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Jav has pissed on supply and demand by not having my goods ready! :(


I know, that was her fault as well! Grr!


I have tried talking to her calmly, it doesn't work. Her attitude is all about getting the money we need, and she will just have to be strong to get through it. She's a scorpian, they're stubborn beings. She wont do less shifts. She's the kind of person that will suffer because she thinks its for the best in the long run.


Daddy took me to Halfords to pick up my fixed bike, which I rode home. It's weird riding a bike with hardcore breaks and tight suspension after so long of not doing so.


I'm also on the lookout for an mp3 player for Mummy to get me for christmas. This one has caught my eye, because I really can't be bothered with an iPod:




Daddy took me to Halfords to pick up my fixed bike, which I rode home. It's weird riding a bike with hardcore breaks and tight suspension after so long of not doing so.


I'm also on the lookout for an mp3 player for Mummy to get me for christmas. This one has caught my eye, because I really can't be bothered with an iPod:





Get a Microsoft Zune, they are quality. Easiest CD ripping and syching in the whole wide world. Easy to use, wicked sound quality, blah blah blah.


Although my bias shifts me towards a Zune 4/8. I'd have to say the more recent Walkmans have been fantastic little players.

Although my bias shifts me towards a Zune 4/8. I'd have to say the more recent Walkmans have been fantastic little players.

Is this good value so to speak, as these things go? The last portable music thing I bought was a minidisc player about 5-7 years ago.


My chemistry teacher is bullying me.



We had an argument about whether propanone dissolves in water or not, and made me redo the experiment three times, even though I knew I was right. Then he pointedly asked me what colour the benedicts solution had turned, (when it was my partner who had done that part of the experiment), then he shouted at me when I said greeny-blue (the correct answer) because that's not what had happened in our actual experiment.


Then he slagged off my hair. Then I asked whether all acids tasted sour (because we were talking about Citric acid), and he sighed as though that was the most obvious thing anyone has ever asked.


Then he force me to drink some sulphuric acid.


I was literally like "That's the most stupid idea I've ever heard in my life" and he was like "drink it", and I actually said I didn't want to do it.


Singling me out in front of the class aswell.


Technically illegal on so many levels. Forcing someone to drink acid.



It like tingled my mouth for like 10 seconds or something, and wasn't actually sore, but it's the principle that matters.


Like, actually the most blatant form of bullying/abuse I've ever witnessed.


^ If I was in your situation, I would've told the teacher to "fuck off."


Wouldn't be the best idea, as it usually meant a 5-day suspension.


Swearing at a teacher was like masturbating; it felt good at the time, but afterwards I was close to crying.

Well I'm waiting for teh VAT drop (why hasn't the forum talked about this yet?) before I start buying my presents - though I'm pretty sure prices won't be affected anywhere besides online stores - and even then I get the feeling I'll need to find some blogger who's actually mapped any changes between preices before and after. Meh.


Has anyone else heard this whole thing about a 13-month VAT cut from 17.5% down to 15%? It comes into effect on Dec 1st, and is a rather good idea - people will use the cheaper period to buy things they were previously on the fence about, and will thus boost the economy.


Also: I love the feeling when I realise I've done more work in an hour today than I did in all of yesterday. I reckon classical music helps. A lot.


Man, I'm such a trend setter!


Woke up to find my ear's completely blocked up. Kinda makes writing essays tricky as I'm laying sideways in order to get eardrops going. Lé sigh.

My chemistry teacher is bullying me.



We had an argument about whether propanone dissolves in water or not, and made me redo the experiment three times, even though I knew I was right. Then he pointedly asked me what colour the benedicts solution had turned, (when it was my partner who had done that part of the experiment), then he shouted at me when I said greeny-blue (the correct answer) because that's not what had happened in our actual experiment.


Then he slagged off my hair. Then I asked whether all acids tasted sour (because we were talking about Citric acid), and he sighed as though that was the most obvious thing anyone has ever asked.


Then he force me to drink some sulphuric acid.


I was literally like "That's the most stupid idea I've ever heard in my life" and he was like "drink it", and I actually said I didn't want to do it.


Singling me out in front of the class aswell.


Technically illegal on so many levels. Forcing someone to drink acid.



It like tingled my mouth for like 10 seconds or something, and wasn't actually sore, but it's the principle that matters.


Like, actually the most blatant form of bullying/abuse I've ever witnessed.


