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Today me and my ho's were cruisin' in da ghetto, and we realised that all 3 of us had a freckle on our hand... IN THE EXACT SAME PLACE!!!

my day was none-too productive...



but tomorrow...!! i'll totally do more stuff tomorrow! OH YEAH.


You helped me today :D


Just sorting out the bibliography for my screenwriting project. Had to laugh at one of life's ironies; cited a report about a murder, the murderer was called 'Stephen Toogood'.


I just coughed so much I was sick by my computer. Then, when I went downstairs to the toilet, I was sick another three fucking times. Because it's just the coughing making me sick, at one point it all lodged in my throat, so I began to choke.


I swear, I've never felt more horrific in my entire life. If someones willing to, please kill me, now. Why did this have to happen in exam season?!


:( :( :( :(


Had a really nice talk with my ex, we met up at the pub with a bunch of our friends, and we got on the same as we always did, so we just talked now about what happened between us and discovered that we just, lost each other in a way? We slowly stopped texting and calling each other. We still get on like a house on fire, just going to be odd not seeing her as much thats all.


I think i got closure =]

This picture sums up my day today.




You had lots of tentacle sex?





Whoooo, I finished reading through my Art History book today! Now I just have to properly study it, haha. And study for another exam, finish writing an essay thingie and draw 6 illustrations, all due next week! Joy! XD


Just played a bit of Soul Bubbles, which Aimless sent me. It's a great little game! =D

You had lots of tentacle sex?



Eenuh! You of all people! ;_;


No, not quite. That song Shackler's Revenge by Guns 'n' Roses is on Rock Band 2 and it reminds me of an octopus. Not a clue what the lyrics are to the song and I no longer care; however, I have decided that the song is telling the story of an octopus called Shackler! And sharks have killed his family! So it's up to Shackler to go out and hunt them down!


There's an awesome solo towards the end which is the climax of the song: Shackler and the sharks are fighting :o


And then the final chorus is Shackler celebrating with the sea creatures, he defeated the evil sharks! Woo!





This is possibly the most creative I've been in months..


Just got an email from a tutor pointing this out. I can't say I recognise either of them, I guess they're in lower years.


Did you know...

Jayseven shares his birthday with David Bowie, Steven Hawking AND Elvis?

I'm not sure why I knew that.


Really? Awesome, I did not know that. All I knew was that I shared the day with Rowan Atkinson.


I had a dream Dyson tried to shoot me in a nightclub :o!


I was with some friends and he and his gang came over and he pulled a gun out at us and pointed it to us but couldn't quite do it, so passed it aorund and nobody did. During this I took pictures. The gun got back to Dyson and he was about to shoot it when someone (maybe me, dunno) tackled him to the ground and kept him there until the police came.


Then a few days later I went to my dad's with my nan to clear out a room and she went into the loft and found a bat and a chocolate labrodor puppy.


And also at some point (another dream I suspect) it was NYE and I was at some shoddy local football club and there was an old metal shelter and come midnight some kids fired off party poppers which caused the shelter to collapse on them. But thankfully the maority of the blow was taken by Ryan Hansen as he was there and is over 6 foot.




My day shall not be as interesting unfortunatly.

Eenuh! You of all people! ;_;


No, not quite. That song Shackler's Revenge by Guns 'n' Roses is on Rock Band 2 and it reminds me of an octopus. Not a clue what the lyrics are to the song and I no longer care; however, I have decided that the song is telling the story of an octopus called Shackler! And sharks have killed his family! So it's up to Shackler to go out and hunt them down!


There's an awesome solo towards the end which is the climax of the song: Shackler and the sharks are fighting :o


And then the final chorus is Shackler celebrating with the sea creatures, he defeated the evil sharks! Woo!





This is possibly the most creative I've been in months..


I'm sorry Dyson! I think this forum is having a bad influence on meeee! >.>;

But that is a cool story. Could turn into a huuuge blockbuster of some type!



I managed to oversleep. Badly. Was going to wake up somewhere between 8 and 8:30 to study, but I guess I somehow ignored my two alarms (or turned them off and simply went back to sleep). And the snooze button must have failed. Sooooo I only woke up half an hour ago (it's nooooooon) and now I feel bad that I haven't done anything yet today. Which means, no break for me until tonight when Desperate Housewives is on!


Blurgh - last night I checked me email and found my tutor had sent me a big PDF of stuff that would have been very useful to me if I'd had it when I started this bloody assignment. Ah well, he's offered me extra time if I need it. Frankly I'm not sure if he even gives a fig about the deadline - it's usually a couple of weeks until he marks anything we hand in. Makes it very difficult to keep motivated to keep deadlines. >_<


Gah. I just want this thing over and done with now anyway.


I'm considering aborting this attempt to start a normal life and basically flee back to Higher Education. Job hunting feels immensely futile right now and I've always fancied a Masters. Maybe I'll just skip the couple of years out I was thinking of and get down to it

I'm considering aborting this attempt to start a normal life and basically flee back to Higher Education. Job hunting feels immensely futile right now and I've always fancied a Masters. Maybe I'll just skip the couple of years out I was thinking of and get down to it


Come to London with meeeee! (I am in dire need of friends. Is it obvious? :p) but thats what I was like...kinda. I knew I didn't know what I wanted to do and I'd either settle for some hum-drum job or be unemployed and while doing a masters is kinda delaying making the decision at least im doing something productive with my time.


What ever happened to that uni admin thing?


Lol just got an email back from one of my lecturers called Mikel and he signed it 'M'. I was like "who do you think you are? Dame Judi Dench?" I restrained.


Making birthday plans :D The day itself I think I'll just go for a meal (as its Saturday and thats too pricey for students to go out). Although mentally prepping the checklist; me, couple, couple, couple, couple, couple :p. Theres a really nice restaurant I like but need to check if they have anything wheat AND dairy free. Rudding housemate :p And then the following Monday local club; Japanese themed. And probably a Wii day too.


Doesn't your brother live in London. Sleep on his floor. Im sure theres some way you could turn that into a chatup line too...


"I'll show you places you've never seen before"

"I'll give you an experience you've never had before"

"If you don't like me you can have my brother afterwards"


Always quality lines.

London would be crazy awesome buuuut...I has no money. It's looking like a local masters, for local people :heh:


This the Creative Writing MAs you looking at, ya?

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