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It was a tongue-in-cheek statement, but I mean, the girl who was i ncharge o the purchase of tickets literally gave me evils when I jokingly asked what'll happen when I turn up in jeans (smart ones at that).


Who wears a fucking suit to a shit disco (ha...Shitdisco.)?



I know where your tongue was, i was just messing :)

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I'd wear a suit to a shit disco just to be epic.


Work was okay. Except we had a load of stragglers from the Christmas fair right at the end but ah well. I think the two I worked with tonight are my favourite two.


Found out the delayed christening is next Sunday so I need to ring work tomorrow to tell them I can no longer work that day.


And my lecturer still hasn't emailed back to let me know if my assignment title is okay. Emailed him a few days ago and I wanted to start research this weekend. Bah.

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DAMN! Forgot I made a note to write down my awesome dream.


I was at the X Factor studio, with the enite crowd, despite it having finished (Ruth had been kicked out :(). It wasn't the actual studio, but it was the studio in my dream.


What I remember is that a section to the right of the main stage (near where I was seated) came down, like those walkways up to the doors of flying saucers, all smokey (and huge).


I'm pretty sure it led up to an empty car park, where I rode around a mini motorbike thing, looking in the few (empty) cars there. Then I remember being in a decrepit mansion, all the while still technically being in the building where the X Factor is filmed.



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got so angry with my dad i walked out the kitchen. he winds me up, treats my like a kid, acts like my exhema is a joke and makes fun of the fact im un employed. cant talk to him, seriously asking him to stop is taken as a joke.


after id calmed down, helped my parents get so christmas shopping done online. easier said then done when all the help you get is "classics" when looking for dvds.


in outher news i took handle and letter box off the door and sanded it.

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Been all over today. Went to dad's (20 miles away) to find something and failed. Got some sushi and went to see my mom. Then saw my friend at his work and he now works with someone I used to (rather gloomily she has just finished her degree and is now a saturday girl). Train to brum with friend. Brum was hellish busy. Had to queue to use the escallators in the bullring. Went for a nice meal at a french restaurant though.


Also found out housemate's laptop is not bluray (as she thought it may be) which means no bluray films for me still.

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My day was good so far. Was planning on getting up at 9:30am, but ended up waking up around 11 or 12.


Spent some time with my mates, got my Lee Evans DVD back which i lent out a few days ago, and now got to lend it to my parents. Darn it.


Now getting ready to go to the pub for a night of pool and jukeboxin as it were.

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Things are stressful for me right now. Moving out in just a few weeks, trying to sell as much as we can for money for travelling next year, and doing the necessary research/prepartion for travelling too. We have like two weeks until we move, and we have a wedding to go to next weekend which sucks because we've so much to do (and we dont really care about the wedding, which i know is harsh but meh, its my g/fs half-brother who we dont see very often).


On top of that, i have a crazy-ass deadline at work. Should finish up Prince Of Persia on monday, but then we have about 5 games each to cover in just two days for this mega feature. Its going to be hell.


Still, looking forward to Christmas and seeing my familly. Actually that reminds me, i need to write a letter to my dad to ask for travelling money. I have no idea how to do it, we're not exactly close or anything. But thats just how our familly was. He worked alot when we were yong so i didn't really get to know him. He loves me, i love/respect him, so here's hoping. He did offer me money for a house so im hoping he wont mind giving the same money for this instead. Eek.

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Well I woke up about 20 minutes ago. Went out last night - was alright. Didn't get drunk enough, mind you. Going to some house party tonight so I guess I ought to get up outta bed and dress meself.


You got up at 8.30pm? What the frak!? Lazy swinebag :p

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Oh heres one of the prank calls, part of my new series/experiment. (Nothing too exciting)



LOLZ! This ones kinda awesome. (Oh look, the still front pic, you can see the scar on my head. In my hair the line across near the front, is where I fell off my push scooter and it swang around and hit me in the head tee hee.)



Aaaand last one. This is just embarassing.



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