Grab your witnesses and march to head office, if they refuse to take action, then I'd threaten to take it higher. A teacher should not be singling anybody out and definately shouldn't be making you drink sulphuric acid.


Don't sweep it under the carpet.

Grab your witnesses and march to head office, if they refuse to take action, then I'd threaten to take it higher. A teacher should not be singling anybody out and definately shouldn't be making you drink sulphuric acid.


Don't sweep it under the carpet.


Realistically, I don't give that much of a shit.



Like, it's quite funny in some respects. And now I know what sulphuric acid tastes like (more sour than an atomic bomb sweetie).

Realistically, I don't give that much of a shit.



Like, it's quite funny in some respects. And now I know what sulphuric acid tastes like (more sour than an atomic bomb sweetie).


Aww but it'd be fun to get payback though, besides he sounds like a twat!

Grr, i'm so annoyed.


Okay, so me and my g/f have been trying to save up to go away next year and shes taken on loads of extra shifts to help. The only thing is, were also moving house soon and have a lot to plan. Anyway, with all the stress and tiredness shes become a right cranky bitch. I say one little thing or do something small to iritate her and she blows the roof off.


Its doing my head in. Even worse, shes annoyed with me because im not working as hard, but as i keep having to explain, i dont do shift work, i'm paid on a salary and dont get paid overtime. I cant just 'work more' like her. The only extra pay i can get is through freelance, and thats never guranteed.


Anyway, this morning i apparently woke her up and she again went mad because sleep is like gold dust to her. Jesus. I dont know what to do. I hate going home these days because i know were going to argue at some point. I'm sick of feeling guilty for having an hour or so to myself when shes at work. Any fun i have its like, "oh well, its fine for you sitting around watching TV or playing games while im at work". Well work less you stupid woman! I work full-time as it is, the few hours a night i get are precious to me and my sanity, and i'm using alot of those to help us move.


Why are women always so stressed anyway? Maybe its me, i know im very laidback and i rarely get stressed, but i just see no need for over-obsessing.



Get used to it.


@ Chairdriver - I had a similar situation to you when I was studying chemistry for GCSE. Might I ask which school in Edinburgh you attend? You're description of the teacher as being a 40 year old man with small man syndrome sounds suspiciously like a teacher I had at my school in Edinburgh called Dr. Mitchell.


Anyway, I wasn't forced to do anything as extreme as what you've been put through but I was certainly picked on by my chemistry teacher. I left it because basically he was a 60 year old man who was trying to stamp his authority all over someone to show his god-complex. I told him to fuck off several times with no reprecussions but I wish I had taken it higher than I did. Basically, you can take him aside and tell him he can stop picking on you or risk loosing his job. If he gets all mouthy, take it higher and it'll show him his job really is at risk and he'll soon stop it. Once they've been put in their place, they'll quickly stop. When I managed to pass my GCSE in chemistry with a B my teacher quickly stopped picking on me. I showed him that I wasn't as stupid as he thought I was.

@ Chairdriver - I had a similar situation to you when I was studying chemistry for GCSE. Might I ask which school in Edinburgh you attend? You're description of the teacher as being a 40 year old man with small man syndrome sounds suspiciously like a teacher I had at my school in Edinburgh called Dr. Mitchell.


Anyway, I wasn't forced to do anything as extreme as what you've been put through but I was certainly picked on by my chemistry teacher. I left it because basically he was a 60 year old man who was trying to stamp his authority all over someone to show his god-complex. I told him to fuck off several times with no reprecussions but I wish I had taken it higher than I did. Basically, you can take him aside and tell him he can stop picking on you or risk loosing his job. If he gets all mouthy, take it higher and it'll show him his job really is at risk and he'll soon stop it. Once they've been put in their place, they'll quickly stop. When I managed to pass my GCSE in chemistry with a B my teacher quickly stopped picking on me. I showed him that I wasn't as stupid as he thought I was.




Edinburgh Academy GET!


(I go to school with Chair)


^ Would high five but I personally thought EA wasn't exactly a great school, not for the amount of money it costs each term. And don't get me started on that Art Department. Tell me, are the Tossers still in charge? I presume they are, turning what was a fantastic department into a hell hole of brown nosing and terrible work. Well, that's what it was like when I was there a couple of years ago.

^ Would high five but I personally thought EA wasn't exactly a great school, not for the amount of money it costs each term. And don't get me started on that Art Department. Tell me, are the Tossers still in charge? I presume they are, turning what was a fantastic department into a hell hole of brown nosing and terrible work. Well, that's what it was like when I was there a couple of years ago.


