jayseven Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 You should try Watch Clocking instead. It's basically where you go around and ask people for the time, then punch them in the watch and run away.
Daniel Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 now I have nothing needed done over the weekend and I didn't leave anything til the last minute. Blasphemy!!!
Slaggis Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 I've got the oppurtinity to go and stay at York Uni tomorrow, on the "dog floor" (It's what they've named it). Haven't seen my mate in ages, and me and a friend have been invited to go over, then go to the pub/stay. I'm having a bit of a dilemma though. With people I don't know, I'm so shy, and feel so awkward. I don't know whether I dare go, even if it means not seeing my mate. *Sighs* -- Both I and my mate (Head girl, she dragged me into it) went round collecting for children in need for close to 2 hours. Went round the whole school/college and ended with a rather large amount of cash. Then had to have out picture taken, and as it was taken, I coughed. So I look like I'm about to throw up on the child infront of me.
nightwolf Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 I've got the oppurtinity to go and stay at York Uni tomorrow, on the "dog floor" (It's what they've named it). Haven't seen my mate in ages, and me and a friend have been invited to go over, then go to the pub/stay. I'm having a bit of a dilemma though. With people I don't know, I'm so shy, and feel so awkward. I don't know whether I dare go, even if it means not seeing my mate. *Sighs* Do ettttt! It makes life easier for you to decide whether you like halls or not. The idea anyway! Besides you get that and seeing your friend and it's not like your friend won't help you fit in alittle easier.
Slaggis Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Do ettttt! It makes life easier for you to decide whether you like halls or not. The idea anyway! Besides you get that and seeing your friend and it's not like your friend won't help you fit in alittle easier. She just called, and I told her I would come tomorrow night. My mind was screaming at me to not go, but like you say I figured in a year I might be living in halls so this will be a taster of that. Thanks for the advice anyways.
gaggle64 Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Clock watching is the worst thing in the world. I'm so bored. Literally nothing to do right now. Ahhh. o_______________0 For a second there I read that as "cock watching".
ReZourceman Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 For a second there I read that as "cock watching". I wish........ To clarify, I was on the query headset, which means I only have something to do if one of my colleagues had a query. Which they didn't cos we weren't that busy. Normally okay, because its bluetoothrayplayer so its portable, so I was sitting next to Tom and Molly, (having huge lolz) and then it ran out of battery (how? Surely it should be fully charged) damn incompetent previous users. o__________0 So yeah, then I had to sit at my desk. Couldn't really internet it that much you know. And yeah. Clock watched for an hour. Laaaame. But its all better now. Had a cheeky pint, and bit of a nit nat. Working tomorrow too, but literally its like wicked people working so it'll be lol.
Rowan Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 I'm happy its the weekend. Had a lie in this morning because of no lessons till 11. Plus I was at school last night for over 12 hours because of Open Evening. Also happy that Screenwipe is back this Tuesday :D
Ramar Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 It was one of those days when I woke up in an awesome mood. I can only imagine it was because I didn't have work last night. This weekend should be awesome.
Raining_again Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 I'm in Manchester with my sister for weekend/Christmas shopping Great fun except my freakin' hotel room is like right beside the lift. Noisy as. I had pizza in Pizza express and it was omnnom. Subway wins because you guys get double cheese option. But on second thoughts its probably better for my diet that we don't in ballymena!
Letty Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Since I've been internetless for some time, my social life has begun to re-emerge! Tomorrow night I'm going out. Also am doing my first (albeit illegal) comissioned piercing! And my boss wants me to do him a surface piercing soon. Possibly going to look into getting liscensed! Player hint: Don't let Jordan build flatpack furniture.
MoogleViper Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Flatpack furniture is a test of anyone's relayionship.
Raining_again Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Flatpack furniture is a test of anyone's relayionship. I love putting together flatpacks. How desperately sad am i?
Molly Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 My day was cool, didn't spend much time actually doing work-work. Was running around and sorting the children in need event, which included a bidding war that was most exciting for someone like me who works in finance. But woooooh, I have a warm and fuzzy feeling as we raised nearly a grand (with the company matching) so that's awesome. Today made me think I should do event organising as a...career, but then meh, probably didn't need a degree for that. Argh one day I shall decide what I want to be when I grow up. Oh also, after work drinks were hilarious, loves it. Weekend should be good, out for lunch tomorrow and then Big Night Out.
ReZourceman Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 I love putting together flatpacks. How desperately sad am i? I can kind of understand that. They can be a bit....interesting. LEGO is better mind. Never really got LEGO Pirate ships though...they seem like...expensive and not massively buildage. Having said that, LEGO Pirates hasn't been around for ages. Like I think *well* over 10 years. 14, maybe? Anyway its back next year, so I guess I'll have my first taste of it. Big Night Out. Is that....is that a thing? If not, then it must be pretty epic if its been capitalised. ----- Isn't Children in Need (the programme/s) pretty bollocks. Take That look completely gay (nothing wrong with them BTW, quite like their songs...a bit) but yeah. And yeah they just look a bit silly. Also theres this idiot at work, and shes an idiot. At this CIN event thing she goes "OMG this is so stupid Ive had two texts! Don't text me, I'm at work.".....But.....its on silent you idiot. No one cares. Wow, you had two texts. Its probably the doctor results, yes you have genital herpes. Cunt.
