again. Now you can't shut me up. :heh:


They aren't all like that though, thank god.


Lol! Oh god, that sounds pretty horiffic. Not that I'm calling myself the most intelligent guy on earth, but I'd hate it were I to be stuck with a bunch of dense head cases. I don't think I could last three years of it.

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I'm home alone with my sister tonight and there's nothing to eat or cook. Except some leftover pasta which I might eat soon. And a garlic bread. Which I tried to prepare in the oven.


Buttttt, since our oven is so old and crappy, it managed to completely burn the bread! It's supposed to be in there for about 15-20 minutes normally, but I checked after about 10 minutes and the entire top was black. =(

My sis and I have been trying to eat it while leaving the black part over... but it's just not the same and not very yummy. Booooh. Me is hungry.


Have you considered going to a shop? :indeed:

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Have you considered going to a shop? :indeed:


The nearest shop here closed an hour and half ago. =(


And I can't drive a car to any other shop... not that I think any are still open now anyway.

Heated up the leftover pasta but it kinda sucks too. Oh well.

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Lol! Oh god, that sounds pretty horiffic. Not that I'm calling myself the most intelligent guy on earth, but I'd hate it were I to be stuck with a bunch of dense head cases. I don't think I could last three years of it.


Good think about SOAS is that if you don't smarten up quick you probably aren't going to last.


I was kind of being unfair, it is very few people. But they are the ones I hear who ask the stupid questions.

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Damn that sucks dude. :(






Yeah, this isn't awesome ; (sarcasm)




Looks like a piece of expensive lego piping! Still I guess they have their audience.


My day has been okish been writing articles and working hard. Took lunch off to watch jermay kyle lol what a freak show that and maury are hillarious in a wierd way.

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Exam ooooooover! Considering all I need is 5 marks for a pass, I'm fairly confident of that. The second question was "does it matter if a tutor does not remember what a student says, but how they said it?" ... which led to about 5 pages of utterly informal verbal prancing about, calling tutors hippies and metacritical of the room I was in. Or something. Quite honestly I think exams are some weird drug to me - before them I always retch and make disgusting noises, and afterwards I do the same. Nerves, dudes, nerves. I walked home mega slow and nearly died from vehicle-related magnetism three times. Had a chat with a chav as I tried to overtake him; I think I insulted his shoes, too. Now feeling a bit high, actually.


I DO NOT KNOW WHAT TO BLAME FOR MY FAILURES AT LIFE! I feel guilty for not giving enough of a shit about university right now, and half of my courses teach me that reality isn't really there, and if it is it's all subjective; language is imperfect and it is impossible to ever translate your thoughts into accurate enough verbular renditions for another individual to every truly know what the fuck you are on about, yet even as you attempt to vocalise the true nature of your impression of the moment, or the tree, or the golf ball or whatever, you lose that ping into the pong of time, forever a new person, unable to go back but ever able to get up one day and climb a tree to sing "I'm the king of the castle/swingers" (depending on the tree), or spit on a car, or go to wales.


Usually at this point, I request an escort to transport me back to my cage, only they forgot to lock it while I was gone, and now it's full of birds and tigers and endangered species that simply won't leave and let me rot in peace.


ONE exam left! Poetree and the seeds of ambiguiteeey, malfunction in conjunction with the therapeeey!


jayseven's sensibility has left the building.

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