Don't worry, I've had my (major) complaints with the school...but not recently.


Since I'm doing art as my main thing, I'm around them all the time, and I don't mind both Mr and Mrs. P. Considering he's my actual teacher though, I've never felt he really liked me that much...dunno. The other art teachers are nicer, but aren't as pushy, which is something I needed last year.


When did you leave? It's all changed now, new Science center about 2 years ago, new rector, and now we're Co-Ed. I'm in 7ths, atm.


I left in 2006, a year before I should have as I left in Sixths to go to college due to a rather large argument with said art teachers Mr and Mrs. P and the other one. Can't remember his name so you can tell he made a great impression on me. Basically left because I felt that the art teachers weren't doing their jobs properly and so when I complained that they were never in the lessons if anyone needed help, it basically boiled down to me saying that the department was shit and that they could fuck off. Went downwell as you can guess:indeed:. Bunch of hypocrites. :heh:


And yeh shame there's a new rector. He doesn't look all that imposing from what I've seen of him. The old one was shit scary if you had a confrontation with him. I made the mistake of having one with him over something which happened during a game of rugby and I thought I was going to die. His stare was just burning. He was my German teacher as well. Explains why I did so well in it.

I left in 2006, a year before I should have as I left in Sixths to go to college due to a rather large argument with said art teachers Mr and Mrs. P and the other one. Can't remember his name so you can tell he made a great impression on me. Basically left because I felt that the art teachers weren't doing their jobs properly and so when I complained that they were never in the lessons if anyone needed help, it basically boiled down to me saying that the department was shit and that they could fuck off. Went downwell as you can guess:indeed:. Bunch of hypocrites. :heh:


And yeh shame there's a new rector. He doesn't look all that imposing from what I've seen of him. The old one was shit scary if you had a confrontation with him. I made the mistake of having one with him over something which happened during a game of rugby and I thought I was going to die. His stare was just burning. He was my German teacher as well. Explains why I did so well in it.


Yeah Lightie was a legend. Hated him when he was my french teacher in 3rds, but after that he was ok. This new one has no prescence whatsoever.


Hmm, I don't really have that problem in art. He's usually, if not always, there or in the other room if needed. I think the one you don't remember is Mr.Murray? He was my teacher last year...he was nice, but I had no idea where I was going ,and he wasn't actually helping me get anywhere, or like stopping me when I was obviously ona rubbish path.


Day has been good i think. Work was a lot better than yesterday, actually had a laugh for a change which is nice.


Now at home and will be heading out for a couple of pints later on just for a change.

my cat scratch me today right across the wrist and it look like i have cut myself. :blank:


I miss my cats (well...technically they're my parents cats. Except Nero. He's mine!). Although Sparkle was a pain for scratches.

My chemistry teacher is bullying me.



We had an argument about whether propanone dissolves in water or not, and made me redo the experiment three times, even though I knew I was right. Then he pointedly asked me what colour the benedicts solution had turned, (when it was my partner who had done that part of the experiment), then he shouted at me when I said greeny-blue (the correct answer) because that's not what had happened in our actual experiment.


Then he slagged off my hair. Then I asked whether all acids tasted sour (because we were talking about Citric acid), and he sighed as though that was the most obvious thing anyone has ever asked.


Then he force me to drink some sulphuric acid.


I was literally like "That's the most stupid idea I've ever heard in my life" and he was like "drink it", and I actually said I didn't want to do it.


Singling me out in front of the class aswell.


Technically illegal on so many levels. Forcing someone to drink acid.



It like tingled my mouth for like 10 seconds or something, and wasn't actually sore, but it's the principle that matters.


Like, actually the most blatant form of bullying/abuse I've ever witnessed.

Erm, he could easily get sacked for that - I'd complain to another teacher and use some friends as witnesses. Even though drinking weak sulphuric acid probably won't be very harmful, it's hardly a brilliant idea, and drinking anything in a laboratory is terrible practice, so forcing someone else to is a pretty bad offence. My chemistry teacher hated me too - it sucks, but you have to put up with the other stuff. Provided you know you're right, you can just sit there and feel superior. Incidentally, propanone should dissolve in water as it's fairly small and has the polar C=O bond so can form H-bonds with water molecules. Frankly, if you know that and your experiments still aren't going properly, fuck it.

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