Ashley Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Slept. Found out uni Holistics students offer massages for £3 so need to book one of those. Did a bit of work. Went and printed off an assignment to hand in and saw several classmates panicking in the library. Wondered around town looking for presents but wasn't actually paying attention. Came back and worked more. Just cleaned the hamster and its cage, waiting for all the disinfectant to do its work. Work tomorrow but im really not in the mood to do anything. Just bleh.
Raining_again Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 I'm freakin' wired on lucozade and various other junk foods/sugar. And the stupid lifts haven't stopped zooming up and down over the past 4 hours. *dies*
Fierce_LiNk Posted November 14, 2008 Posted November 14, 2008 Today was alright, went on a school trip to a fort, which was cool. It was with the year 9s and they were learning about world war 1 and 2, and other information. Had a fun evening with housemates, and had a drink or two and we talked about random stuff. That's about it really.
Chris the great Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 ok, so started off going to gym, went via a hospital so my mate could pick up some work experience stuff, he got mad cos me and outher guy in the car waiting pressed evry button and threw all the stuff from the back to his seat. i also straped the middle seat belt round me, then the left and right one, making me tripplew safe. he didng find it funny. gym was uneventful but hard. played devil may cry 4 on hard setting. got completly destroyed due to insane hardness. went for a couple of s=pints with my dad, he told me about the time he pissed himself at work. i laughed hard. curry with mates was awsome, had a right laugh, though apparently my being daft and conversation upset the couple behind me, i wasnt being crude or anything, they can fuck off, pretentious wankers. a girl was with us that i have bad history with, spent the whole night making it clear she didnt like me, so i spent the night winding her up, she was going spare in the end.
jayseven Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 Player hint: Don't let Jordan build flatpack furniture. Flatpack furniture is a test of anyone's relayionship. I love putting together flatpacks. How desperately sad am i? .. I read all of those as 'flapjack furniture' and had an amusing yet a little disturbing image of jordan sobbing as he assembled a crusty bread made from caramelised porridge. I must admit I'm rather dissapointed that this was not the case. Next time I have flapjack, I must remember to try and make furniture with it. I'm freakin' wired on lucozade and various other junk foods/sugar. And the stupid lifts haven't stopped zooming up and down over the past 4 hours. *dies* Watched about 15 episodes of House today. Probably mentioned that already. Caught up with smallville. Pretty damn ace. Mentioned that too? Sorry... Ate quavers and tinned tmatoes and pesto and hot pepper sauce and chicken and chips. I R NO SPEELY! Not sp-- SLEEPY. Yweah. Not really. Maybe. Can't tell. Don't know what to do. Want to watch something? Play? No idea. Who knows. I don't know. I don't know about you; you might know, but that would be weird. You shouldn't know. ESSAY WEEKEND AHEAD! brb cola-get.
nightwolf Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 I R NO SPEELY! Not sp-- SLEEPY. Yweah. Not really. Maybe. Can't tell. Don't know what to do. Want to watch something? Play? No idea. Who knows. I don't know. I don't know about you; you might know, but that would be weird. You shouldn't know. ESSAY WEEKEND AHEAD! brb cola-get. GO TO FUCKING BED ALREADY! You've been up over a day and you are going to crash and burn, which means your essay won't be as good as it should be. Now freaking go to bed otherwise I'll come over and shoot you >_>
jayseven Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 What the heck you going to shoot me with? A seedling? a cup of shoes? Lies.
EEVILMURRAY Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 I hate my boss. He's an utter cunt. Especially when he gets drunk, which is basically every night since he works in the day. The people I work with smoke, so they disappear every now and then in the shift for a ciggie. It's only fair I have the same courtesy, which I do with some crisps. I get a "ciggie break" of my own and munch some McCoys, as I'm on my way in the boss has a go at me, saying I shouldn't leave the bar when it's busy. As he shouldn't have to end up serving someone if the other chap is too busy. There were quite a few people in the pub, but there was no one who wanted serving. I asked my mate if it was busy while I was gone and he said not really. Then when I get back on the bar there's no one to serve again. If the place was rammed I could see his point. But there was no one to serve. Then as the band playing took the piss leaving he was whining about me finding something to do because we couldn't move the tables back. I should just tell them to piss off and leave when I'm scheduled to. PLUS! Sainsbury's want to interview me [again] so I'm hoping I semi-get my job back. Then I can either cut my hours or just tell them to fuck off if they say I have to go. Imagine the way Heath Ledger left the class in 10 Things I Hate About You in the beginning and that's it.
Chris the great Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 What the heck you going to shoot me with? A seedling? a cup of shoes? Lies. that, my friend is epic, seedling is a great word, and cup of shoes? inspired.
Paj! Posted November 15, 2008 Posted November 15, 2008 Back from a a genuinely enjoyable party. Usually they're equally good and bad, but this was pleasant in every possible respect. I hate being drunk when a friend starts to cry though,as for some reasonm, you feel you should be crying to. Summary; Cluedo, Attic and the falling through into the ground floor, Britney Spears chat, the word "lovely" used too often and high-fiving.
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